

Spiritual Abuse in Marriage

Posted: September 20, 2019

This is part 1 of a 2 part series. Written by:  Darby Strickland, Counselor Read part 1 here.

Shared Church

Posted: September 19, 2019

“. . . members together of one body and sharers together . . .”  (Eph. 3:6) Shared Church aims to encourage Christians and churches to practice participatory body life—the one-anothering… Read More

Facts Concerning Social Media Use in 2019

Posted: September 16, 2019

Social Media – A powerful tool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k_G_h41ZaQ  

Gauging The Health of Your Church Members

Posted: September 12, 2019

By CSN on Sep 05, 2019 01:00 pm There are many ways you can assess the spiritual health of your church members. Faith, regular church attendance, and engagement in community… Read More

What is the Bible? (Rob Bell), by Jon Sherwood

Posted: September 7, 2019

“Just let the Bible be whatever it is.” … But just what is the Bible? What is the Bible? This is a vitally important question. Rob Bell is a famous… Read More

Understanding Myths That May Hold Us Back

Posted: September 5, 2019

Don’t Be Fooled Into Believing These Final Two GRIEF MYTHS You have taken from me my closest friends and have made me repulsive to them. I am confined and cannot… Read More

Faithfulness Is Not Theologically Complicated (Greg Koukl)

Posted: September 2, 2019

Greg Koukl continues to turn out thought-provoking articles, accessible and interesting. (Personally, I thought his section on salvation was over-simplified, but every other section was excellent. – DJ) Faithfulness Is… Read More

The Evolution of a Homeschooling Mom

Posted: August 29, 2019

By Kendra Terpstra on August 16, 2019 Whenever people ask me how I found out about BioLogos, I usually give them a quick elevator speech that begins with when I first read… Read More

The Developer’s Dark Side, by Craig Groeschel

Posted: August 26, 2019

This thought-provoking podcast explores four critical weaknesses in leadership: controlling, criticizing, avoiding, and rescuing. Craig Groeschel is connected with Life Church, and puts out a monthly podcast. Listen here.

Season 2 of Language of God

Posted: August 26, 2019

“One thing I see at the orthodox cores of our traditions is that at one and the same time we are to hold faithfully to truth as we know it… Read More

The Billy Graham Rule Goes to Court | News & Reporting | Christianity Today

Posted: August 23, 2019

A North Carolina sheriff’s deputy sues his former employer for religious discrimination after it wouldn’t accommodate his request to not train a female officer one-on-one. David Roach August 20, 2019… Read More

Searching for Disciple Making Churches and Movements in North America?

Posted: August 21, 2019

Dear Discipleship-First Tribe, We want you to become the disciple maker God intends you to be. For those of you who are church leaders, we also want you to develop… Read More

“Our Family Spent Too Much Money Last Year” by Patrick Blair

Posted: August 21, 2019

Late last year, I noticed our family checkbook was getting very light. Dread filled my mind as I realized that we would need to borrow money to pay our bills… Read More

Video on Relativism

Posted: August 16, 2019

Today, PraegerU released Paul Copan’s five-minute video on relativism—“True for You, But Not for Me.” This is a great platform for intelligent public discourse on this topic and its pernicious… Read More

Christian Cyborgs?!? A Serious Conversation About Science and Humanity

Posted: August 2, 2019

Man melding with machine. Anti-aging technology. Brain-computer interface. Gene-edited “designer” babies. Some scientific advances go beyond helping humanity overcome obstacles. They actually begin to help humanity overcome, well . …. Read More

Two Things to Know for Back-to-School Time

Posted: July 31, 2019

First – Learn from Disciple Making Leader: Small Circle Steve McCoy is the leader of Small Circle, one of our trusted disciple-making partners. Here’s what he told us about his ministry… Read More

Ebola survivor Dr. Kent Brantly returning to Africa as medical missionary

Posted: July 16, 2019

FORT WORTH, Texas — Dr. Kent Brantly sat on his counselor’s couch and wept. The tears came last summer as the Christian physician visited with Dottie Schulz, a missionary care volunteer… Read More

How to Avoid the Professor’s Ploy, by Greg Koukl

Posted: July 10, 2019

Part 7: Greg addresses a situation where you may be tempted to take on the burden of proof in conversation about Christianity. Watch video here.

Tired of Living as Predictably as a Facebook Advertisement? – Renew.org

Posted: July 6, 2019

  Headlines were buzzing with the announcement. Facebook had introduced a new metric that would significantly revamp their algorithms. Continue here.

These Guys Don’t Panic at Tough Questions

Posted: July 2, 2019

In his own words, comedian Ricky Gervais went “from Jesus-loving Christian to fun-loving infidel in one afternoon.” Ricky Gervais was 8 years old. He was drawing the Crucifixion as part… Read More

When the terrorists came for us | The Christian Chronicle

Posted: July 2, 2019

After his wife became Muslim to appease militant Islamists, he fled with their children — and found Christ. Erik Tryggestad President and CEO DONO-MANGA, Chad — In this rural African village,… Read More

Is animal suffering part of God’s good creation? – Common-questions – BioLogos

Posted: June 28, 2019

If God is good, and loving, and powerful, how can we account for the enormous amount of animal (and human) suffering caused by predation, disease, and natural disasters? Traditionally, Christians… Read More

Subject: 4 Things I Would Like to Say to Taylor Swift as a Pastor

Posted: June 25, 2019

Renew.org     4 Things I Would Like to Say to Taylor Swift as a Pastor   June was a big month for Taylor Swift as she embraced LGBTQ month,… Read More

“We Are Church,” by Francis Chan

Posted: June 23, 2019

History — We Are Church A Brief History of We Are Church. Excerpt from Letters to the Church, by Francis Chan. Why I Left My Megachurch In 1994, when I… Read More

“Think about it…”

Posted: June 21, 2019

Two twin boys were raised by an alcoholic father. One grew up to be an alcoholic and when asked what happened he said “I watched my father”. The other grew… Read More

