

Listen to Debate 6: Is Christianity Rational?

Posted: July 31, 2013

Listen to Debate 6: Is Christianity Rational? Debate with atheist Robert Brotherus took place 10 September 2011 (Helsinki). Please listen to it and tell your friends — believing and nonbelieving!… Read More

Recommended books on understanding homosexuality

Posted: July 31, 2013

1. Joe Dallas, The Gay Gospel. Very easy to read. 2. Robert A. J. Gagnon, The Bible and Homosexual Practice. More in-depth. 3. Guy Hammond, Caring Beyond the Margins. Superb. For more:… Read More

Gracia versus Legalismo (El Salvador, 2010)

Posted: July 31, 2013


Peace Debate

Posted: July 31, 2013

Watch a lively debate between yours truly and Rabbi Shmuley. Click here to get your own copy of the DVD.

Happy Purim!

Posted: July 31, 2013

Purim — The Upside Down Holiday (by Phillip Lester) Greetings and shalom (peace). If you didn’t know it – this is a special day.  Today is Purim! In a world of… Read More

Christian Anti-intellectual and the Disciple’s Worldview, by Jason Goble

Posted: July 31, 2013

Christian Anti-intellectual and the Disciple’s Worldview, as understood by Jason Goble This is the third essay on the Disciple’s Worldview. Before your eyes glaze over at the title, ask yourself… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Christmas & Santa Claus

Posted: July 31, 2013

The Origin of the word Christmas The modern word Christmas comes from the Old English Cristes mæsse, or Christ’s mass. In Medieval Catholicism, this was the Mass. The word mass… Read More

Si tu hermano te hace algo malo – esp*

Posted: July 31, 2013

Descargue el archivo. Pdf haciendo clic aquí.

Turkey radically revising Islamic texts (Hadith)

Posted: July 31, 2013


Does God Exist? debate with Michael Shermer

Posted: July 31, 2013

Click here to view the to view the entire debate with Michael Shermer (23 June 2007) at YouTube. Due to YouTube’s 2007 requirement that no uploads be over 10 minutes,… Read More

Resources for the Study of Islam

Posted: July 31, 2013

GeneralBergen, Peter L, Holy War, Inc. Free Press, 2001.Braswell, George W., Jr., Islam. (Broadman & Holman, 1996.Cragg, Kenneth, The Call of the Minaret. Orbis, 1985.Geisler, Norman and Abdul Saleeb, Answering… Read More

Is Homosexuality genetic?

Posted: July 31, 2013

In popular thinking, homosexuality is increasingly viewed as a justifiable, even somehow unavoidable, lifestyle, for those biologically predestined for it. One often hears in the media that one’s sexual orientation is due to a… Read More

Gladiator Graveyard Discovered

Posted: July 31, 2013


Cross the bridge… by J. Greig

Posted: July 31, 2013

“Cross the Bridge or Fade Away”  is a controversial article that may be of interest to some who are interested in exploring boundary issues. Click here for the .pdf file.


Posted: July 31, 2013

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. — George Orwell When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any… Read More

Slander, Gossip, and Malice, by Mohan Nanjundan

Posted: July 31, 2013

June 2003 The other day a dear friend forwarded an e-mail to me with a negative article about the kingdom attached and someone’s comments on the article. I quickly responded… Read More

Islam E (hadith 3)

Posted: June 18, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes on The Hadith, Pt. 3 (43 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Islam D (hadith 2)

Posted: June 18, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes on The Hadith, Pt. 2 (52 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Islam C (hadith 1)

Posted: June 18, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes on The Hadith, Pt. 1 (36 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Household Codes (by Jason Goble)

Posted: June 8, 2013

READING THE HOUSEHOLD CODE IN COLOSSIANS FROM AN ETHICAL PERSPECTIVE BY JASON GOBLE APRIL, 2013 Introduction The ancient church outside the synagogue began its existence in Greco-Roman households making the… Read More

Q&A 1332 – Jesus’ Wife Papyrus

Posted: June 6, 2013

Q&A 1333 – What about the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife? I am wondering if you have any thoughts on this new finding? In 2012 an ancient papyrus fragment, about the… Read More

Listen to DJ on the Debbie Chavez show (recorded 28 May 2013). Topic: Heaven & Hell.

