

Fishers of men, farmers of nuts

Posted: November 11, 2017

At 50, African Christian College strives for self-sustainability — in its students and its campus. Continue reading here. Note: Douglas has taught at the African Christian College (first-, second-, and… Read More

Paul and the Gift: Six Perfections of Grace

Posted: November 10, 2017

Grace is both an incredibly important and an incredibly difficult concept, explains John Barclay in Paul and the Gift. When boiled down to its purest form, or “perfected,” as Kenneth Burke… Read More

Great discipleship resources (Bobby Harrington)

Posted: November 8, 2017

If you’re like me, you’re always looking for great discipleship resources. That’s why I wanted to share with you the website URLs for seventeen of the top disciple making organizations… Read More

Children of Priests

Posted: November 4, 2017

The Boston Globe Spotlight team did a series on it that is getting a lot of attention.  Seems it may be a scandal even bigger that the clergy abuse issue…. Read More

TEAMwork, by Steve Kinnard

Posted: November 2, 2017

OCTOBER 30, 2017 / STEVEKINNARD TEAMwork A Bible Talk for Athletes (and everyone else) Opening question: Name someone who has been a great teammate to you. Explain why. I think of a… Read More

Towers in the Bible

Posted: November 1, 2017

If you’re like me, you are intrigued by tall towers and buildings. Whenever I visit a new city, I want to ascend to the highest point and look out. My… Read More

Nepal Criminalizes Christian Conversion and Evangelism

Posted: October 27, 2017

Last week, Nepal enacted a law to curb evangelism by criminalizing religious conversion, joining neighboring countries like India and Pakistan, where the region’s small-but-growing Christian minority faces government threats to… Read More

Science or Faith: A False Choice

Posted: October 25, 2017

In your school days, maybe you loved science class, or perhaps you dreaded it (I hope not). I’ve been a science lover since childhood — these were the early years… Read More

The Impact of Idolatry

Posted: October 24, 2017

Class taught by Douglas during the continuing midweek series called ‘Sharpening the Sword’ at the North River Church of Christ on Wednesday, October 18, 2017. Watch the video here.

Some Early Christian Symbols (from Orthodox website)

Posted: October 24, 2017

In the ancient world, written symbols were viewed with a sense of mystical fascination. Pagans and Christians alike had a coded language of symbolism to express the mystical and mysterious… Read More

Right or Righteous?, by Fred Faller

Posted: October 13, 2017

What do you think of when you hear the word “righteousness”? About a year ago I was challenged about my understanding of the nature of righteousness in the Bible and… Read More

The Tower of Babel

Posted: October 11, 2017

The following material appeared in the weekly newsletter from 27 September to 11 October 2017. This series was adapted from The God Who Dared (1997), the next version of which was titled Genesis,… Read More

Q&A 1508 – Noah’s Flood Global?

Posted: October 7, 2017

Was Noah’s Flood really global? Is there evidence for this? Please help me think this through. I am happy to help. Let me say, first off, that whatever one’s conclusion… Read More

Soul to Soul: Forging & Maintaining Godly Relationships, Part 3

Posted: October 5, 2017

Sermon by Douglas Jacoby on 10.1.17 at the North River Church of Christ, Marietta, GA

Excellent Science & Religion course, by Denis Lamoureux

Posted: October 4, 2017

This course examines the nature of both science and religion and attempts to explore the possible relationships between them. The primary purpose is to dispel the popular myth that science… Read More

Prosperity Preaching – unhealthy and unbiblical (Costi Hinn)

Posted: October 2, 2017

Read the powerful testimony of Costi Hinn, nephew of multi-millionaire health & wealth preacher Benny Hinn. From the Christianity Today website. Click here.  

Q&A 1507 (0177, español) – Halloween

Posted: September 28, 2017

No celebramos Halloween. Solía tener la idea de que los satanistas ven a Halloween como un día especial. Sin embargo, he intentado investigar en libros, publicaciones periódicas, e internet sobre… Read More

Daylight from a Deerstand, by Jerry Jones

Posted: September 27, 2017

I thought you’d find this interesting. Jerry is someone who has thought — and studied — long and hard about many things. He’s a terrific Bible student — always learning,… Read More

An online trove of Biblical manuscripts

Posted: September 26, 2017

An extraordinary collection of 68 New Testament and other Biblical manuscripts dating from the fourth to the twentieth centuries has been digitized and made available for study online. Continue reading… Read More

“Holiness” – Douglas Jacoby

Posted: September 25, 2017

This is Douglas’ second message from the series ‘Sharpening the Sword’ at the midweek service of the North River Church of Christ on 9/20/17. (Note from the AV team: the… Read More

Do We Actually Know What The Gospel Is? (Altar & Throne)

Posted: September 23, 2017

If you asked 20 separate Christians “What is the gospel,” you’d likely get 25 different answers. If you asked the same question in a group of 20 Christians, they might… Read More

Understanding Love, Sex, and Marriage, by Dave Lomas

Posted: September 23, 2017

Dave Lomas speaks on the sexual brokenness found in the Old Testament, which points to our own desperate need for God’s renewing grace in Genesis 38. Watch the video here.

Q&A 1506 – Is the earth young, only 1000s of years old?

Posted: September 19, 2017

Scientists say the world is really old, but my Bible teacher says it only appears old — but it actually young, only 1000s of years old. What is the truth?… Read More

Beyond Accountability, by Nate Larkin

Posted: September 18, 2017

I’m pleased to announce the release of a new FREE eBook from the Discipleship.org eBook series:Beyond Accountability by Nate Larkin. DOWNLOAD FREE NOW Beyond Accountability tells an important story about pornography and… Read More

The Gospel – Douglas Jacoby

Posted: September 15, 2017

Lesson given on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at the North River Church of Christ, to bring Christians to maturity through examining the nature and implications of the gospel. Video is… Read More

No One Follows Their Heart, by Jon Bloom

Posted: September 13, 2017

Jon Bloom, in this fascinating article (posted at Desiring God), gives reasons that we don’t “follow” our hearts — which is backwards. We are supposed to lead our hearts. Intrigued? Click here for the article.