Opinion | The Day Christian Fundamentalism Was Born – The New York Times

Posted: June 18, 2019

How a meeting in Philadelphia changed American religion forever. By Matthew Avery Sutton   Mr. Sutton, a professor of history at Washington State University, is the author of the forthcoming “Double… Read More

Church Intensive

Posted: June 18, 2019

LEARN CHURCH PLANTING FROM OUR PASTORS a note from francis Haven’t you always been a bit confused about Church?  You read about the unstoppable power, miraculous love, and outrageous sacrifice… Read More

The 5 points that led me to leave Calvinism, by Dr. Leighton Flowers

Posted: June 17, 2019

Many have asked what specific points led me away from Calvinism. Being a Professor of Theology that once affirmed TULIP gives me a unique perspective on this subject. However, I… Read More

TheHistoricFaith.com by Sattler College and Scroll Publishing

Posted: June 17, 2019

  We are excited to introduce you to  TheHistoricFaith.com . The Historic Faith is the result of a partnership between Sattler College and Scroll Publishing. This project seeks to promote the precepts… Read More

Our Manhood Crisis – An Interview with Robert Lewis

Posted: June 17, 2019

Something ominous is happening to young men today; it’s a crisis…and strangely, we are not talking about it. A recent USA Today article captured the essence of the crisis with the article “Boy Crisis Threatens America’s… Read More

Who Was? Series

Posted: June 16, 2019

With over 150 titles, Penguin’s Who Was? series tells the incredible stories of trailblazers, legends, innovators, and creators. Play the Who Was Adventure game! Download the Who Was series app… Read More

The Lost Interview with Cathy Hammond

Posted: June 14, 2019

My wife Cathy passed away on August 13, 2018. We were married for 28 incredible years. Through our Strength in Weakness ministry, we traveled the world telling our story and… Read More

Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds | The New Yorker

Posted: June 12, 2019

New discoveries about the human mind show the limitations of reason. The vaunted human capacity for reason may have more to do with winning arguments than with thinking straight. Illustration… Read More

The preachers getting rich from poor Americans – BBC News

Posted: June 12, 2019

Televangelist Todd Coontz has a well-worn routine: he dresses in a suit, pulls out a Bible and urges viewers to pledge a very specific amount of money. “Don’t delay, don’t… Read More

Einstein and God

Posted: June 11, 2019

      “The more I study science, the more I believe in God.” “I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or… Read More

A Discipleship Group You Can Start Tomorrow

Posted: June 10, 2019

Friends,   As a Renew subscriber you likely aspire to be a disciple who makes disciples. We want to help make that as easy as possible for you. This is… Read More

Sexual Ethics, Homosexuality and Thoughts on the Passing of my Wife (by Guy Hammond)

Posted: June 7, 2019

Today I get to sit down with the founder of Strength in Weakness Ministries, Guy Hammond, to discuss how to live a life of holiness when you’re same-sex attracted. -… Read More

Did the Samaritans Get a Bum Rap?

Posted: May 20, 2019

If you read the Bible—especially the New Testament—it’s pretty easy to come away with a bad impression of Samaritans. In fact, most of us would probably rank the Samaritans just… Read More

Centering Christ in the Modern Wedding, by Jennifer Francis

Posted: May 15, 2019

Centering Christ in a Modern Wedding Traditional white weddings with vows exchanged at the altar and church bells signaling holy matrimony seem few and far between these days. Indeed, church… Read More

Is the Holy Land the Promised Land? | The Christian Chronicle

Posted: May 9, 2019

Is the Holy Land the Promised Land? Leading evangelical supporters of President Trump tout the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Scholars in Churches of Christ… Read More

Video 2: Can You Be Gay and a Christian?

Posted: May 6, 2019

Can You Be Gay and a Christian? See why over 100,000 people have attended a Strength in Weakness workshop!   SIW HITS  THE ROAD   Madrid, Spain Guy Hammond May… Read More

How a U.S. Church Baptized 3729 People in One Year

Posted: May 4, 2019

  Friends,   Many Renew leaders have success stories to share. We want God to get the credit in these stories. We also want to learn from these stories how… Read More

Where Do Moral Laws Come From? | Stand to Reason

Posted: May 3, 2019

Where Do Moral Laws Come From? We can be good without God, but would goodness even exist without God? Greg Koukl explains the argument for God from morality. https://www.str.org/video/where-do-moral-laws-come

Terrorists in Burkina Faso Execute Six at Pentecostal Church

Posted: May 3, 2019

(UPDATED) Assemblies of God pastor preferred to “die for his faith rather than leave the village” he served for decades.  Kate Shellnutt [Updated May 3 with further remarks from Assemblies… Read More

May News from Tyndale House

Posted: May 3, 2019

May News from Tyndale House Dear friends, At Tyndale House we are passionate about supporting evangelical biblical scholars, and ensuring that Christians across the world benefit from their work. In… Read More

Introducing … Language of God

Posted: May 2, 2019

A BioLogos podcast on science and faith The new BioLogos podcast is live! We’re very excited about this latest way to extend the BioLogos mission. Long-form audio broadcasts have become… Read More

Video 3: When Your Kids Tell You They Are Gay

Posted: May 1, 2019

#3. “When Your Kids Tell You They Are Gay” Steve Bowen 4 min #1. “Is It a Sin If You Feel Gay?” Guy Hammond 3.5 min #2. “Can You Be… Read More

Tolerant, Non-judgmental, and Loving: What Do These Have to Do With Discipling Relationships?

Posted: April 24, 2019

Dear Discipleship-first Tribe, Disciples of Jesus are facing a subtle but pervasive challenge in North America right now. Left unchecked, this challenge erodes the convictions of everyday disciples, leaders, and… Read More

The Samaritan Passover

Posted: April 23, 2019

Growing up in suburban Cincinnati, sacrifices were not part of everyday life. I know, some of you are probably shocked by that revelation. Sacrifices were something I read about in the Bible… Read More

2019 BioLogos Conference: Videos

Posted: April 19, 2019

Browse the presentations from the 2019 BioLogos Conference!