Posted: May 28, 2013

Listen to DJ on the Debbie Chavez show (recorded 28 May 2013). Topic: Heaven & Hell.

Memorial Day – Mourning Our “Enemies” Deaths

Posted: May 27, 2013

by NIKOLE MITCHELL  On this Memorial Day, what if we not only remember American soldiers but all the soldiers around the world who have lost their lives? And not only soldiers,… Read More

Douglas Jacoby Interview on Spiritual Living

Posted: May 22, 2013

Interview with Douglas Jacoby about Spiritual living on Relate4ever Publishing as seen http://relate4ever.com/spiritualiving-interview-drdj

The War Prayer (Twain)

Posted: May 22, 2013

Here is Mark Twain’s The War Prayer, published in 1916, six years after the great humorist’s death (13 minutes). This piece is in the public domain. My podcast includes a… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 26 (Lazarus) = NT character podcast 34

Posted: April 26, 2013

For CLEAN podcast 26/N.T. Character Study 34, Lazarus (15 minutes), click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Introductory For most people,… Read More

Receiving Christ

Posted: April 16, 2013

Here is a study of the popular evangelical doctrine of Receiving Christ (22 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

No Exit: chapter featured at Rethinking Hell

Posted: April 16, 2013

The website Rethinking Hell has just featured a chapter from my new book on the topic. (They interviewed me in January 2013, and requested that I contribute an article in… Read More

Staying Single

Posted: April 5, 2013

To listen to Staying Single (21 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Culture Wars

Posted: March 4, 2013

Click here to read an interesting article about the Culture Wars.


Posted: February 21, 2013

For the podcast on on Zombies (20 minutes), listen to the podcast. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

David Platt on the Sinner’s Prayer

Posted: February 20, 2013

Watch this video (less than 3 minutes) by David Platt on why the Sinner’s Prayer is leading millions astray. Click here.

Using cell phones in church?

Posted: February 14, 2013

Using cell phones in church? This Youtube video (90 seconds) speaks to our modern techno-generation.

Empty Nesters In Nicaragua

Posted: February 5, 2013

Empty Nesters In Nicaragua  We are early-50s empty-nesters who for some time had wanted to find ways to serve the poor in a more consistent and hands-on manner.  We sought… Read More

6 reasons preachers avoid speaking on hell

Posted: December 21, 2012

Click here for this fascinating article: http://www.rethinkinghell.com/


Posted: December 5, 2012

To listen to Modesty (36 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Interview: DJ on Islam

Posted: November 23, 2012

Here you will find an interview about my book, Jesus & Islam. Cristian Paduraru, a brother who lives in Romania, is the interviewer. Please click here to visit the official… Read More


Posted: November 13, 2012

To listen to Ecology (19 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

The Name of God

Posted: October 28, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on The Name of God (18 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More


Posted: October 16, 2012

For the podcast on on Witchcraft (30 minutes), listen to the podcast. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Out-of-Body Experiences & NDEs

Posted: October 6, 2012

If you’re interested in my thoughts on Out-of-Body Experiences & Near Death Experiences (28 minutes), listen to the podcast. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More


Posted: September 9, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Mormonism (47 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

The Herods (Steve Jacoby)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to The Herods (24 minutes) by Steve Jacoby, click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Creative Quiet Times Part 1 (Joey Harris)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Creative Quiet Times, Part 1, by Joey Harris (29 minutes)), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Creative Quiet Times Part 2 (Joey Harris)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Creative Quiet Times, Part 2, by Joey Harris (17 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Creative Quiet Times Part 3 (Joey Harris)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Creative Quiet Times, Part 3, by Joey Harris 18 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Priests and Levites (Steve Jacoby)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Priests and Levites (22 minutes), by Steve Jacoby, click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

Under Fire: Lessons of Suffering from Mexico

Posted: June 14, 2012

To listen to Under Fire: Lessons of Suffering from Mexico, by Arturo Elizarrarás (28 minutes) click on the link: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More

Why Doubt is Good (!)