Q&A 1505 – What was the Inquisition? (Torture, witches, Galileo… and lessons for today)

Posted: September 10, 2017

What exactly was the Inquisition? (If you prefer to listen to my reply, click on the arrow for the podcast, The Inquisition (20 min). If you want to save and… Read More

Postmodernism, by Jordan Peterson (3 links)

Posted: September 6, 2017

Jordan Peterson is a historical philosopher who speaks broadly on, among other things, postmodernism. He outlines how this philosophy has affected political policy and thinking in the Western world. Here are 3… Read More

A Psychiatrist Who Defied the Transgender Movement, by Chuck Colson

Posted: August 28, 2017

Chuck Colson on Dr. Paul McHugh Back in June I [Colson] told you about renowned psychiatrist Paul McHugh. He’s won numerous international awards for his work, but he’s recently been… Read More

Gibbon on Rome

Posted: August 27, 2017

According to Edward Gibbon (1737-1794), author of The Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire, five signs characterized Rome as she was deteriorating from within: Mounting love of show and… Read More

Men vs Women: Google Guy Right about Sex Differences

Posted: August 13, 2017

The Science Says The Google Guy Was Right About Sex Differences A myriad of distinguished professors and social scientists have already confirmed what James Damore wrote in his Google memo:… Read More

Terminal Punishment – Portuguese Translation

Posted: August 11, 2017

Here is an article in two formats (Word of pdf) on terminal punishment, translated into Portuguese. Tradução Jacoby Terminal Punishment Portuguese

Sister of the Earliest Compete Old Testament Found

Posted: July 6, 2017

Press Release: SISTER OF THE EARLIEST COMPLETE OLD TESTAMENT FOUND Tyndale House, Cambridge, announces a new discovery made by young researcher Dr. Kim Phillips published in its latest Tyndale Bulletin… Read More

Q&A 1497 – What were the Crusades, and why does it matter?

Posted: June 30, 2017

Our church is initiating a “Crusade” to take our city for Christ. This makes we wonder, what about the Crusades in the Middle Ages. What were they? As a Christian… Read More

Gender & Sexuality – 3 Articles

Posted: June 24, 2017

Children being Experimented on and Scientist speak out against this … http://www.christianpost.com/news/gender-confused-kids-are-being-experimented-on-with-hormone-therapy-experts-188757/?utm_source=newsletter Johns Hopkins Researcher finds no conclusive evidence people are born gay or transgender … http://www.christianpost.com/news/no-scientific-evidence-that-people-are-born-gay-or-transgender-johns-hopkins-researchers-say-168263/page1.html Here’s the full… Read More

Why I Am Not an Evangelical (or am I?), by Douglas Jacoby

Posted: June 21, 2017

To listen to the third podcast in the series on Christian identity, Why I Am Not an Evangelical—or Am I? (32 min), click on the arrow. To download and listen… Read More

Q&A 1496 – Miraculous knowledge in the numbers of the Qur’an?

Posted: June 21, 2017

Is there miraculous knowledge in the numbers of the Qur’an? I have heard it said, for example, that the word “day” turns up exactly 365 times in the Qur’an –… Read More

Why I Am Not a Fundamentalist, by Douglas Jacoby

Posted: June 14, 2017

To hear the podcast (44 mins), Why I Am Not a Fundamentalist, click on the play arrow. To download and listen to it later, right click here and then on ‘save link as’… Read More

Q&A 1495 – Islam means peace?

Posted: June 12, 2017

Is “Islam” really the Arabic word for peace? For some time now, and especially since the attacks of 9/11, many Muslims have made the claim: Islam means peace. (Not that it’s… Read More

Why I Am Not a Protestant, by Douglas Jacoby

Posted: June 7, 2017

To hear the podcast (54 mins) titled Why I Am Not a Protestant, click on the arrow. To download and listen to it later, right click here and then on ‘save… Read More

Why It’s So Hard for Scientists to Believe in God – Video

Posted: June 5, 2017

By Francis Collins, Medical Researcher, on bigthink.com. Some scientists see religion as a threat to the scientific method that should be resisted. But faith “is really asking a different set… Read More

Arguing about Politics (sermon), by Timothy Keller

Posted: May 9, 2017

“What are Jesus’ politics?” That’s what the opposing parties of His day wanted to know. To listen to this sermon, click here.

The Evidence – Reasons for Faith, Parts 1 and 3

Posted: May 9, 2017

Watch the first and third classes Douglas offered at the North River Church of Christ in his new series The Evidence on March 2 and May 4. (Sorry, the second… Read More

Q&A 1491 – The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse indicated by Islamic flags?

Posted: May 7, 2017

I found a website proving that radical Islam is prophesized in the book of Revelations 6:1-8. Surely it cannot be a coincidence that the colors of the four horsemen of the apocalypse –… Read More

Crossing Denominational Lines, by Guy Hammond

Posted: May 4, 2017

In April, at the Unboxed Conference in Orlando, Florida, Guy Hammond, Executive Director of Strength in Weakness (SIW), spoke on the topic of “Crossing Denominational Lines” and our SIW volunteer,… Read More

The UNBOXED 2017 videos are available!

Posted: April 28, 2017

You don’t want to be the LAST person to watch the 2017 Videos… Grab a cup of coffee, sit down, buckle up and enjoy! Click here for this year’s presentations.

Q&A 1490 – The race to Mars: a waste of money?