State of the Bible 2019: Trends in Engagement

Posted: April 19, 2019

Each year, Barna examines behaviors and beliefs related to the Bible among American adults, a study conducted in partnership with American Bible Society. In the 2019 “State of the Bible” report,… Read More

Is It a Sin if You Are Homosexually Attracted?

Posted: April 18, 2019

See why over 100,000 people have attended a Strength in Weakness workshop!   SIW HITS  THE ROAD   Madrid, Spain Guy Hammond May 5, 2019 La Iglesia de los Disćipulos… Read More

5 Ways to Disciple People in Light of Easter Weekend

Posted: April 17, 2019

I am a senior pastor; I have been one for more than 30 years. So, I know the subtle pressure that can sneak in: to produce, provide and program for… Read More

Stress Mess: 3 In 5 Millennials Say Life More Stressful Now Than Ever Before

Posted: April 9, 2019

From slow WiFi to broken phone screens to zero “likes” on social media, everyday stressors are causing young adults to have struggles falling asleep 138 nights each year, researchers say…. Read More

How Apologetics Can Address the Six Reasons Why Young People Leave the Church

Posted: April 4, 2019

From Stand to Reason (www.str.org) After a five-year study, Barna Research president David Kinnaman found that 6 in 10 young people leave the church either permanently or for an extended… Read More

Conversion is not your mission, pope tells Catholics in Morocco

Posted: April 1, 2019

From Reuters News: Conversion is not your mission, pope tells Catholics in Morocco http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-pope-morocco/conversion-is-not-your-mission-pope-tells-catholics-in-morocco-idUKKCN1RC0FJ Pope Francis told the tiny Catholic community in predominantly Muslim Morocco on Sunday that their mission… Read More

Why I am NOT a Gay Christian, by Guy Hammond

Posted: March 29, 2019

Why I am NOT a Gay Christian By Guy Hammond Executive Director, Strength in Weakness Ministries “You are not being your authentic self, you’re a liar and a fraud.” “You… Read More

Scriptures that Prove God Condones Homosexuality, by Guy Hammond

Posted: March 22, 2019

A List of All Scriptures that Proves God Condones Homosexuality By Guy Hammond Executive Director; Strength in Weakness Ministries Does God love homosexuals? Of course, God loves everyone! But where… Read More

The Burden-Free Step in Discussing Christian Beliefs, by Greg Koukl

Posted: March 21, 2019

Greg explains the importance of listening and encourages Christians to remember that the one who makes the claim bears the burden. Play the 3-minute video by clicking here, and/or read… Read More

How Universalism, ‘the Opiate of the Theologians,’ Went Mainstream

Posted: March 20, 2019

Image: Illustration by Rick Szuecs / Source image: Courtesy of Baker Publishing Group Michael McClymond decries the rising popularity of an idea Christians have rejected for most of church history…. Read More

Modern-day ‘sticks and stones’ | The Christian Chronicle

Posted: March 20, 2019

Photo from Pixabay.com Feb. 28, 2019 Modern-day ‘sticks and stones’ Before you type, maybe you should ask, ‘What would Jesus tweet?’ By  Chellie Ison ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones,… Read More

An integrated media evangelism solution for churches

Posted: March 18, 2019

“… so that by all possible means I might save some.” 1 Cor 9:22  Does your church have an integrated and compelling online presence to impact your community? Your church leader needs to focus… Read More

What Does the Bible Teach About Baptism?

Posted: March 18, 2019

Dear Renew Friends, This month we are emphasizing what the Bible teaches about baptism – and a key resource on baptism. Let me explain why this may be important to you… Read More

How the Poor Became Blessed, by Pieter van der Horst

Posted: March 14, 2019

Greco-Roman gods had no interest in the poor nor was organised charity a religious duty. How was Christianity different? Photo by DeAgostini/Getty In Greco-Roman culture, the well-to-do weren’t expected to… Read More

Why Is the Culture of a Disciple Making Church So Important?, by Bobby Harrington

Posted: March 13, 2019

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” That statement, attributed to the most influential management guru of our time, Peter Drucker, describes a reality church leaders must face in the pursuit of… Read More

The Benefits of a Stiff Neck?, by Rob Kranz

Posted: March 11, 2019

The Benefits of a Stiff Neck? by Rob Kranz This is my first post since arriving back in Jerusalem. The time is flying by at blazing fast speed. As I write this,… Read More

No Cheeks Left to Turn: The Double Persecution of Africa’s Largest Church

Posted: March 10, 2019

Weary of attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen, Christians in Nigeria ask how long they’re supposed to “count it all joy.” JEREMY WEBER IN JOS| OCTOBER 19, 2018 Image:… Read More

Non-profit, ‘Sheep Not Goats’ Highlighted on News

Posted: March 8, 2019

Local couple help empower women in Nicaragua, one knitted blanket at a time By: Lorena Inclan Jacksonville, FL March 1, 2019 For Steve and Sandy Jacoby a trip to Nicaragua… Read More

Abandoning Outcomes, by Bill Gaultiere

Posted: March 8, 2019

How do you react when things go wrong? Your e-mail or Twitter gets hacked and people send you unkind messages… You’re stuck in traffic and late for an important meeting…… Read More

A Jew, an Early Christian, and a Roman Meet in Archaeological Park

Posted: March 4, 2019

A Jew, an Early Christian and a Roman Meet in Archaeological Park to Be Built on Evacuated Prison ‘God Jesus Christ’ mosaic, ancient Jewish-Samaritan village of Othnay and Roman command… Read More

One Way or Any Way? Part 2

Posted: March 1, 2019

by Greg Koukl, March 1, 2019 I do not consider myself a particularly brave person, and I think it especially foolish, on the main, to make a frontal assault on… Read More

Genome Editing and the Christian

Posted: February 28, 2019

By Jeff Hardin on February 13, 2019 This article is adapted from a portion of the 2018 V. Elving Anderson Lecture in Science and Religion by Jeff Hardin, given at the University of Minnesota, April 5,… Read More

Are You Ready to Respond to Pro-Abortion Arguments?