Posted: June 4, 2012

For the podcast on Why Doubt is Good (!) (16 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as”… Read More


Posted: March 30, 2012

To hear Parenting (35 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click here and you can listen to it later. Parenting isn’t just for current (or new)… Read More

The Mission

Posted: March 29, 2012

To hear The Mission (14 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Communication in Relationships (Cristian Paduraru)

Posted: March 2, 2012

Here are a podcast plus notes on Communication in Relationships (18 minutes). The speaker is Cristian Paduraru, of Romania. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Yeshua: Critique of Ron Moseley’s book & position

Posted: February 24, 2012

This lesson is a critique of Ron Moseley’s Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church (40 minutes). Introduction To download the podcast, right click on “download”… Read More

Prayer & Fasting

Posted: February 22, 2012

To hear Prayer & Fasting (40 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Baha’i & Tolerance

Posted: February 16, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Bahá’í & 21st Century Tolerance (18 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Shinto

Posted: February 16, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Shinto (19 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Islam B (Jihad)

Posted: February 16, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Islam B (15 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

Islam A (the basics)

Posted: February 16, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Islam A (11 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Confucianism & Taoism

Posted: February 15, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Confucianism & Taoism (14 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More


Posted: February 15, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Judaism (23 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

“The Doctrine of Non-Accumulation” (Hertzler)

Posted: February 2, 2012

To hear a review of Roger Hertzler’s book on The doctrine of non-accumulation (30 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select… Read More


Posted: January 6, 2012

Baptism Revisited, by John Lang John Lang (Indianapolis) has a different, and provocative, perspective on baptism: Baptism has long been a central concern of those with roots in the “Restoration… Read More

Five Laws of the Kingdom (David Bercot)

Posted: November 4, 2011

To hear The Five Laws of the Kingdom, by David Bercot (21 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More


Posted: October 20, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Thanksgiving (19 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Evangelism in the Early Church (II)

Posted: September 22, 2011

To hear Evangelism in the Early Church II (30 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

Evangelism in the Early Church (I)

Posted: September 22, 2011

To hear Evangelism in the Early Church I (29 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

The Alchemist

Posted: August 27, 2011

Here are a podcast and notes on The Alchemist (10 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Hinduism & Buddhism

Posted: August 27, 2011

Here are a podcast and notes on Hinduism & Buddhism (22 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Questions on Genesis (Creation, Big Bang, Evolution, Flood…)

Posted: August 22, 2011

Here is a podcast on Questions on Genesis (33 minutes). The questions have been selected from Your Bible Questions Answered, chapter 4 (Genesis). To readchapter 1 (General Questions About the… Read More


Posted: August 17, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Halloween (21 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Labor Day

Posted: August 17, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Labor Day (14 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Heaven is for Real (Or Is it?)

Posted: August 15, 2011

Listen to Heaven is for Real—Or Is It? (18 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

Why God Sent a Son (not a Daughter)

Posted: August 3, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Why God Sent a Son–not a Daughter (20 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More


Posted: July 30, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Birthdays(10 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More


Posted: July 30, 2011

Listen to Armageddon (22 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast and listen… Read More

Egyptian plagues and gods, by Sten Johannesson

Posted: July 28, 2011

Egyptian plagues and gods Why did God choose these 10 plagues for Egypt? Find out by clicking HERE. To see more presentations on Christian Evidences by Sten Johannesson, please click here.

Harry Potter

Posted: July 21, 2011

To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast and listen to it later. Download Podcast… Read More

Fathers’ Day, Mothers’ Day

Posted: July 2, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Fathers’ Day & Mothers’ Day (12 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Stem Cell Research

Posted: July 2, 2011

Here are a podcast and notes on Stem Cell Research (15 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Big Bang – Sten Johannesson

Posted: July 1, 2011

God and Science – Friends or Foes? Watch this 15 minute presentation on YouTube by going to the following link: To see more presentations on Christian Evidences by Sten Johannesson,… Read More


Posted: May 10, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Pentecost (9 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Matthew and True Righteousness, by Ron Clark