Posted: April 28, 2017

What is your viewpoint on scientists’ attempt to land on Mars in order to search for signs of life? Is the exploration of Mars a progressive endeavour, or is it a waste of… Read More

Verge Network

Posted: April 25, 2017

An advocate and champion for movements of gospel-centered Missional Communities, Verge Network exists for church leaders, students, entrepreneurs, artists, urban innovators, business leaders, community development specialists, non-profit leaders, church planters… Read More

All is Dust and DNA by Jim Stump

Posted: April 14, 2017

  Note: This article was originally published on February 18, 2015, at OnFaith. It is reprinted with permission. I grew up in what is sometimes called a “low church” tradition that didn’t… Read More


Posted: April 9, 2017

Sermon given on April 9, 2017 at the North River Church of Christ by Douglas. Click HERE for the notes accompanying the sermon.

What If My Husband Looks at Porn? by Kara Garis

Posted: April 8, 2017

It was such a kick to the stomach. A nauseating, heart-pounding kick. I remember staring, confused, at the computer screen. What exactly was he looking at, anyway? Is that what… Read More

NEVER Work like Elon Musk – Michael Hyatt

Posted: April 5, 2017

Elon Musk is widely regarded as one of the most influential entrepreneurs working today. He’s one of the founders of PayPal and the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. He wants… Read More

“What am I supposed to do?”, by Geoff Surratt

Posted: March 14, 2017

I recently had a fascinating conversation with a sharp young leader, who had just returned from an amazing vacation in the Caribbean. The food, the scenery, the weather, the company;… Read More

Another Old Torah Found

Posted: March 8, 2017

Used by permission of John Clayton, Q1, 2017 Does God Exist In 1970 an ancient copy of the Torah was found in the Jewish village known as En-Gedi. It has recently… Read More

How the Entitlement Mentality Crept into our Churches, Thom Rainer

Posted: March 6, 2017

In 1974 Burger King made a bold move to take market share from McDonald’s. At the time, McDonald’s made burgers en masse. If you wanted a special order, you had… Read More

“Misquoting” Jesus? Answering Bart Ehrman – CBN.com

Posted: March 6, 2017

In Misquoting Jesus, the New York Times bestseller subtitled The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, author Bart Ehrman fires a shot meant to sink the ship of… Read More

Our Mother Who Art In Heaven?

Posted: March 4, 2017

With the recent launch of The Shack movie, we are reminded of a whole mix of theological questions raised by the novel, and the problems of projecting the divine onto… Read More

Book Launch: When God Says “Wait” (Elizabeth Thompson)

Posted: March 2, 2017

My friend Elizabeth Laing Thompson has just released a new book, When God Says “Wait”: Navigating Life’s Detours and Delays Without Losing Your Faith, Your Friends, or Your Mind. We… Read More

Aliens & Strangers, by Brett Kreider

Posted: March 1, 2017

Part of my ministry as a teacher is to put excellent biblical material into the hands of Bible students — including those who teach. So I’m proud to recommend by friend… Read More

12 Reasons Millennials Are Over Church, by Sam Eaton

Posted: February 21, 2017

59 Percent of Millennials Raised in a Church Have Dropped Out—And They’re Trying to Tell Us Why Only 4 percent of the Millennial Generation are Bible-Based Believers. This means that… Read More

A 12th “Dead Sea scrolls cave” found. Or was it?

Posted: February 13, 2017

On Feb 8, 2017, Israeli and U.S. archaeologists announced they’d found compelling evidence for a 12th Dead Sea Scroll cave. This is the first such discovery in 60 years. Click here to… Read More

“Trump, Christianity, and Social Media” by Daniel Berk

Posted: February 3, 2017

This week, last week, and nearly every day since midway through 2015, I’ve observed a progressive and polarizing social media war between Christians, non-Christians, liberals, conservatives, men, women, black people,… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 31 (The Eternal Vision of Purity)

Posted: January 31, 2017

To listen to CLEAN podcast 31, Concluding Challenges (17 minutes), click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Introduction Last time we… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 30 (Purity & Transformation in Christian Theology)

Posted: January 30, 2017

To listen to CLEAN podcast 30, Purity & Transformation in Christian Theology (12 minutes), click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’…. Read More

CLEAN – podcast 29 (Jesus’ Resurrection)

Posted: January 29, 2017

To listen to CLEAN podcast 29, Jesus’ Resurrection (7 minutes), click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Scriptural study: Luke 24:1-6; 1… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 23 (OT Saints of Matthew 27)

Posted: January 23, 2017

To listen to CLEAN podcast 23, The OT Saints of Matthew 27 (9 minutes), click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Introduction… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 22 (Reanimated by Elisha’s Bones)

Posted: January 22, 2017

To listen to CLEAN podcast 22, The Man Reanimated by Elisha’s Bones (6 minutes), click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Introduction The… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 19 (The House Swept Clean)

Posted: January 19, 2017

To listen to CLEAN podcast 19, The House Swept Clean (7 minutes), click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Context (A) Luke… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 12b (32), The Leper (Kevin Agot)

Posted: January 12, 2017

Here’s a guest podcast, The Leper, by Kevin Agot, who lives in the Washington DC area. I hope you enjoy it! To start the podcast (6 minutes), click on the… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 12a (the Leper of Mark 1)

Posted: January 12, 2017

To listen to CLEAN podcast 12a, The Leper of Mark 1 (11 minutes), click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’…. Read More

CLEAN – podcast 11 (the 10 lepers of Luke 17)

Posted: January 11, 2017

To hear podcast 11, The 10 Lepers (10 minutes), click on the play arrow. Or, to download, right click here, and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Introduction… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 5 (Walking in the Light)

Posted: January 5, 2017

For CLEAN podcast 5, on Walking in the Light, click the play arrow. The podcast (14 minutes) can also be downloaded. To listen later, download by right clicking here, and ‘save target… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 4 (Purity in James-Peter-John)

Posted: January 4, 2017

For CLEAN podcast 4, on Purity in James, Peter, & John, click on the play arrow. The podcast (14 minutes) can also be downloaded. To download, right click here and… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 3 (Purity in Paul)

Posted: January 3, 2017

For CLEAN podcast 3, on Purity in Paul, click on the play arrow. The podcast (12 minutes) can also be downloaded. To download and listen later, right click here and choose… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 2 (Purity in Proverbs)