Posted: February 26, 2019

Are You Ready to Respond to Pro-Abortion Arguments? The message being given to us by our culture has moved from the regretful necessity of abortion to the goodness of abortion…. Read More

Disciple Making Movements – a History and a Definition

Posted: February 8, 2019

Discipleship-First Tribe, Discipleship·org asked Roy Moran to write a two-part blog on Disciple Making Movements. We asked Roy to do this because he’s an expert on Disciple Making Movements and… Read More

Richard Rohr Meditation: An Alternative Story

Posted: February 5, 2019

Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation From the Center for Action and Contemplation Week Six Jesus and the Cross An Alternative Story Monday, February 4, 2019 The theory of substitutionary atonement has… Read More

A Prayer Space, by Jennifer Francis

Posted: January 28, 2019

Make Your Prayer Space Ready For God Jesus notoriously went off into the garden of Gethsemane to pray before he was betrayed and eventually hung on the cross. What most… Read More

Are Signs and Wonders for Today?, by John Piper

Posted: January 25, 2019

“And now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness, while thou stretchest out thy hand to heal, and signs and… Read More

4 Things I’d Say To My 30 Year Old Self

Posted: January 24, 2019

by Steve Staten | Jan 23, 2019 At age thirty I had been in technology for nine years and fulltime ministry for just over a year.  My wife and I had three little… Read More

Time to Break the Silence on Palestine

Posted: January 24, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr. courageously spoke out about the Vietnam War. We must do the same when it comes to this grave injustice of our time. By Michelle Alexander, Opinion Columnist, Jan. 19,… Read More

Jesus spent most of the time doing this…

Posted: January 22, 2019

Dear Renew Subscribers, I was recently in a theology class where the teacher made this point: anyone wanting to be like Jesus should try doing what he did. What did… Read More

Ministry in the #MeToo Moment

Posted: January 19, 2019

As abuse awareness grows, pastors are searching for ways to protect the vulnerable and care for survivors. MORGAN LEE @Mepaynl Image: Davide Bonazzi / Salzmanart Last summer Stephanie Lobdell, co-lead pastor… Read More

No Sign Language in the World Has Its Own Bible Translation

Posted: January 19, 2019

Deaf communities around the world are still waiting to experience God’s Word in their first language. How much longer will it be? Donations from the 40,000 attendees at this year’s… Read More

Large Numbers of Young Adults Dropping Out of Church

Posted: January 17, 2019

Young adults are dropping out of church in large numbers, survey finds. This is why. www.usatoday.com 3 mins read ASHVILLE, Tenn. —Large numbers of young adults who frequently attended Protestant worship services in… Read More

Churches & Race

Posted: January 17, 2019

Christian churches still struggle with race, how to discuss it, what to do www.usatoday.com 10 mins read CINCINNATI — On a Wednesday night at Crossroads Church in the Cincinnati neighborhood Corryville,… Read More

Focus on Gardening, by Greg Koukl

Posted: January 16, 2019

Greg encourages Christians for whom evangelism seems overwhelming to focus on small opportunities of influence rather than “sealing the deal.” Look forward to more Mentoring Moments from Greg in the… Read More

New Book: When God Is Silent

Posted: January 14, 2019

The Problem of Human Suffering We inhabit the same world Jesus did—one of pain, joy, surprise, suffering, and wonder. At times life is good, joyous, and fair. At other times… Read More

New Book: Origins — a book on the issues behind Genesis 1-11

Posted: January 5, 2019

Origins turns much of what Christians learned in Sunday School on its head in a revealing comparison of the Genesis narrative to the competing pagan narrative of the day. Relatively few… Read More

Free Download: Christianity Today’s 2019 Christian College Guide

Posted: January 1, 2019

Check out the 2019 Christian College Guide from Christianity Today. Inside, you’ll hear what other students wish they knew before attending college, learn more about featured schools with stand-out programs and resources, and… Read More

No Shame These Holidays

Posted: December 31, 2018

Why Medicating Shame’s Pain with Porn Never Works Dan Wobschall • Pornography is a pain medication for the shame many men and women experience. For the sex or porn addict, acting… Read More

The Luther Legend, by Marilynne Robinson

Posted: December 29, 2018

Martin Luther shattered Christendom and transformed the West, making the modern world possible and inevitable. This is the consensus among historians, whether they see this sixteenth-century monk as an epochal… Read More

Human Embryo Gene Editing: Deep Concerns from Francis Collins

Posted: December 28, 2018

Human Embryo Gene Editing: We Need To Think This Through Carefully (An Interview with Francis Collins) In a recent podcast segment with Francis Collins, we asked about human embryo gene editing…. Read More

Free new eBook on marijuana – What does the Bible teach?

Posted: December 17, 2018

With 10 U.S. states allowing recreational use and 33 legalizing the medical use of cannabis, it is important for Christians to know how Jesus’ teachings apply to the use of… Read More

The Outdoors and Your Faith, by Jennifer Francis

Posted: December 14, 2018

Nature has long been the reserve of great spirituality. The opportunity to be among the rest of God’s creations is an exciting one, and there are few better places to experience that… Read More

Training to be a better disciple maker

Posted: December 10, 2018

Do you know a church or ministry leader who would benefit from personalized disciple making training? At Renew, we want to raise up an army of disciple makers. We are… Read More

Two Common Mistakes Preachers Make (by John Piper)

Posted: December 10, 2018

Two Common Mistakes Preachers Make: Searching for Reality in Sermons John Piper takes one simple verse in Romans and shows two major and prevalent mistakes preachers make today. www.desiringgod.org

Stepping into the Jordan

Posted: December 6, 2018

The Ministry of Rob Kranz All incoming students at JUC are required to take “Physical Settings of the Bible.” This is classified as a geography course, yet the content is… Read More

Faith & Parenting Styles, by Jennifer Francis

Posted: November 23, 2018

How can Faith Enhance Your Parenting Style? Your choice of parenting style can ‘make or break’ your child, according to recent scientific studies. In one study published in the journal Frontiers,… Read More

Can We Trust the Gospels? by Peter Williams (book review)

Posted: November 15, 2018

Peter Williams is one impressive person. He isn’t just Principal of Tyndale House, Cambridge and Editor of theTyndale Bulletin. He is also Chair of the International Greek New Testament Project and… Read More

Tyndale House — A little Greek goes a long way

Posted: November 7, 2018

Getting familiar with Bible languages can have huge benefits — and it may be easier than you think.   . Keep reading here.