Posted: May 10, 2011

Here you will find a podcast by Ron Clark, “Matthew and True Righteousness.” To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Jeremiah 16, The God of Second Chances, by Ron Clark

Posted: May 10, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes by Ron Clark titled, “Jeremiah 16: The God of Second Chances.” To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

The Antichrist

Posted: May 10, 2011

Listen to The Antichrist (14 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast and listen… Read More

The Kingdom of God Part 2, by John Oakes

Posted: May 2, 2011

Listen to The Kingdom of God Part 2, by John Oakes (36 minutes), one of several podcasts under the heading Politics. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More

The Kingdom of God Part 1, by John Oakes

Posted: May 2, 2011

Listen to The Kingdom of God Part 1, by John Oakes (30 minutes), one of several podcasts under the heading Politics. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select… Read More

Rejoicing in Osama bin Laden’s Death (?)

Posted: May 2, 2011

Listen to Rejoicing in Osama bin Laden’s Death (?) (11 minutes), one of several podcasts under the heading Politics. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More

Q&A 1130—Follow the Rabbi?

Posted: March 17, 2011

What do you think about Ray van der Laan’s teachings (“Follow the Rabbi”)? I am sure that Rabbinic Judaism has something to tell us about Jesus’ ministry. But to be… Read More

Q&A 1121—Pacifism would have empowered Hitler?

Posted: February 27, 2011

At the end of your response to Q 0527, you imply that it is wrong to take up arms against your oppressors. What does that make of the Mandelas of… Read More

Decision-making & the Will of God

Posted: January 9, 2011

To hear Decision-making & The Will of God (48 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

New Year’s Day

Posted: January 6, 2011

Here are an audio talk plus notes on New Year’s Day (10 minutes). To download the talk, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

What God Has Taught Me Through the School of Experience (David Bercot)

Posted: November 27, 2010

Here are a podcast and notes for What God Has Taught Me Through the School of Experience, by David Bercot (33 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download”… Read More

Homosexuality (Guy Hammond)

Posted: November 25, 2010

Here are a podcast and notes on Homosexuality (15 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download… Read More

The Lord’s Prayer (Tom Jones)

Posted: November 3, 2010

To hear Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer (27 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

The Sabbath

Posted: October 24, 2010

To hear The Sabbath (40 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More


Posted: October 23, 2010

To hear Holiness (42 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

The Secret

Posted: October 20, 2010

If you’re interested in my thoughts on The Secret (11 minutes), listen to the podcast. To listen now, click on arrow above. To download the podcast, right click on “download”… Read More


Posted: October 20, 2010

Listen to Reincarnation I  (12 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast and listen… Read More

Illegal Immigration

Posted: October 20, 2010

Listen to Illegal Immigrants (12 minutes), one of several podcasts under the heading Politics. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Astrology & Horoscopes

Posted: October 13, 2010

To listen to Astrology & Horoscopes (10 minutes), click on the play button below. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

The American Civil War

Posted: October 12, 2010

Listen to The American Civil War (20 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast… Read More

Law, Allegiance, & Revolution

Posted: October 11, 2010

To hear Law, Allegiance, & Revolution (24 minutes) — just click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

Judging, Tolerance, Exclusivism

Posted: September 28, 2010

To hear Judging, Tolerance, & Exclusivism (21 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Who’s Fat?

Posted: September 9, 2010

Listen to the podcast “Who’s Fat?” (17 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the… Read More

Interview with a Jihadist

Posted: July 7, 2010

Adapted from Aaron Taylor’s website: Alone With A Jihadist is not just another book about Islamic-Christian relations. It is far more than that. This book may very well be the… Read More

Speaking in Tongues

Posted: June 29, 2010

Speaking in Tongues is 28 minutes in length. To listen, click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

The Shack

Posted: June 26, 2010

Listen to my review of Wm. Paul Young’s The Shack (10 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More


Posted: June 16, 2010

Ransom is 12 minutes in length. To listen, click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Why Atheism Fails (Compelling Evidence chapter 2)