Posted: January 2, 2017

This is the second of 31 podcasts in the CLEAN series, Purity in Proverbs. To listen now, click on the arrow (8 minutes). To download and listen later, right click here and… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 1 (Cleansing & Purity in Psalms)

Posted: January 1, 2017

The first of 31 podcasts, Purity in Psalms, launches the CLEAN series. The first section of our series (5 podcasts) focuses on Purity & Cleansing (in both testaments). To listen… Read More

CLEAN – PODCAST 0 – Listen to this podcast first

Posted: December 31, 2016

This podcast (7 minutes) explains the purpose of the CLEAN series. To listen now, click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and ‘save target as’ or… Read More

The Bible vs. other Religious books—SLC*—28/11/2017

Posted: November 28, 2016

OPENING OBSERVATIONS The similarities (ultimate truth, longing for the holy) are greatly outweighed by the differences (God, goal, salvation…) General Revelation & Special Revelation Special Scripture (Bible) The person of… Read More

A Transgender Person: Coming to YOUR Church Soon! by Guy Hammond

Posted: November 6, 2016

The phone rings, and I pick up. “Hello.” A panicked voice blurts out “Is Guy Hammond there?” “This is Guy, who’s this?” “My name is Henry James (not his real… Read More

Bercot lessons at YouTube

Posted: November 3, 2016

Listen to David Bercot’s lessons (Scroll Publishing) through its YouTube channel. Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6qGDn7Nnd84-UgURpw8Dw Description Welcome to the Scroll Publishing YouTube channel. We are a small publisher of Christian books… Read More

Walls of “Jesus’ Tomb” Exposed for the First Time in Centuries

Posted: November 2, 2016


Kidneys in the Bible

Posted: October 12, 2016

The following appears in the abstract of Garabed Eknoyan, The Kidneys in the Bible: What Happened? The abstract is available at http://jasn.asnjournals.org/content/16/12/3464.full. “The kidneys are mentioned… sometimes in direct connection… Read More

Creation / Evolution reading

Posted: October 12, 2016

Although a non-scientist, since the 1970s I have read over 50 books on biological origins, as well as scores of scientific articles. Here are (in my opinion) some of the… Read More

Animated Audiovisual Bible

Posted: October 4, 2016

https://jointhebibleproject.com/about/ This is an animated audiovisual Bible. One episode typically summarizes a book of the Bible—in part or in whole—in 6-8 minutes. It’s very well done.

Supreme Court Wrestles with Lesbian Adoptions (by John Clayton)

Posted: August 23, 2016

Used with permission by John Clayton, of Does God Exist? On March 7, 2016, the Supreme Court reversed Alabama’s refusal to recognize same-sex adoption, saying that same-sex couples cannot be… Read More

Q&A 1461 – Should I work for a company producing weapons?

Posted: August 10, 2016

I am considering a job offer from a company whose parent company is involved in the weapons industry. This obviously raised some questions for me as a Christian. On the one… Read More

A great new thing: COME & STAY

Posted: July 27, 2016

If you are traveling (anywhere in the world) and would like to stay with devoted disciples of Christ, consider supporting the creation a brand new platform: Come & Stay. Hundreds… Read More

Response to terror attack in France (Bastille Day 2016)

Posted: July 16, 2016

I asked a French brother how he felt about the terror attack on Nice, 14 July 2016 (Bastille Day). His response: While I’m truly grateful that no one I know… Read More

Don’t Listen to Guy!!

Posted: July 6, 2016

Guy Hammond’s ‘Strength in Weakness’ ministry is not without opposition. Click here to see some of the backlash.

La Bible, Mythe ou Réalité par Douglas Jacoby/The Bible, Myth or Reality?

Posted: June 21, 2016

Message done in Brussels, Belgium on June 19, 2016 Question & Answer session that followed

The “M” Word

Posted: June 16, 2016

 Issue 69 • June 2016 Are There Health Benefits to Masturbation? [Video] Matt Fradd • Since the days of psychologists like Sigmund Freud and Alfred Kinsey, people picture the sexual impulse as… Read More

What Can We Learn From the Deadliest Shooting in U.S. History?

Posted: June 13, 2016

What Can We Learn From Deadliest Mass Shooting in U.S. History? June 12, 2016, by Jon Sherwood In what has become a far too common occurrence in recent American history,… Read More

Are Christian converts seeking asylum getting a raw deal?

Posted: June 6, 2016


Christians, Politics and Social Media – Part 1

Posted: March 29, 2016

Article by Daniel C. Berk. Click here to read.

Q&A 1446 – Jesus and protesting

Posted: March 28, 2016

A disciple recently posted this article. https://sojo.net/articles/jesus-was-protester. I’m not sure why, but it bothered me. What do you think about it? Interesting…  Yesterday I passed a group of protesters — in front of… Read More

What God Has Joined Together

Posted: March 17, 2016

For an excellent article by David Instone-Brewer on the topic of Divorce & Remarriage, click here.

Divorce and Remarriage: A scholar’s take on the ancient issues

Posted: March 17, 2016

To read this article, please click here.

Cosmic Fall & Natural Evil, by Denis Lamoureux

Posted: March 5, 2016

Cosmic Fall & Natural Evil

Christian Education

Posted: February 25, 2016

Here are two links containing schools, colleges and universities affiliated with Churches of Christ and the Christian Churches: http://kingstonchurchofchrist.com/christian-education/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_and_colleges_affiliated_with_the_Christian_churches_and_churches_of_Christ

Nehemiah 8 – “How’s Your Biblical Stamina?” – Douglas Jacoby

Posted: February 17, 2016

Sermon done on Nehemiah 8, at North River Church of Christ, on February 14, 2016.