How do you respond to arguments against the Bible?

Posted: October 31, 2018

“The Victory of Joshua over the Amalekites” by Nicholas Poussin, via Wikimedia Commons. October 01, 2018 | By Tremper Longman (guest author) BioLogos.org The Bible holds an essential place in Christian faith. The… Read More

Three Great Opportunities for Members of SIW

Posted: October 30, 2018

#1: SIW Support Groups One of the biggest challenges that same-gender attracted Christians face is that they often feel alone, as if they are the only one going through these… Read More

What Was the Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Posted: October 18, 2018

It’s become popular to claim that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was something other than homosexuality. What does the Bible say? Read an extended explanation of this topic here.

A Bible for every tribe, every tongue

Posted: October 18, 2018

In the jungles of Papua New Guinea, a Christian university student experiences the ministry of Pioneer Bible Translators. Continue reading here. Website: pioneerbible.org

It’s Getting Harder to Talk About God

Posted: October 16, 2018

Here’s an interesting piece from The New York Times. The decline in our spiritual vocabulary has many real-world consequences. More than 70 percent of Americans identify as Christian, but you… Read More

Don’t Be Fooled Into Believing These Final Two GRIEF MYTHS

Posted: October 13, 2018

You have taken from me my closest friends and have made me repulsive to them. I am confined and cannot escape; my eyes are dim with grief. —Psalm 88:8-9 Last… Read More

Q&A 1538—Proverbs 22:6 guarantees godly children?

Posted: October 12, 2018

I have frequently heard Proverbs 22:6 referenced as a promise that godly parenting always leads to godly children. One of my children has rejected God. Is this my fault? Certainly… Read More

Untangling Addiction – a free download

Posted: October 10, 2018

Dr. De Carvalho is passionate about helping people regain their lives and become “unstuck” from the addictions and mental illnesses that have kept them in the darkness. In his new… Read More

Are Rich People More Immoral?

Posted: October 8, 2018

  Money is the Root of all Evil. Aphorisms have rarely been factual. The oldest ones, at least, are based on opinions, and opinions change. Not more than 500 years… Read More

Most people don’t know this about addiction…

Posted: October 8, 2018

Dear Renew Subscriber, We would like to ask you to make time for a special webinar. It will focus on two of the seven key elements of renewal – Surrendering… Read More

How Can You Invest in a Few to Build a Disciple Making Culture in Your Church?

Posted: October 5, 2018

To the Discipleship-First Community, There is a good deal of literature today on the subject of corporate culture. Culture shapes behavior Culture defines priorities Culture determines outcomes Every organization has… Read More

When Christians Forget They’re Christians on FB

Posted: September 25, 2018

By Guy Hammond Executive Director; Strength in Weakness Ministries Often when I speak publicly on the issues of homosexuality and the church, Christian family values and Biblical sexual ethics, I… Read More

How should you respond to men and women who are transgender?

Posted: September 24, 2018

Dear Renew Network Subscriber, We are sending out the Renew Newsletter earlier this week so that you can make time for a special webinar. It will focus on two of… Read More


Posted: September 24, 2018

Jesus spoke out often about the very things which lead to a misguided understanding of God’s revealed truth in the Scriptures. Those influences are ignorance, apathy, religion, tradition and open… Read More

Origins (Genesis 1-11) — O.T. Scholars Weigh In

Posted: September 19, 2018

Philosopher and Christian apologist Paul Copan and I have written a book on early Genesis. See what Old Testament scholars are saying about Origins. . “Genesis 1–11 is the foundation… Read More

The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel – response by Michael Burns

Posted: September 18, 2018

Note: the smaller navy blue text is Michael Burns’s response. Recently a group of American evangelical leaders signed and released a statement on social justice to voice concerns that they have over… Read More

What is Progressive Christianity and Why is it Dangerous?

Posted: September 18, 2018

Dear Renew Network Subscribers, Would you be interested in some really great Biblical teaching this week? We have two opportunities for you and one other upcoming event that is sure… Read More

An Easy Principle to Test Your Take on Scripture

Posted: September 17, 2018

by Greg Koukl | info@str.org As an ambassador for Christ, how can you be clear-thinking and confident if you’re not sure whether or not you’re misinterpreting a Bible passage? I want… Read More

The Life of Jesus (Pt. I and Pt. II)

Posted: September 14, 2018

Cape Town, South Africa, 9 Sept 2018 In this session (consisting of two parts) Douglas Jacoby paints an outstanding picture as to the life and context of Jesus as a… Read More

Thoughts on Holiness, by Alberto Schirmer

Posted: September 13, 2018

Hagiasmos [Greek}: Separated unto God. Hagios [Greek}: Separated from sin, and therefore consecrated to God. Qôdesh [Hebrew]: A sacred, consecrated, dedicated, hallowed thing or place. Qȃdȃsh [Hebrew]: To appoint, bid,… Read More

Why America’s ‘nones’ don’t identify with a religion

Posted: September 11, 2018

By Becka A. Alper, www.pewresearch.org A growing share of Americans are religiously unaffiliated. We recently asked a representative sample of more than 1,300 of these “nones” why they choose not to identify with a religion. Out… Read More

How to Ruin Your Life in Your Twenties

Posted: September 5, 2018

The choices we make in our twenties set a trajectory for our entire lives. Here are seven tested ways young adults often ruin their lives. Read article here. www.desiringgod.org

Does Your Pastor Love God or Money?, by David Mathis

Posted: September 3, 2018

Article on desiringGod.org How Christians handle money speaks volumes about our Christ. It’s one of our greatest opportunities today to show ourselves distinct from the world, or just like it…. Read More

Preferring Infertility, by Abigail Dodds

Posted: August 29, 2018

How We Worship the Queen of Heaven What must God think of a society that has made child sacrifice normal for the sake of elective infertility? Read here.

