Douglas hits the right level for intelligent seekers. I appreciate the balance he strikes on many points, and I appreciate his tone of dialogue. Douglas has the heart of an evangelist, someone who reaches out to people who don’t know Christ.
The information at your website has saved me from numerous contentious discussions… I look forward to leveraging your site for all it is worth. I have found your books to be very clear, concise and informative—great tools for my walk with Christ!
International speaker, debater and Christian apologist Dr. Douglas Jacoby has provided a valuable tool for laypeople with this introduction to reading the Bible. Students of the Bible understand that a historical background to biblical times is necessary for one to understand the Bible accurately. And Dr. Jacoby delivers the goods in an easily accessible format, serving the reader as a warm and interesting tour guide into the past. I wish I had this book as a college student!
Thank you for putting in words what I've felt for years, for broadening my perspective and challenging us all to think deeper.
You examine issues thoroughly, and from all sides, while your own positions are documented in a compelling—yet compassionate—manner… I am humbled by the way you constantly point the reader to God. The quote, 'If our God is small enough for us to understand, he isn't big enough for us to worship' sums this up well.
I have been listening to the podcasts daily for many weeks, and really feel I've grown closer to God. I've learned how to think biblically about the principles of God's word, and not just accept prevailing views, even from my own church culture. Thanks for sharing your own struggles as you teach these principles, and may God continue to bless your work around the globe as you help many to deepen their understanding of God and his word.
The tour "From Athens to Ephesus" was a dream come true. It was so excellently organized -- watching you lead was an absolute inspiration to me to become equally disciplined, so that I can do great things for God. In Corinth, Patmos, Laodicea, and all other other ancient sites, the Bible came alive like never before. This was a taste of heaven on earth, and created memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. In short, words fail me.
It was a privilege to attend your classes in Seattle. My wife and I appreciate your genuine reverence and responsible handling of God's word. We thank you for your courage and willingness to stand on your convictions. We feel honored that you have persevered in your relationship with our fellowship, as there are very few voices in our church today that carry the authority of love and truth, knowledge and experience, that yours does. Thanks for gently and humbly pushing us to repent of biblical ignorance. Jesus is clearly Lord of your life…
Douglas, you have challenged me to always be willing to embrace truth, no matter where it leads. Through your writing you have been a key person in my spiritual formation (and continue to be so). I am grateful for the times you have responded to my emails with great patience and grace. Finally, thanks for being a role model for me.
The biblical training course you taught in London proved to be a crucial turning point in the development of my faith, and subsequent service in Christian ministry. This opened my eyes to the richness, breadth, depth and heights of God's word -- for which I'm extremely (eternally) grateful!
Thank you for putting together such a great trip (2013 tour to Athens, Patmos, Ephesus). It was well-organized, and rich in locations & lessons. I truly appreciated all the research. The collection of people from so many different countries (15) is a testimony to the effect of your ministry. Thank you for your continued efforts to preach the word and to build the faith of so many around the world. My prayers for your strength and continued success in building your international ministry.
I just wanted to say how much Shining Like Stars (revised and reprinted as Till the Nets are Full in 2017) has meant to me. I’ve been encouraged and amazed by the depth of information, good organization, and pertinence to all of our needs as disciples. This is a great resource! Why re-invent the wheel? I wish everyone would read this practical book.
What a privilege to have you here with us in Switzerland, teaching us and our friends. Thank you for loving God’s Word, always digging deeper to discover the spiritual worth and truth of Scripture, whether in your books or in person. It’s inspiring to see how you let God use you in such a great way, traveling from city to city, church to church, teaching and preaching. Do come back!
We regard Douglas Jacoby as one of the bright lights in the field of apologetics in the twenty-first century. Heaven and Hell is an excellent, well-written book. We recommend it very highly.
I will always love and respect you and your family. I thank God that you are His servant. So many of us are benefiting from your faith, knowledge and understanding of God at work in the world past and in the present. The Bible is received with so much more respect because of your leadership in this area of the ministry. Keep learning, and keep teaching and motivating others under your guidance and God’s mercy to be better witnesses for Him.
Your ministry has become a vital part of my life, and I sense God’s Spirit moving! The podcasts and notes are clear. They help fortify my spirit. Thank you for allowing the scriptures to speak to your listeners.