The Twain Shall Meet – Science & Religion

Posted: February 9, 2016

New York Times article on science and religion http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/14/books/review/the-twain-shall-meet.html?_r=0

9 Sins the Church is Okay With

Posted: February 4, 2016

Are we changing the Bible to fit our culture or are we changing our culture to fit the Bible? http://www.faithit.com/9-sins-the-church-is-okay-with/

Thriving Beyond the Margins — A Resource That Every Christian NEEDS‏

Posted: January 26, 2016

Help for Christians who are helping their gay friends. A resource that every Christian needs in their library! Are you studying the Bible with someone who is gay? Where should… Read More

What to Do When your Boss Asks You to Break the Rules

Posted: January 10, 2016

See the helpful article at the Harvard Business Review, 7 January 2016, by Peter T. Coleman and Robert Ferguson. CLICK HERE.

Proverbs on Politics, Power & Governance

Posted: January 9, 2016

Politics in Proverbs (selected) In 2015, while studying the Proverbs on a visit to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, I was struck with just how many of them are political in… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 5

Posted: January 5, 2016

For CLEAN podcast 5, on Purity \, click on the play arrow. The podcast (12 minutes) can also be downloaded. Download here. for Challenge Thought q [Tomorrow: Purity in the… Read More

Responses to the Paradigm Shift series

Posted: December 6, 2015

Here is an assortment of comments on the Paradigm Series, sent in from all over the world (Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Australia). We have edited some of them… Read More

India’s Debate on Anti-Conversion Law Deepens

Posted: December 5, 2015

The Indian government (as of December 2015) is attempting to push through an anti-conversion, anti-evangelism law, with up to a 10-year jail term for those convicted. Already 6 of the… Read More

St. Nick: Historical Core of Xmas Lore

Posted: December 5, 2015

Famous Christians 1: Nicholas of Myra This is the story (16 minutes) of Nicholas of Myra, a 4th century Christian leader, who became “Saint Nick.” Though Christmas lore is nearly… Read More

Recommended Book: “Revolution in World Missions”

Posted: October 26, 2015

“Revolution in World Missions: One Man’s Journey to Change a Generation” by K. P. Yohanan “Lord, I’ll give myself to speak for You.” Young Yohannan had no idea what those… Read More

Q&A 1426 – The Pledge

Posted: September 30, 2015

My 14 year-old son fancies himself a deep thinker/seeker, and our spiritual “household culture” conforms to your “unexamined faith” mantra: we try to encourage independent examination and free discussion. This has… Read More

Why Christian Leaders Need to be Exceptionally Good Bible Students

Posted: September 18, 2015

To listen to the podcast, “Why Christian Leaders Need to be Exceptionally Good Bible Students” (30 minutes), click on the link below. Click here to download. Scriptures referred to: James… Read More

The Great Ptolemaic Smackdown

Posted: September 10, 2015

My next door neighbor, enjoying the recent articles on evolution in which I reference the slowness of the academic world to accept heliocentricity (earth orbiting sun), sent these links. The… Read More

How Wide the Divide: Sexuality & Culture

Posted: August 17, 2015

“How Wide the Divide: Sexuality at the Forefront, Culture at the Crossroads”, by Ravi Zacharias on July 15, 2015. http://rzim.org/global-blog/how-wide-the-divide-sexuality-at-the-forefront-culture-at-the-crossroads

Q&A 1421 – Is contraception biblically permissible?

Posted: August 16, 2015

What does the Bible say about contraception? I belong to a church that forbids it. Can you please help me figure this out? I would like to invite you to… Read More

The Bonfire – Acts 19

Posted: August 11, 2015

Sermon done by Douglas Jacoby on June 26, 2011. To listen now, click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click on download podcast, and ‘save target as’ or… Read More

Q&A 1419 – Mutations really random?

Posted: July 29, 2015

When Calvinist scientists and theologians embrace evolutionary creationism, do they deny that random mutations are random? Maybe this is a silly question, but could creation ever be considered truly random… Read More

‘Oldest’ Koran Fragments Found

Posted: July 23, 2015

It will be interesting to see how the wording in this fragment compares to the present-day canonical Qur’an. ‘Oldest’ Koran fragments found in Birmingham University What could be the world’s… Read More

Universities & their mottos

Posted: July 8, 2015

Universities & their Mottos is a podcast (25 minutes) examining how university education has changed in the last 1000 years, from training for Christian ministry to secular study, from broad… Read More

Gay Unions: A Response

Posted: July 6, 2015

How should Christians think in response to the legalization of “gay marriage” in their home countries? The following talk (23 minutes) makes a few suggestions, challenging us to respond maturely… Read More

Jehovah’s Witnesses: I’ve Got Some “New Light” For You!

Posted: June 5, 2015

This site is full of great information, studies and explanations about the Jehovah Witness doctrines. http://thewatchtowerfiles.com/

Uncommon Memorial Day Thoughts

Posted: May 27, 2015

You will want to read Nikole Mitchell’s uncommon Memorial Day thoughts — recommended by Tom Jones. Click here.

America’s Changing Religious Landscape

Posted: May 12, 2015


Blog post on “Rethinking Hell”

Posted: May 6, 2015


Holy Spirit 7

Posted: May 2, 2015

In this seventh and final podcast in the series on the Spirit, we consider further areas in which the Spirit works. In particular, we consider what it means to the… Read More

Holy Spirit 6

Posted: May 1, 2015

To hear the sixth podcast (11 minutes), click on the link below. Scriptures mentioned include John 14 (the go-to chapter on the indwelling); Acts 13:1-4; Romans 8:14, Galatians 5:18; Psalm… Read More

Holy Spirit 5

Posted: April 30, 2015

2 Timothy 1:7; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; Acts 10:24; and other passages were referred to in the fifth podcast. To hear this podcast (15 minutes), click below. Click here to download.