Storyline: Strength in Weakness

Posted: August 29, 2018

Christian Ray Flores tells the story of Max Agapitov – weightlifting world champion. Watch video here.

Recording of the Webinar on Marijuana and other Updates …

Posted: August 29, 2018

Good morning Renew Network subscribers, Would you join us as we seek to renew the teachings of King Jesus in our day? It is a bold aspiration. It will require… Read More

How Does a Network Differ from a Denomination? (Pt 2 of 2)

Posted: August 25, 2018

By Bobby Harrington and Jason Henderson, Renew Network (renew.org) When we say network, we do not mean a television network, but a network or web of people who are connected… Read More

How Do I Develop a Passion for the Bible?, by Greg Koukl

Posted: August 24, 2018

Greg shares how to make Bible reading more than a chore. Click on this link to see podcast & notes.

Teen Evidences Curriculum: From Facts to Faith

Posted: August 22, 2018

The attached teen evidences curriculum was produced by Douglas Jacoby and Page Pennell. It is simple, written at a basic level, and intended to be presented in class series format…. Read More

Q&A 1534 – Zeitgeist

Posted: August 17, 2018

How should we respond to the claims of the Zeitgeist internet movie? Although I have addressed this elsewhere, let me direct you to a useful refutation of the numerous bogus… Read More

Pray for the Peace of Chicago, by Steve Kinnard

Posted: August 9, 2018

Pray for the Peace of Chicago by stevekinnard War on the Sidewalks of Chicago. This morning I opened my paper edition of The New York Times for Tuesday, August 7, 2018 and saw a… Read More

iFaith video sermon list

Posted: August 7, 2018

MASTER DOCUMENT: iFaith Bible Project 0622 In this series we will proceed more or less chronologically through the New Testament and the Old Testament. There are 119 video messages, being recorded… Read More

Unashamed of the Bible, by John Piper

Posted: August 4, 2018

No matter which way my mind turns these days, I cannot escape the absolutely unique and essential role that the Bible plays in God’s purpose for the universe, and for… Read More

Are We at War with Muslims?, by Alan Schlemon

Posted: July 31, 2018

When the topic of violent jihad comes up, the first thing I hear most Muslims say is that they don’t practice violence, nor do most Muslims they know. Islam is… Read More

40 Years of Broken Chains

Posted: July 31, 2018

By Jim McCartney – Boston, MA, USA /  16 Jul, 2018 40 years ago today, I made a decision that dramatically changed the trajectory of my life. An only child of… Read More

How to Sabotage a Bible Study, by Greg Morse

Posted: July 30, 2018

The tragic irony in many group Bible studies is that God’s word sits open on our laps while we discuss our own thoughts and… Continue reading this article here.

How Does a Network Differ from a Denomination? (Pt 1 of 2)

Posted: July 25, 2018

Hello Renew Newsletter Subscribers, We hope and pray that Renew.org will become the hub for a network of millions of disciples of Jesus. When we say network, we do not mean a… Read More

Grief Myths – Part Two

Posted: July 24, 2018

Don’t Be Fooled Into Believing These Three GRIEF MYTHS – Part Two Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. – Job 42:3… Read More

Summer Newsletter, Tyndale House

Posted: July 21, 2018

Dear Friend, Summer is one of the most exciting times of the year for us at Tyndale House. This year’s busy season began in May with the arrival of scientists… Read More

Busting Grief Myths, by Dr. Timothy Sumerlin

Posted: July 16, 2018

Don’t Be Fooled Into Believing These Four GRIEF MYTHS Then Job replied: “How long will you torment me and crush me with words?—Job 19:1-2 Say nothing. Our friends may feel like… Read More

Top 10 Free Disciple Making Resources in 2018

Posted: July 15, 2018

Dear Renew Leaders, I want to give you a sneak peak at a resource that will soon come out by Discipleship.org. Because I have the privilege of leading both organizations,… Read More

New Research: Churchgoers Stick Around for Theology, Not Music or Preachers

Posted: July 8, 2018

Don’t mess with a church’s beliefs or there may be an exodus, according to a new study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research. Continue reading here.

Should Patriotism Have a Place in Church?, by John Piper

Posted: July 4, 2018

[Today] we celebrate July 4th, Independence Day as it’s known for us in the States. And the day itself raises questions about national loyalty for those of us who are… Read More

Park Farthest Away: 5 Simple Pastoral Habits To Defy Our “Me First” Culture

Posted: July 1, 2018

Leadership is an opportunity to serve. Anyone who doesn’t see it that way is not a leader, just a boss. Karl Vaters Read more

Eugene Cho: Why I Am Stepping Down as Pastor of Quest Church

Posted: July 1, 2018

“I don’t feel burned out, but I am realizing my limitations.” Interview by Kyle Rohane In 2001 Eugene Cho and his wife, Minhee, founded Quest Church, an urban, multicultural, and multigenerational… Read More

A 3,000-year-old glass head deepens one of the Bible’s oldest mysteries

Posted: June 26, 2018

By Avi Selk June 9, 2018   Buried under a pair of hills at Israel’s northern border, at the nexus of three ancient kingdoms, is one of the last large biblical sites yet… Read More

Free eBook: Evangelism or Discipleship: Can They Effectively Work Together?

Posted: June 25, 2018

Which is more important, people often ask, evangelism or discipleship? It is often stated as though discipleship is just about growth after conversion. Sometimes people describe it as an apparent… Read More

Francis Collins Speaks on Genetic Engineering and Christian Faith

Posted: June 22, 2018

On June 18, 2018, leading geneticist and BioLogos founder Francis Collins gave a landmark lecture at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The event was hosted by The Trinity Forum,… Read More

A Tool to Help Your Church Build a Disciple-Making Culture

Posted: June 12, 2018

We champion leaders, networks, and organizations that help disciples of Jesus make more disciples. Two of the most important aspects of effective disciple making are an intentional strategy and an… Read More

Scientists and God: Frank Tipler

Posted: June 12, 2018

Used with permission from John Clayton of Does God Exist? (Vol. 45, no. 1, 2018) Editor’s Note: Atheists attempt to suggest that scientists are intelligent people who have rejected faith… Read More

The Wit and Wisdom of Ancient Jewish Graffiti – Atlas Obscura

Posted: June 10, 2018

Researchers in the field have uncovered related messages ranging from “Lasius is a pervert” to “Good luck in your resurrection.” Read more here.