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the vast tome of knowledge contained in your website. I use it quite often in my personal studies. I am acutely aware of the years and years of rigorous, scholarly work that has gone into it, and I am very grateful that you have made the fruit of that work available to all of us. I always caution myself not to view anyone as the “definitive authority” on anything—least of all the Bible—but please know that I find your balanced and scholarly approach most helpful. The website serves as a great starting place for my own investigations and research. Further, as my wife and I do more and more public speaking, we have also come to appreciate your incredible stamina when it comes to world travel! I have no idea how you do it.
I have rejoiced to hear…of the teaching ministry to which God has called you and of your concern for the church in the developing world.
Your books are certainly very helpful. Yet the most valuable thing I have learned from you has been to think critically on another level. I have learned to ask questions, to have great dialogue with people of other faiths, and to be confident to reach out to people who would normally seem intimidating. Keep up the great work.
Your website has been a great resource for our small group! We have found so many interesting things to discuss, not to mention the helpful books and DVDs. It also really educates me as I learn how to reach out to people with varying religious beliefs and backgrounds, including my friends who are hardcore skeptics. I am truly grateful that God is enabling me to touch some of my friends who otherwise greatly shy away from church and religion. After 20 years, it is encouraging to feel useful and re-energized in my faith and evangelism.
I’ve been reading through your book on Psalms, Thrive!, combining it with my personal study of Psalms. Each chapter is cutting deeper. Thrive! is really leveraging God's word. The two together are reawakening a dull heart. Thank you!
Thrive! Is a simple but stimulating read. I love your opening challenge (perfect for older Christians)… Many are simply surviving, not thriving. The book is so practical; I am already preaching and teaching from it. Thanks again for your example of faith and diligence. During the "dark ages” in our fellowship of churches, when little teaching was being done, you were lighting torches. And you continue to “trailblaze" in many ways.
I just want to say thank you so much for your excellent work. The 30 days of podcasts on Christ Through the Ages was so helpful. It was an eye-opener. I was convicted about how I'd become complacent in knowing about the narrow gate yet lacking zeal in sharing with non-believers. I will certainly repent and refocus.
What a great writer. I love your style, broad-mindedness, level-headedness & sensitivity to the more “simple-minded" believers (regular people) you encounter. It’s clear, from the Q&As at your site, that you have the gift of educating while spurring people to think for themselves. You are succinct, and help us to "connect the dots” without being overbearing. All this — and humor, too. I love it all.
Keep up the great work!
I have just read your "hell book" and it is superbly balanced. I love all of the references. Your strength is that you do a very thorough job of covering the topic, but make it accessible to us "laymen." I was surprised to find that you consider yourself a "layman.” I'd consider you more of a "field scholar." We have a good number of "ivory tower" scholars. We need more field scholars such as yourself. Thanks for all that you do, Douglas!
Thanks for your website and especially for your podcasts. I bought the subscription for my husband’s birthday, and he loves it! It's provided a tremendous amount of teaching and encouragement for him. Also, your lessons helped me to have constant time with God when I completed my degree — as a working mom, Christian wife, and active church member. So thanks for the support you have provided to help keep us in our Bible.
As an engineer and Christian for more than 20 years, I've read, watched, and listened to your resources all along the way. Your collection of newsletters, online content, debates, sermons, and articles has brought greater faith and great motivation to teach others. Douglas, you’ve really have helped the "thinker" in me to believe and the "believer" in me to think!
I am writing to thank you and your AIM teachers for opening my eyes to a whole new world. I must admit, it’s sometimes scary to be a part of that world, but ultimately I am much more free and learning to be dependent on God instead of on church culture. As your website says: “Think About Faith.” I’m grateful for the journey I’m currently on, and it’s strangely comforting and very refreshing to be “out of the box.” Thank you for being courageous enough to teach on the unpopular, and make us question what we are doing.
Professor Jacoby, after a dozen graduate-level courses at my university, yours was the first course that made me cry! The unit on Morality & Suffering was so personal and practical. It deeply stirred me, compelling me to engage in some much-needed soul-searching. Thank you!
This is the book I wish I had walking into college!
I loved your talk on Cultural Apologetics at the Denver chapter of Reasonable Faith. By far the best I've heard on postmodernism and culture.
I am very thankful for your ministry. It opened my eyes to a whole new world!