Holy Spirit 4

Posted: April 29, 2015

Click below to listen to Holy Spirit lesson 4 (11 minutes). Scriptures referred to in this podcast include 1 Corinthians 14:23; John 16:23; Luke 1:15, John 10:41; and 1 Corinthians… Read More

Holy Spirit 3

Posted: April 28, 2015

Our third podcast (17 minutes) covers a number of scriptures, like Acts 19 (Sons of Sceva), 2 Thessalonians 2:9ff (the powerful delusion), Matthew 6 (“many words,” a possible reference to… Read More

Holy Spirit 2

Posted: April 27, 2015

In lesson 2, we examine scriptures in Colossians 2, Deuteronomy 13, and 1 Samuel 19. 1 Kings 13 contains another superb illustration of the danger of elevating anything above the… Read More

Holy Spirit series 1: Introduction

Posted: April 26, 2015

Listen to the introductory podcast in a series on the Spirit (17 minutes), in which I begin to share about my experience in the Charismatic Movement, and broach the subject… Read More

A note about the kingdom

Posted: April 6, 2015

Since the King is the Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6), the kingdom is not about power or coercion, but about love and service. Christians are forbidden to lord it over… Read More

Q&A 1403 – Thirteen the minimum age for baptism?

Posted: March 7, 2015

“I wanted to ask your opinion about an article I wrote on the ‘age of accountability.’ At age 12, Jesus is referred to as a ‘boy/child,’ and the (little) girl… Read More

River of Fire: Did God Create Hell? (Alexander Kalomiros)

Posted: February 24, 2015

For an unusually insightful perspective on hell by a Greek Orthodox perspective, read River of Fire. The author is Dr. Alexander Kalomiros.

Lording it Over Others (Mark 10:42)

Posted: February 20, 2015

The purpose of this podcast is to foster a Christian leadership culture. This is an important study for anyone in leadership, or considering it. Please listen to this podcast (18… Read More

The Decline and Rebirth of a Christian Anarchist Movement

Posted: February 20, 2015


Alias Christians, by Daniel Berk

Posted: February 12, 2015

With the increase of iPhone holders, Facebook users, video-game players, Instagram posters, Snapchat senders, Spotify listeners, text-message writers, and hashtag creators, the word “friendship” has dwindled in the last 30… Read More

“It Doesn’t Look Like Church to Me”

Posted: February 2, 2015

It Doesn’t Look Like Church to Me, Dr. Kent Smith Published on Oct 8, 2014 Dr. Kent Smith, Abilene Christian University’s Missionary Coordinator for North America, speaks at the 2014… Read More

7 Startling Facts: An Up Close Look at Church Attendance in America

Posted: February 2, 2015

Click for a most illuminating study.

Christians and guns (at home), by Tom Jones

Posted: January 27, 2015

My friend Tom Jones has put up a short but powerful article at his website. It’s about Christians and guns (at home). Click HERE to read it.    

Q&A 1398 – Randomness, Suffering, and the Will of God

Posted: January 21, 2015

I frequently think about the suffering in this life — more and more with every year — including very painful emotional distress. It seems like there is a randomness to life. We… Read More

Q&A 1396 – Aliens seeding life – no need for a creator God?

Posted: January 3, 2015

A non-believing friend counters the idea of a creationist God by contending for seeding from aliens. I realize this idea is preposterous to you, but I didn’t find anything specifically… Read More

Grief Recovery (Part 1) by Melanie Cicerchia

Posted: December 10, 2014

Melanie Cicerchia came to faith in Christ through campus ministry at the University of Florida in 1973. She married Paul Martel, and together they served in the full-time church work… Read More

The Fall of Rome—And Why We Should Take Notice

Posted: November 26, 2014

Why did Rome (753 BC—AD 476) fall?  Was it due to external circumstances (barbarian invasion, famine, plague, etc), or to internal ones? We in the West ought to take notice…. Read More

Yahweh & the Ancient Gods

Posted: November 26, 2014

Originally titled Our God is an Awesome God: A Close Look at the gods of the Ancient World, and Why Yahweh is Best, this podcast examines the rivals of the one true… Read More

11.23.2014 – “Holidays or Holy Days” – Douglas Jacoby

Posted: November 26, 2014

Sunday sermon done at the North River Church of Christ in Marietta, GA on Sunday, November 23, 2014. Click to watch: Holidays or Holy Days?

Grace and Ungrace Series, 3 – Douglas & Vicki Jacoby

Posted: October 21, 2014

The first lesson in this series (all recorded at the 2013 Florida Discipleship Conference) is from Lamentations. Douglas speaks alone. In classes 2 and 3, he teaches with his wife, Vicki…. Read More

Grace and Ungrace Series, 2 – Douglas & Vicki Jacoby

Posted: October 21, 2014

The previous lesson in this series (all recorded at the 2013 Florida Discipleship Conference) is on Judgment & Grace, and comes from Lamentations. Click here for lesson 1. Douglas speaks… Read More

Q&A 1387 – Generational curses?

Posted: October 14, 2014

I would like to find out about generational curses, which seem so common here in Africa. Are they real? What should a Christian’s response be? What are practical, biblical ways… Read More

Q&A 1386 – Elf on a Shelf

Posted: October 5, 2014

What do you think about this “elf on a shelf”? A fictional character watches your children and reports to Santa. They are told to be obedient so that the elf… Read More

Bible & Culture, part 3

Posted: September 30, 2014

In the previous lesson we examined 10 examples of biblical practices that may have cultural aspects. In other words, before we analyze form and function, the extent to which we… Read More

Bible & Culture, part 2

Posted: September 30, 2014

In the previous lesson we explored accommodation and discernment. Some aspects of the ambient culture are fine for believers to follow, while others are not. Yet an even greater sensitivity to… Read More

Bible & Culture, part 1

Posted: September 30, 2014

To listen to the first lesson in the Bible & Culture series (16 minutes), click below. (Note: for a different lesson on the Bible (Old Testament) and culture, please click… Read More

Rethinking Hell, part 3 (of 3)

Posted: September 28, 2014

To hear the final section of Doctrinal, Biblical, and Psychological Obstacles to Accepting Conditionalism: Successfully Rethinking Hell in a Small Christian Movement (26 minutes), click on the podcast icon below…. Read More

Rethinking Hell, part 2 (of 3)

Posted: September 27, 2014

To hear part 2 of Doctrinal, Biblical, and Psychological Obstacles to Accepting Conditionalism: Successfully Rethinking Hell in a Small Christian Movement (31 minutes), click on the podcast icon below. Click… Read More

Rethinking Hell, part 1 (of 3)

Posted: September 26, 2014

Following the inaugural Rethinking Hell Conference (Houston, 11-12 July 2014), a Festschrift is being published for Edward Fudge on the occasion of his 70th birthday. My class at the conference… Read More

Q&A 1385 – With human divinity, is there a “quadrinity”?