Where Does God Want Me to Work?, by David Mathis

Posted: May 23, 2018

David Mathis leads us in finding God’s will through three major factors. Read here.

“I am a Christian … even to death.”

Posted: May 23, 2018

Boko Haram terrorists ordered Habila and his family out of their home in northern Nigeria at gunpoint. Then they told Habila to recite the Islamic creed, leave Christianity behind and… Read More

Refresh: Ready for College (from RZIM)

Posted: May 21, 2018

Are you a high school upperclassman or a college freshman? Then don’t miss out on ReFresh. As students, you know what it’s like to be surrounded by questions. It can be… Read More

BBC News: ‘One family’ behind Indonesia blasts

Posted: May 13, 2018

Members of one family were behind a wave of blasts targeting three churches in Indonesia’s second city of Surabaya, police say. At least 11 people were killed and dozens of… Read More

Is It OK for Christians to Have Doubt? by Tim Barnett

Posted: May 8, 2018

Every Christian has had doubts at some point in their Christian life. We’re all finite creatures. We don’t know everything. Sometimes we get things wrong. And this possibility can cause… Read More

New eBook “Fill Your Seats” by Regi Campbell

Posted: May 8, 2018

What would you say about a man who has Andy Stanley in his discipleship group? Well, that is precisely what is happening in Regi Campbell’s Radical Mentoring Group this year…. Read More

Sheep Not Goats Newsletter for April 2018

Posted: April 30, 2018

Attached is the latest newsletter about what’s happening in Nicaragua, including all the Sheep Dreamzzz blankets being made and the breakfasts for the elderly that are held in Malpaisillo every Thursday morning…. Read More

Does God Guide Evolution?

Posted: April 30, 2018

We’ve been asked by many people over the last few months for a response to the book Theistic Evolution, published late last year by Crossway. President Haarsma offered one in her post;… Read More

Special, New-Release Interview w/Robert Coleman

Posted: April 24, 2018

A Note on Robert “Robert Coleman is the spiritual father of the modern disciple-making movement, and we have some special resources for you to get an up-close and personal view… Read More

No Sign Will Be Given! Jesus: Playing Down the Miraculous

Posted: April 18, 2018

(Adapted from chapter 21 of The Spirit.) Jesus deliberately played down the miraculous. Then why did he do so many miracles — if they weren’t really necessary? Now, we never… Read More

Marshall Keeble fought racism by melting hearts

Posted: April 17, 2018

By Hamil R. Harris, Christian Chronicle ‘He had intellect, insight and a humble spirit that he used to stand at the front door of the angry lion of racism.’ While Marshall… Read More

I Could Be Wrong… (Greg Koukl)

Posted: April 16, 2018

Is it a good idea for Christians to use the phrase “I could be wrong…” when discussing their convictions? Click here to watch & find out. The speaker is Greg… Read More

Prosperity Gospel, by Patrick Blair

Posted: April 16, 2018

A Section from Chapter 8 – Riches and Righteousness IS THE GOSPEL ALSO A GOSPEL OF PROSPERITY? The prosperity gospel (a.k.a. the health and wealth gospel) “is a religious belief… Read More

The Gospel of Prosperity, by Patrick Blair

Posted: April 16, 2018

The file is a chapter from an upcoming book by Patrick Blair. Prosperity-Gospel-Blair

A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the 50th Anniversary of his Death

Posted: April 4, 2018

A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the 50th Anniversary of his Death By Dr. G. Steve Kinnard Let Justice Roll, A Social Justice Blog. Volume Three. “But let justice roll down… Read More

“The Kingdom Unleashed” eBook on Prayer and Disciple-Making Movement

Posted: April 4, 2018

There are no true disciple-making movements in North America right now. That statement may come as a surprise, but it is the conclusion of most (if not all) missions experts…. Read More

Two legacies, 50 years later

Posted: April 3, 2018

Marshall Keeble and Martin Luther King Jr. fought for ‘different things in different ages.’   By Hamil R. Harris and Bobby Ross Jr. Marshall Keeble was calling sinners home at a… Read More

The Staurogram

Posted: March 27, 2018

The earliest images of Jesus on the cross How and when did Christians start to depict images of Jesus on the cross? Some believe the early church avoided images of… Read More

Jesus and the Cross

Posted: March 27, 2018

How the cross became Christianity’s most popular symbol Throughout the world, images of the cross adorn the walls and steeples of churches. For some Christians, the cross is part of their daily… Read More

Did Seinfeld and Letterman ruin us?

Posted: March 24, 2018

Article by Tony Reinke, Senior writer, desiringGod.org My generation was raised on The Simpsons. The popular cartoon is postmodern TV at its finest: liberated from prolonged storylines, a series of jests… Read More

King Hezekiah in the Bible: Royal Seal of Hezekiah Comes to Light

Posted: March 16, 2018

Hezekiah in the Bible and on the ground   For the first time, the royal seal of King Hezekiah in the Bible was found in an archaeological excavation. The stamped clay seal,… Read More

A Quiet Exodus: Why Black Worshipers Are Leaving White Evangelical Churches

Posted: March 10, 2018

By Campbell Robertson March 9, 2018 FORT WORTH — Charmaine Pruitt wrote the names of 12 churches on a sheet of paper, tore the paper into 12 strips, and dropped them… Read More

The Ten Commandments of Teaching, by Brian Fontaine

Posted: March 3, 2018

The 10 Commandments of Effective Teaching 1st Commandment: Know thy content, backward and forward, for your students’ respect and attention begins here. 2nd Commandment: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevent Poor… Read More

Strength in Weakness is going Español!

