
About: admin

Recent Posts by admin

Christmas Origins: “The Man Who Came in from the Cold”

I wrote the following piece in the mid-1980s. The audio talk (14 mins) is based on the original paper. The Man Who Came in from the Cold I remember the… Read More

Helpful Books (extensive bibliography), Version XXXV

Click for an extensive, and continually developing, bibliography for the reading Christian. Helpful Books Apr 2024 – Version XXXV 

The Sinner’s Prayer (with updated reflections), by Stephen Staten

Introduction C.S. Lewis used the term ‘a great cataract of nonsense’ to describe how people use a modern idea to construe Bible theology. One such example, perhaps the best example,… Read More

A (more accurate) Medical Account of the Crucifixion

A Medical Account of the Crucifixion Simplified & Amended [1] Hanging, electrocution, knee-capping, gas chamber: these punishments are feared. They all happen today, and we shudder as we think of… Read More

Précis of Instone-Brewer’s books on divorce and remarriage

David Instone-Brewer, a British scholar who specializes in Rabbinic Judaism, writes the most biblically on-track books on the subject of marriage-divorce-remarriage. For the précis, CLICK  HERE. Note: you can also… Read More

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