Posted: September 26, 2014

Is there a quadrinity? Clearly, the Bible supports the triune nature of God. Moreover, the Scriptures demonstrate mutual love, honor, submission, and dependency between each part. I cannot help but notice… Read More

Questions about Modern Israel

Posted: August 31, 2014

Are current events in modern Israel only the unfolding of biblical prophecy? Given the severe tensions between Israelis and Palestinians, what position should Christians take?  Listen to the podcast, which addresses 7 questions… Read More

Q&A 1382 – Baha’í and Christian at the same time?

Posted: August 30, 2014

Dear Dr. J, I just found, and listened to your podcast. I enjoyed listening to it. Thank you!  Here is a challenging question for you: Can you be both a… Read More

Sound Doctrine

Posted: August 15, 2014

This lesson was original taught in Mexico City (“Manteniendo la Sana Doctrina,” 9 August 2014). Listen to the English podcast (52 minutes). Click here to download. Life and teaching Every… Read More

The Lord’s Supper: from Table to Altar

Posted: August 13, 2014

Your Ex Still Wants You The following podcast, the title of which is inspired by Lipscomb scholar John Mark Hicks’ recent work, examines the evolution of the “supper” from actual… Read More

Cielo e Infierno: Castigo Terminal

Posted: August 8, 2014

Click on link for the PDF: Cielo e Infierno: Castigo Terminal For the English version of Heaven and Hell: Terminal Punishment (1991), click here.

Israel: A community of radical counter-culture

Posted: July 15, 2014

Israel was called to demonstrate the true God to the world (Exodus 19:4-6; Isaiah 49:6; Malachi 1:11,14; etc). Her religion was radically different to all other ancient religions (such as… Read More

Escape – Lesson 4 – Computer and Internet Behaviors

Posted: June 29, 2014

ESCAPE:  Lesson 4 of 4. Douglas Jacoby and Steve Brand have joined forces to teach a series called ESCAPE. Steve Brand is a professional counselor and expert on addictive behaviors. Here’s the provisional plan: The psychology… Read More

Escape – Lesson 3 – Fantasy Proxy Relationships

Posted: June 24, 2014

ESCAPE:  Lesson 3 of 4. Douglas Jacoby and Steve Brand have joined forces to teach a series called ESCAPE. Steve Brand is a professional counselor and expert on addictive behaviors. Here’s the provisional plan: The psychology… Read More

Escape – Lesson 2 – Alternate Fictional Reality

Posted: June 23, 2014

ESCAPE:  Lesson 2 of 4. Douglas Jacoby and Steve Brand have joined forces to teach a series called ESCAPE. Steve Brand is a professional counselor and expert on addictive behaviors. Here’s the provisional plan: The psychology… Read More

Business Ethics

Posted: June 17, 2014

Listen to Business Ethics (22 minutes). Click here to download. Consequences of breakdown of of ethics The breakdown of ethics in the workplace has dire social and personal consequences: Resentment and… Read More

Escape – Lesson 1 – Pain, Escape, Addiction

Posted: June 12, 2014

ESCAPE, Lesson 1 of 4: Douglas Jacoby and Steve Brand have joined forces to teach a series called ESCAPE. Steve Brand is a professional counselor and expert on addictive behaviors. The series explores addictive substances and behaviors and… Read More

Q&A 1373 — Turning the other cheek?

Posted: June 10, 2014

How should I respond when I am unjustly treated or wronged? When I know I am right or I see the situation as unfair, I plead my case for justice…. Read More

Q&A 1370 – Shouldn’t we observe the regulations for the Year of Jubilee?

Posted: May 14, 2014

Is there any country that celebrates or follows the rules for the Year of Jubilee? And when I say follow, I mean they follow what it says in Leviticus 25:8-55:… Read More

Just War debate

Posted: May 8, 2014

Think biblically about how we are to relate to our enemies. Who has the stronger position: those who advocate “just war” or those who teach that Christians are forbidden to… Read More

The Paranormal – Biblical Perspective

Posted: May 6, 2014

This is one of the keynote messages at a 2011 conference on the Paranormal — aboard the Queen Mary, a “haunted ship.” The lesson is about an hour in length…. Read More

The Pursuit of Holiness

Posted: April 14, 2014

The Pursuit of Holiness by Douglas Jacoby from 11-11-2012 Click here to download. Click here for a pdf of the notes.

Q&A 1366 – Time waiting in Hades counted towards final punishment?