Posted: June 9, 2010

Here you can listen to chapter 2 of my 2010 release Compelling Evidence: Finding Truth in an Age of Doubt. The file is 32 minutes in length. This is an… Read More


Posted: May 12, 2010

To listen to Ghosts (14 minutes and 17 seconds), click on the play button below. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More


Posted: May 12, 2010

To listen to Mummies (16 minutes), click on the play button below. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More


Posted: May 11, 2010

To hear Werewolves (10 minutes 43 seconds), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

The Wolf Will Lie Down with the Lamb

Posted: April 28, 2010

The following excellent lesson is by Aziz Sarah, and is from the 2009 seminar on Prejudice & Separation, which took place in Atlanta. It is his own moving story: how a… Read More


Posted: April 21, 2010

To hear Vampires (21 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Angelic Beings (angels, cherubim, seraphim, powers, demons)

Posted: April 13, 2010

The Angelic Beings is 30 minutes in length. To listen, click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Aliens (Extraterrestrial) and the Bible

Posted: April 6, 2010

Aliens & the Bible (10 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Reading Biblical Books, by Joey Harris

Posted: April 5, 2010

Following is a podcast by Joey Harris on the topic Reading Biblical Books. This will help you to be a better student of scripture. Length: 24 minutes. To listen, click on the… Read More

Original Sin

Posted: April 5, 2010

Following is a paper I wrote on the topic of Original Sin. The podcast includes everything in the paper –and a little bit more — and is 27 minutes in… Read More

The Book of Eli – Review by Joey Harris

Posted: April 3, 2010

The Book of Eli – Review by Joey Harris (20 minutes), click on the play button below: Click here for the notes to this podcast. To download the podcast, right click on… Read More

Crime & Punishment 2: Capital Punishment

Posted: March 17, 2010

To listen to Crime & Punishment 2: Thoughts on Capital Punishment (27 minutes), click on the play button below. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Crime & Punishment 1: Principles & Incarceration

Posted: March 17, 2010

To listen to Crime & Punishment 1: General Principles and Thoughts about Incarceration (33 minutes), click on the play button below. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select… Read More

Thoughts on Demon Possession & Exorcism

Posted: March 4, 2010

Thoughts on Demon Possession (13 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: February 27, 2010

Here are a podcast and notes on Tattoos & Piercings (37 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

Avatar: My response to the film

Posted: February 11, 2010

Here are a podcast and notes on Avatar (12 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

Earthquake, Storm, Fire, Flood: Responding to Natural Disaster

Posted: February 3, 2010

To hear the podcast (30 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Those Who Have Never Heard the Word

Posted: January 11, 2010

To hear Those Who Have Never Heard (27 minutes), click on the play button below. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

The General Resurrection

Posted: January 11, 2010

The General Resurrection (23 minutes), click on the play button below. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More


Posted: November 17, 2009

For Purgatory (12 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

Thoughts on Heaven & Hell

Posted: November 17, 2009

To hear Thoughts on Heaven & Hell (28 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

What Happens After We Die?

Posted: November 17, 2009

2010 Podcast 03, What Happens After We Die? (17 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

The Rapture & the Tribulation

Posted: November 17, 2009

The Rapture & the Tribulation (19 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

2012 & the End of the World

Posted: November 17, 2009

2012 & the End of the World (30 minutes), click on the play button below. The final few minutes of this recording are an explanation of the Current Events &… Read More


Posted: December 18, 2008

Please read Luke 2:42-52. Jesus had the holiday spirit. This was a busy time. Yet his family literally forgot the Lord —  they were not on the same spiritual wavelength…. Read More


Posted: December 18, 2008

This popular Jewish celebration falls close to the Christmas of the traditional church observance. It dates to the days of the Maccabean revolt (2nd century BC). For the origins of… Read More


Posted: December 17, 2008

If you have followed all the studies this year, you have completed an intensive study of the entire New Testament. Well done! For the next few days seasonal information and… Read More

Paul’s grave claimed found by the Vatican

Posted: December 19, 2006

The tomb of Paul was discovered just outside the old city walls of Rome, in the area of the Church of St Paul Outside the Walls. Excavation of the grave… Read More

