A national disciple making movement in North America is starting to take off. Groups and networks are forming everywhere. Over 1400 pastors and leaders from around the country joined 17 networks/organizations at our second annual National Disciple Making Forum last fall. It is a big topic at many other gatherings, from the Exponential Conference to the Southern Baptist Convention, and beyond. We are really jazzed about this fact.
Here are 10 trends to watch in 2018.
1. There will be increasing calls for discipleship because our current ways of doing church are less and less effective
I heard that statement many times in the last six months. It is coming from diverse groups: the Gospel Coalition, missional leaders, pastors on the left, the right and down the middle. I am hearing it from leadership experts and church growth experts. They all intuitively know that our culture is discipling more and more Christians to reflect the values and practices of the world, and Christians need a counter-action plan. They know that the answer is discipleship, but they do not fully understand what that means (see below).

Executive Director, Discipleship.org
P.S. Sign up for next year's National Forum in Nashville October 25-26 by clicking here.