Thank you for your openness to Christian truth, wherever it may be found. Specifically, I'd like to thank you for the class you gave on campus in São Paulo. The content was great. You taught with wisdom and humility. But what really caught my attention was your willingness to dialogue with the students. You listened to them with kindness, considering their thoughts and answering in gentleness and love. Your example was a great lesson for me. Thanks for letting God use your whole life—with all the gifts He gave you.
Going on your website is like going to the grocery store for a bottle of milk and then coming out with a cart full of groceries. I just came to look at one thing, and ended up spending the day there!
Thanks for taking care of us.
The heart, it has been well said, cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects. With a professor’s mind and a pastor’s heart, Douglas Jacoby works tirelessly to help Christians to think more deeply about their faith. His books, videos, podcasts, and debates exhibit the best kind of Christian scholarship – informed, reverent, and reasonable. I wish we had a thousand more like him.
When you preach your teaching, it always challenges my mind and heart. I love your sermons, like yesterday’s 'How’s Your Biblical Stamina?'. Thanks for all the preparation, and your travel, which not only encourage the saints, but give you an authentic perspective on Christianity without borders.
I am truly grateful for the AIM team. Your desire to explore and teach the depths of God's word has changed my life and shown me a path to draw closer to God. I wish I could repay you in some form for the treasure you have taught me to find. I love our God, Jesus, Spirit and His word like never before and more with each passing day. Through application of what I learn I have been used to change other lives and baptize some. I am in awe of God seeing the ripple of his love spread across the world through people and their changed lives. It was your teaching, laughter, and stories in AIM (and all the emails) that fanned my small spark of faith into a flame. I am forever grateful.
I appreciate your careful, measured approach to the scriptures, and I'm grateful for your ability to articulate your points. You do a great job of supporting your views through scripture, while providing enough historical background and context to bring it together cohesively. I recently ordered a copy of your book, Informed, and I'm looking forward to reading it. — B. Gatewood
Thank you for posting in podcast form. Just listened to lesson on Abraham and loved the lessons on faith. Inspiring and challenging! Love your website as well.
- Anne from CA
Douglas provides such helpful and practical insight in short and digestible chunks! I love this podcast!
Thank you for the [January 2021] Isaiah series. One of your best, in my opinion! Every year I appreciate the kickoff study series you produce for the new year.
-- R.F.
The iFaith lessons have been a perfect resource for our online men's group. They provide a good Bible lesson and facilitate discussion. Thanks for those lessons!
Going on your website is like going to the grocery store for a bottle of milk and then coming out with a cart full of groceries. I just came to look at one thing, and ended up spending the day there!
Thanks for taking care of us.
I have been enjoying my copy of Amen immensely. I love the fact that there are so many prayers that I can relate to, and this has opened up my appreciation of other ways to communicate my thankfulness to God. I have also enjoyed the references to the authors of the prayers, as it has given me more insight into the authors who I am familiar with and their struggles. Thanks for compiling these prayers.
— Dr. Peter Swaby (Kingston, Jamaica)
I want to thank you and Vicki for the amazing series On Location with Jesus. It brought back memories and images from the 2022 Israel tour with you, and was very helpful to visualize the places Jesus had been to. I found it original and refreshing, especially as Vicki and you complemented each other wonderfully, offering a more complete picture of what the Bible says about Jesus and his journey.
— B.T., Prague, Czechia
Douglas and Vicki, I want to thank you for "On Location with Jesus." The talks the two of you have recorded together have been, in my opinion, some of the most encouraging, informative and thought-provoking work you have done. They also take me back to the morning devotionals that you did for us in Kathmandu, Nepal. I appreciate the many articles and audio talks at your website. — K.I.
The Sunday life sessions on Suffering were great! I was totally captivated till the end, especially seeing the pattern of God's tendency in the Bible to delay when his people are suffering. This encourages me to continue serving through the disappointments, even when I am not seeing the results I want. They many examples you shared of various Christians enduring made the principles even more relatable. Also, you do a great job working translators.
Your visit was a tremendous blessing to all of us in many ways: our youth were inspired, and members strengthened and challenged; the Christian organizations in the city responded positively. Many of our friends who came were impacted, and we are looking forward to following up with them and helping them in their spiritual journey.
Thanks also for getting time with our leaders and providing the training materials.
— Roger Mathew (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
I wanted to thank you for putting together Amen: Collected Prayers and Hymns for the Journey. This has been a wonderful addition to my daily routine, and has brought me into deeper connection with the saints and great spiritual thinkers of the past. — D.S.