Contemporary Views on Salvation, by Glenn Giles

Posted: November 21, 2006

There are varying views on salvation among those who call themselves “Christians” today. The following enumerate some of those views. You can download the word document or the pdf below…. Read More

Male Circumcision May Cut HIV Risk

Posted: August 28, 2006

ORIGINAL LINK: http://www.webmd.com/content/Article/126/116380.htm Age-Old Procedure Could Avert Millions of New Infections Worldwide By Charlene Laino WebMD Medical News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD Aug. 17, 2006 (Toronto) — A practice… Read More

Worldview Bibliography

Posted: August 18, 2006

Attached is an annotated bibliography on 80 books surveyed by Glenn Giles.  Each relates to different worldviews.  Download the word document below. Available Downloads: Files (.doc – 103k)

Conrad Gempf Lectures

Posted: August 18, 2006

“For all you podcasters, I can recommend one of my lecturers, Conrad Gempf, from the London School of Theology. Just go to the iTunes store, then the Podcast section and… Read More

German Bible Goes Politically Correct

Posted: May 21, 2006


Alexander Campbell on War

Posted: May 17, 2006

To read his views, download AlexanderCampbellonWar.pdf (59 KB).

Intelligent Design, by John Lang

Posted: May 9, 2006

I have had an interest in the topic of “Intelligent Design” (ID) for many years. In the last year, there has been a lot of attention given to the topic… Read More


Posted: April 17, 2006

The following website will help those unfamiliar with Gnosticism to understand this ancient (and modern) heresy, and to see easily why recent sensationalistic announcements about Gnostic documents barely faze the… Read More

Christian Classics

Posted: January 9, 2006

Check out this website: Christian Classics.

Holiday Preparation – November 20, 2005

Posted: November 21, 2005

North River Church of Christ: Sermon 20 NOV ’05 Holiday Preparation (5 Principles) HOLIDAY SPIRIT For many of us, 2006 promises to be one of the best years in a… Read More

Archaeologists Unveil Ancient Church Site

Posted: November 10, 2005

Check out this story if you haven’t seen it already. Link

American Civil Religion

Posted: September 2, 2005

by Thomas A. Jones Some unorganized thoughts: In the wake of the tragedies of September 11, the country has suddenly become once again interested in God. This presents unprecedented opportunities… Read More


Posted: August 31, 2005

In a lengthy, but I believe worthwhile, article Bill Hull writes about getting “tired of discipleship because you don’t see it working.” –Roger http://www.christianitytoday.com/le/2005/003/6.26.html Excerpt: “Through my “dark night of… Read More

King David’s Palace Found, Archaeologist Says

Posted: August 6, 2005

Jerusalem Journal King David’s Palace Is Found, Archaeologist Says By STEVEN ERLANGER Published: August 5, 2005 JERUSALEM, Aug. 4 – An Israeli archaeologist says she has uncovered in East Jerusalem… Read More

Book Recommendation: Once Upon A Tree

Posted: August 5, 2005

ONCE UPON A TREE If you’re looking for an excellent devotional book, let me recommend Calvin Miller’s ONCE UPON A TREE (Howard: West Monroe, Loiusiana), 2002. I’ve also recently read… Read More

Unity on Three Levels (2005)

Posted: August 3, 2005

A song of ascents. Of David. How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on… Read More


Posted: July 22, 2005

The Roman catacombs are intricate labyrinths of burial chambers that were built roughly between the third and fifth century A.D. They are considered among the most important relics of early… Read More

The Sins of a Failed Leadership, by Glenn Giles

Posted: April 20, 2005

The Gospel of Matthew seems to be structured around five major discourses of Jesus. As such, Matthew 23 would come at the end of the last (fifth) narrative and immediately… Read More

1st Century Messianic Movements, by Glenn Giles

Posted: March 29, 2005

The purpose of this paper is to determine bona fide messianic movements of the first century. Many have written articles using the term “messianic” or “messianic movement,” but few seem… Read More

Q&A 0007 – The Trinity

Posted: January 15, 2005

Can you recommend reading material about ‘Trinity’ theology? — Joel Hughes, Triangle, North Carolina Many works – thousands of pages! – have been written about the Trinity. Because this is… Read More