Posted: April 8, 2014

You argue that it does not make sense for God to punish a certain number of years of sin with an infinite punishment. What about Hades, the intermediate state of… Read More

Dragons and the Bible

Posted: March 27, 2014

Listen to the podcast on Dragons (29 minutes). Click here to download. Mythology in the King James Version Unicorns – 9x in KJV Further comment by Chuck Pike (not in… Read More

April Fools Day

Posted: March 27, 2014

Obviously, All Fools’ Day isn’t a biblical day, or even a traditional religious observance, yet it is an annual event in many countries, and our study will underscore at least one… Read More

Worship (F): Critical Principles & Seven Confessions

Posted: March 15, 2014

  Seven confessions (John’s Gospel) 1:34   John the Baptist 1:49   Nathanael 4:42   Samaritans (4:29) 6:69   Peter 9:38   blind man 11:27 Martha [19:19 Pilate] ~ 11:50… Read More

Jesus Christ: Prince of Peace or God of War? – Douglas Jacoby

Posted: February 25, 2014

To watch video, click on link: http://vimeo.com/81639585   Jesus Christ: Prince of Peace or God of War? Douglas Jacoby, 2013 Harvard University  Observations 1.    O.T. Church-state. Although priesthood and monarchy were separate,… Read More

Worship (G): Seven Key N.T. Passages

Posted: February 25, 2014

Acts 13:2 – worshipping and fasting / insight, plans Acts 24:11 – Paul says he went up to worship (Jerusalem) see 26:7, Acts 27:23. 1 Cor 11 – Somberness? What’s… Read More

Judgment and Grace (Grace and Ungrace Series 1) – Douglas Jacoby

Posted: February 10, 2014

This lesson was recorded at the 2013 Florida Discipleship Conference, and is based on the book of Lamentations. To get the most out of the Grace & Ungrace series, listen… Read More

Worship (J): From Middles Ages to Modern Times

Posted: February 9, 2014

3rd century – church buildings (converted houses) 4th century Influx of O.T. culture (priesthood, church/state, and more) Influx of paganism (holidays, images…) Basilicas Role of Imperial support 5th century Relics Cult… Read More

Worship (I): The 2nd C: A View from the Inside

Posted: February 8, 2014

Justin Martyr, First Apology 65-67 But we, after we have thus washed him who has been convinced and has assented to our teaching, bring him to the place where those… Read More

Worship (H): The 2nd century: A View from the Outside

Posted: February 7, 2014

Pliny, Letter to Trajan, 10.96-97, c.110 AD It is my practice, my lord, to refer to you all matters concerning which I am in doubt. For who can better give… Read More

Worship (E): Seven Places the Heart Goes Wrong

Posted: February 4, 2014

  1 Sam 15:25 — the appearance of worship (Saul) 2 Kings 10:19 — pretending to worship Ba’al (John 19:3) Isaiah 29:13 — hearts far from God Isaiah 44:15— the… Read More

The Gender of God

Posted: February 3, 2014

To hear The Gender of God (13 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Worship (D): Position, Disposition & Seven Occasions of Worship

Posted: February 3, 2014

  Position and Disposition Kneeling Sitting Lying Standing Raising hands (Christian art) Heart Expressiveness – 2 Sam 6; Luke 7, 17; feeling: two extremes Humility – 1 Kings 8; Psalm… Read More

Worship (C): Seven Aspects of O.C. Worship & Seven False Gods

Posted: February 2, 2014

7 Aspects of worship under the Old Covenant Pilgrimage: 3 annual visits (males) Animal sacrifices Singing, choirs, instruments Reading of scripture Priesthood Ritual, ornamentation, liturgy Limited access to YHWH 7… Read More

Worship (B): Seven Grand Passages on Worship

Posted: February 1, 2014

Summary Genesis 28:10-17 – Jacob’s vision of the stairway to heaven (see John 1:51). 1 Chron 16:29-30 – Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering… Read More

Worship (A): Seven Sanctuaries

Posted: January 31, 2014

Introduction to the series: important questions Worshippers enjoy healthier, more dynamic lives than non-worshippers. Why is that? What (if anything) does the Old Testament have to offer Christians? What disqualifies… Read More

Christ Through the Ages, 29: Christ Refracted in the World: The Monotheists

Posted: January 29, 2014

The penultimate podcast in our series (22 minutes) is Christ Refracted in the World: The Monotheists. Whereas last time we examined how Christ has been (mis)understood by polytheists, now we… Read More

Christ Through the Ages, 28: Christ Refracted in the World: The Polytheists

Posted: January 28, 2014

The final three podcasts in Christ Through the Ages explore how Christ has been refracted through human thinking. We begin with the polytheists (think Hindu); next time we will discuss monotheists (think… Read More

Q&A 1357 – Same-sex Unions: A Response

Posted: January 17, 2014

What is your take on the recent Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriages? And advice? Following the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision to legalize “gay marriages,” here are a… Read More

Jesus, Politics and Social Media – Tom Jones

Posted: January 11, 2014

I want to say at the beginning that I hope you will read this as a heart-felt appeal and not as in-your-face challenge. Most of us know that Jesus’ call… Read More

Q&A 1356 – Sleeping = dead?

Posted: January 8, 2014

In several passages the dead seem to be described as though they were asleep. For example, 1 Cor 15:6 says “Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at… Read More

How the Bible Came to Be, Part 5 – Gospels False and True

Posted: January 7, 2014

To listen to podcast later, right click link below and “Save target as” or “Save link as” Download Podcast For PDF notes for this class, click Here

How the Bible Came to Be, Part 4 – The New Testament Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha

Posted: December 14, 2013

To download this audio & listen to it later, click below and “save target as” or “save link as”. Download Podcast For PDF notes for this class, click Here

How the Bible Came to Be, Part 3 – The formation of the New Testament

Posted: November 26, 2013

To download this audio & listen to it later, right click below and “save target as” or “save link as”. Download Podcast For PDF notes for this class, click Here

How the Bible Came to Be, Part 2 – The Old Testament Apocrypha

Posted: November 26, 2013

This is the second lesson in the series. To listen to podcast later, right click link below and “Save target as” or “Save link as” Download Podcast For PDF notes… Read More

How the Bible Came to Be, Part 1—The formation of the Old Testament

Posted: November 26, 2013

To download the podcast and play it later, right click on the “download podcast” link below and select “save link as” or “save target as”. Download talk For even more,… Read More

Q&A 1342 — Response to The Gay Debate: The Bible & Homosexuality

Posted: September 4, 2013

I am reaching out to  a woman who has a gay brother. This man is in a committed relationship and is also a committed church member in a large denomination that… Read More