Can a Person be Gay and a Christian?
The Christian's Response to Gay Affirming Theology
Pro-gay advocates and gay affirming churches propagate the notion that an individual can embrace
homosexuality while being a follower of Christ.
Are they right?
Are they wrong?
Available in both digital
and soft cover.

“This is one of the most important Christian books of our generation; a must read for Christian educators, Clergy, Church Boards, and all Christians!”
Kevin Cavanaugh
Executive Director
Free to Care Canada


"If anyone has earned the right to teach on the biblical view of homosexuality, it is Guy Hammond. He has changed countless lives all over the world."
Gordon Ferguson
Author and Lecturer
Dallas, Texas

Watch the Movie FINDING GUY on YouTube
Nominated for Best Director and Best Documentary at the
2018 International Christian Film Festival in Orlando
Strength in Weakness | PO Box 20041, Orillia, Ontario L3V 7X9 Canada |