Discerning the Scriptures, by Jeff Chacon

Posted: April 8, 2004

“An Aid to Discerning the Scriptures” was written by Douglas Jacoby. Jeff Chacon refined Douglas’ article and used it in his congregation. This illustrates how a group of disciples who… Read More

Unburdened, by Andrew Kitchen

Posted: December 29, 2003

Perhaps the key differentiator Christianity has in the field of world religions is the concept of grace. In a world driven by competitiveness, performance measurement and the relentless march for… Read More

Lunch with Herm and Eutychus: Money to Burn – Fred Faller

Posted: December 19, 2003

This article is from Fred Faller. It appears in a series that can be found at www.immerland.com. “Money to Burn” Herm Foley drummed the fingers of his left hand on the table top. Before him on the Formica surface lay a single… Read More

Destruction of Jerusalem

Posted: December 17, 2003

Download the .pdf file.

Joseph and Esau: From a Bitter to a Better Way (by James Greig)

Posted: November 4, 2003

A biblical study for those who feel they have been treated unfairly and want to keep a pure heart in God’s sight. In five parts. See the attached pdf file:… Read More

Heaven & Hell: Terminal Punishment

Posted: October 16, 2003

Summer 1991 by Douglas Jacoby Introduction In my view hell doesn’t last infinitely, but instead destroys the individual after an appropriate length of time. Hell is eternal in its consequences,… Read More

Instrumental Music: A Live Issue

Posted: September 24, 2003

“Instrumental Music: A Live Issue’ was written by Douglas Jacoby in 1993. It discusses what the Bible says about the use of instrumental music — an issue for the Restoration… Read More


Posted: September 1, 2003

Below is a series of lessons on Eternity by Andrew Kitchen. View The Full Series on Eternity Listed below is the Contents. Lesson 1: From Here to Eternity Setting the… Read More

Hell, by Tom Jones

Posted: September 1, 2003

Attached below is an article by Tom Jones, teacher in the Nashville Church of Christ. He examines what the scriptures teach about hell. PDF File (296 KB)

What Happens When We Die? – by Gordon Ferguson

Posted: August 19, 2003

Introduction Probably all religious people have questions about what happens when we die. Many of them believe that we cease to exist at death until the resurrection at the end… Read More

John 15 and Biblical Fruit, by Tom Jones

Posted: August 18, 2003

Our Teaching About John 15 For many years in our movement we have heard that the fruit Jesus describes in John 15 is the making of other disciples. Often we… Read More

Lives of Women in the First Century AD, by Emily Greig

Posted: August 13, 2003

Click here to download this document.

The Death Penalty

Posted: August 13, 2003

In the Old Testament capital punishment was mandated for many offenses: 1. Adultery (Leviticus 20:11) 2. Attacking parents (Exodus 21:15) 3. Bestiality (Exodus 22:19, Leviticus 20:15) 4. Blasphemy (Leviticus 24:16)… Read More

G. K. Chesterton Quotes

Posted: July 17, 2003

Religion and Faith Theology is only thought applied to religion.—“The Groups of the City,” The New Jerusalem Atheism is indeed the most daring of all dogmas . . . for… Read More

African Proverbs

Posted: July 16, 2003

Selected and adapted from a compilation by Lady Kofo Ademola appearing in a Bookcraft Ltd. publication (Ibadan, Nigeria). Here arranged by country of origin. Ghana * An empty sack will… Read More

Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (Casarse, Divorciarse, y Volverse a Casar — esp*)

Posted: February 1, 2001

Note: The following paper was a group effort. It does not claim to speak for a single church or even an association of congregations, but represents the opinion of a… Read More

Judge Not!

Posted: January 1, 1990

Douglas Jacoby, Stockholm 1990 The following study is useful for anyone who has heard that we should never “judge.” Certainly, a judgmental spirit is wrong and unbecoming of a believer,… Read More


Posted: February 28, 1986

The following article originally appeared in A Light to London, January & February 1986. I am convinced that we are living in the most exciting period of human history the… Read More