Posted: March 1, 2018

Strength in Weakness Ministries is going Español! Lo que Todos los Cristianos Necesitan Saber Acerca de la Homosexualidad La Homosexualidad: ¿hay un tema más controvertido en nuestro mundo de hoy? ¿Alguna vez te… Read More

Mennonite woman jailed for refusing to testify in death-penalty case

Posted: March 1, 2018

“I feel like I’m having to choose between you and God.” Read this article in the Washington Post here.

“Why Are There Verses Missing from my Bible?”, by Nick Zola

Posted: February 26, 2018

Ever wonder, “Why Are There Verses Missing from my Bible?” Nick Zola, of Baylor University, tackles the subject in a compact and interesting presentation. Click here to watch video on… Read More

Why God? – Part 1

Posted: February 13, 2018

Writer:  Greg Koukl, of Stands to Reason Read this article here.

A Spiritual Look at Student Debt & Giving

Posted: February 10, 2018

“Let me start off by saying that I’ve gotten incredibly lucky and have no student debt at all.” -Said No One Ever Just kidding. Many have been blessed tremendously to have… Read More

“It’s All Relative” and Other Such Absolute Statements: Assessing Relativism, by Paul Copan

Posted: February 9, 2018

You have probably heard all kinds of relativistic statements: “That’s just true for you but not for me,” or “That’s just your reality,” or “Who are you to say that… Read More

Made to look beautiful. Sent out to die.

Posted: February 9, 2018

Falmata was just 13 when she was snatched from the side of the road. Months later, she was sent on a mission. Her captors told her that if she killed… Read More

How I pray…even when it’s hard

Posted: February 6, 2018

Author: Greg Koukl (Stands to Reason) Prayer is hard. For me, consistent prayer has always been a battle, a fight. One of the most difficult things for fallen people to do… Read More

After two years in captivity, minister released – The Christian Chronicle

Posted: February 6, 2018

Igor Kozlovsky endured 700 days of anguish, torture, sickness and inhumane living conditions at the hands of his captors, the pro-Russian separatists who seized control of his homeland in eastern… Read More

What is Success? by John Porter

Posted: February 3, 2018

The crowd cheered as water gushed from the rock Moses had just struck.  Up until this moment, they had been complaining and were even regretting their decision to leave Egypt.  From… Read More

How long are the days of Genesis 1

Posted: February 3, 2018

By BioLogos Did the author of Genesis 1 intend to communicate that God created everything in six 24-hour days, or are the days meant to be understood in some other… Read More

You Can’t Stand Pat, by Dave Travis

Posted: January 31, 2018

Well you can, but the results are less than best. A few years ago I was talking to one of our pastors who had been engaged with us for a… Read More

Who Watches Porn? 3 Key Predictors of Porn Use

Posted: January 31, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018 | Written by Jay Stringer What if I told you that your use of pornography could reveal your way to healing? As a licensed mental health counselor and… Read More

Nothing Derails A Small Group Discussion Quicker Than This..

Posted: January 31, 2018

Have you ever had that moment in a small group? You know, the moment where you can tell breakthrough is coming soon, everyone is focused and engaged and……..READ MORE

Hard Teachings and Disciple Making

Posted: January 31, 2018

We live in a time of great change in some core moral beliefs in North America. For example, Barna research has documented that over 40 percent of self-described practicing Christians… Read More

Dangers of a Leader’s Echo Chamber, by Art Rainer

Posted: January 29, 2018

Echo chambers occur when a leader’s ideas are consistently applauded without question. Rarely are the leader’s ideas, decision-making, and actions challenged. And rarely are ideas brought to the table that… Read More

4 Major Reasons Churches Fail to Reach People

Posted: January 27, 2018

It’s no secret that I’m passionate about churches reaching their communities. After all, evangelism and outreach is at the heart of the gospel. So when I hear from pastors who… Read More

Bolivia Makes Evangelism a Crime – Christianity Today

Posted: January 25, 2018

Evangelicals ‘deeply worried’ about socialist government’s changes to penal code. Read article here.

Ten Bible Verses Prosperity Gospel Preachers Need to Stop Misusing

Posted: January 24, 2018

Can you believe your way to health and wealth? Prosperity teachers say yes — and they misuse these Bible verses to convince millions of people that they’re right. Read article… Read More

Is the end nigh for Palestinian Christians?

Posted: January 22, 2018

Bethlehem (CNN) A church service begins in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity. Worshipers descend the stone stairs, worn smooth by millions of pilgrims over the centuries, down into the Grotto –… Read More

Mysterious Dead Sea Scroll deciphered in Israel

Posted: January 22, 2018

One of the last remaining obscure parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls has been deciphered by researchers in Israel. Read all about it here.

Become a Level 5 Disciple Maker

Posted: January 17, 2018

Discipleship.org and Exponential pulled together top national disciple making leaders to map out five levels of disciple making.Our model shows people moving from conversion where a person starts as a… Read More

The Top Book Recommendations of 12 Disciple Making Leaders

Posted: January 13, 2018

Discipleship.org asked the leaders of 12 Disciple Making ministries that partner with us to share their top 2 book recommendations. We told everyone to assume the recommendations of two classics: The… Read More

Was Jesus Just a Great Teacher?

Posted: January 11, 2018

Greg Koukl unpacks why Jesus was more than just a morally good teacher. Watch the video (less than 4 minutes) here.

Is Religious Belief Just a Brain Function?

Posted: January 8, 2018

Religion, we are told, has a scientific explanation; so we have no need of the God hypothesis. But is that so? This article reviews the alleged evidence and then responds… Read More

Atheism & the Burden of Proof, by Paul Copan

Posted: January 6, 2018

Atheism and the Burden of Proof In conversations with atheists, they may challenge us: “You’re claiming that God exists. Therefore, the burden of proof rests on you, not me. So… Read More

Watch These 10 Disciple Making Trends in 2018

Posted: January 3, 2018

A national disciple making movement in North America is starting to take off. Groups and networks are forming everywhere. Over 1400 pastors and leaders from around the country joined 17… Read More