AIM, the biblical training wing of the international teaching ministry, has found sponsorship for many students in the developing world. Would you contribute to, or wholly underwrite, one of our current needs?

SPECIAL NEED: Scholarships for two students in Bangladesh. They have been seeking support since late 2009, though without any offer of help. The brothers lead in a nation that is 99% Muslim. When I was there in 2009, the church of 50 had at least 200 visitors (many more turned away), including Muslim seekers. I will return sometime in 2011, hopefully bearing some good news for them.

We are offering the scholarship to them with a 50% discount. Please send an email if you would like to help or would like to know more details.

UPDATE: One half of the need has been met by a family in the Northwest. Another quarter is being met by a family in Georgia. We still seek funding for half of the 2nd years, as well as any help towards book purchases. (In Bangladesh, a single book can cost the equivalent of 1-2 weeks' salary.) Please consider helping.