

Answers to Questions

Q&A 0243 – Biblical Greek and Hebrew

Posted: May 8, 2006

Do you have any book or dictionary recommendations for those of us crazy enough to want to learn Biblical Hebrew and Greek? — Sandi Redus (Austin)The best advice I can… Read More

Q&A 0242 – The Apostle James

Posted: May 6, 2006

I was wondering if you have ever thought about the Apostle James. Jesus spent his most important times with the three — James Peter and John. We know Peter was… Read More

Q&A 0241 – Eloping

Posted: May 4, 2006

The Bible talks a lot about sexual immorality being a sin. What is your take on an engaged couple studying the Bible, seeing they are living in sin, then eloping… Read More

Q&A 0240 – The problem of suffering

Posted: May 2, 2006

If God is (1) perfectly loving, (2) omnipotent and (3) omniscient, why is evil so prevalent in the world? The free will defense explains “moral evils” such as murder and… Read More

Q&A 0239 – Horoscopes

Posted: April 30, 2006

I would like to ask you about your attitude to horoscopes. Can they ever be useful for knowing a man’s character, and then using this knowledge for better communication, even… Read More

Q&A 0238 – Traffic regulations

Posted: April 28, 2006

The Bible says we are to obey the law of the land — its authorities and their rules (1 Peter 2:13-17, Romans 13:1-7, Titus 3:1). If going against laws instituted… Read More

Q&A 0237 – Interpretation and the Genesis account

Posted: April 26, 2006

I have been reading the book, Is there a God? by John Oakes. I have found this book most interesting, but there is one question that still bothers me referring… Read More

Q&A 0236 – Why don’t children take communion?

Posted: April 24, 2006

This question was prompted by a friend who came to church with me. So, I followed up and read your wonderful article on the Lords Supper. However, a question remains for me. I… Read More

Q&A 0235 – Chronology in the Gospel accounts

Posted: April 22, 2006

Were two different chronological systems in use here? John 19:13-14a reads, "When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judge’s seat at a place known… Read More

Q&A 0234 – Matthew 28 a late addition?

Posted: April 20, 2006

I recently in a book read that there is much criticism among biblical scholars as to the authenticity of the Great Commission passage. It is alleged that Mt 28:18-20 is… Read More

Q&A 0233 – Polygamy

Posted: April 18, 2006

I was wondering, how is it that polygamy was allowed in the Old Testament and yet is frowned upon in the New Testament? — Marcie Lindow (Tampa) I do not… Read More

Q&A 0232 – What is the battle of Armageddon?

Posted: April 16, 2006

What exactly is the battle of Armageddon? Is there going to be a literal battle, as Revelation 16 seems to indicate? And how can we prepare for this awful battle… Read More

Q&A 0231 – Should Christians be involved in politics?

Posted: April 14, 2006

What is your opinion on whether is it right for a Christian to be involved in politics? I am wary of politics, perhaps because we lived for ten years in… Read More

Q&A 0230 – What about the pagans?

Posted: April 12, 2006

Could you clarify how ancient races outside the Middle East had the opportunity to learn about God? E.g. what about the 40,000+ year-old aboriginal culture of Australia, Pacific islanders or… Read More

Q&A 0229 – Hippocratic Oath

Posted: April 10, 2006

Wasn’t there once a pledge doctors used to have to make about not performing abortions? Yes indeed! Please listen to the words of Hippocrates, the great ancient Greek physician (died… Read More

Q&A 0228 – Dinosaurs

Posted: April 8, 2006

Where are the dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? How would you answer this question and what scriptures convey the truth about the matter? — Athena Gonzalez The fact is nowhere… Read More

Q&A 0227 – Death and Hades

Posted: April 6, 2006

In Revelation 20:13 it says that "death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them." What exactly is meant by the phrase "death and Hades"? I always thought… Read More

Q&A 0226 – Anthropomorphisms

Posted: April 4, 2006

Genesis 18:20 reads: “The Lord said, ‘The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they… Read More

Q&A 0225 – Outsiders

Posted: April 2, 2006

In Luke 9, some of the apostles tell Jesus they tried to stop someone who was driving out demons in his name, yet Jesus told them not to stop them,… Read More

Q&A 0224 – Evidences websites

Posted: March 31, 2006

What are some useful websites I can visit on Christian evidences? There are many many useful websites out there. While some are sloppy or claim more than the evidence really… Read More

Q&A 0223 – Literacy in the time of Jesus

Posted: March 29, 2006

Could most people write and read in the first century? Was Jesus teaching the illiterate masses, or were many of them able to read and write? Despite many tightly held… Read More

Q&A 0222 – The Didache

Posted: March 27, 2006

I recently read the Didache, which is described as a handbook for the early Christians. I was curious why it didn’t make the final cut, in terms of being canonized… Read More

Q&A 0221 – The Perfect in 1 Corinthians 13

Posted: March 25, 2006

Is “perfection” in 1 Corinthians 13 referring to the canonization of the New Testament? I have heard that “perfection” is neuter in the Greek, and so cannot refer to Jesus’… Read More

Q&A 0220 – What is a cubit?

Posted: March 23, 2006

What is a cubit? The cubit was a common O.T. measure of length. Although scholars are still discussing its exact length, it seems the common cubit was eighteen inches, or… Read More

Q&A 0219 – Consumerism and materialism

Posted: March 21, 2006

I am doing a study on the effects of consumerism in our society. Do you have any reading ideas? Indeed I do! I would like to suggest four works in… Read More

Q&A 0218 – Racism

Posted: March 19, 2006

Please advise me on how to study out the subject of prejudice — especially when it may occur in the church. And most importantly, how can I guard my heart… Read More

Q&A 0217—Role of the teacher (criteria)

Posted: March 17, 2006

Douglas, it seems to me that the role of Teacher (didaskalos) isn’t really an office, but a role that some leaders fill (prophets in Acts 13:1, pastors in Ephesians 4:11,… Read More

Q&A 0216 – Good in our natural state?

Posted: March 15, 2006

C.S. Lewis intimated that the only difference between a despot and a factory worker might well be the opportunity to carry out evil. That their hearts, and ours, are all filled… Read More

Q&A 0215 – Sun and Shadow

Posted: March 13, 2006

I was wondering, are the words "sun" in Joshua 10:12-13 and "shadow" in 2 Kings 20:8-11 the same? — Angela (Atlanta) The Hebrew word for sun in Joshua 10 is… Read More

Q&A 0214 – Date of the Exodus

Posted: March 11, 2006

I’ve been doing research on a book on the life of Joseph, and am troubled by trying to pin down the approximate time of the Exodus. I’m thinking from all… Read More

Q&A 0213 – Once Saved, Always Saved

Posted: March 9, 2006

What is your best answer to counter the "Once Saved, Always Saved" argument? The strongest statement I have seen in the Bible to support the idea of eternal security is… Read More

Q&A 0212—What you are about to do, do quickly?

Posted: March 7, 2006

And after Judas took the piece of bread, Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, “What you are about to do, do quickly” (John 13:2, 23-27 NET). Why did Jesus… Read More

Q&A 0211 – Luke 6:38 in the Chinese Bible

Posted: March 5, 2006

I have a question. I read the Chinese Bible. In a morning Quiet Time I came to Luke 6:38, where the word "funnel" is used, whereas "good measure" is used… Read More

Q&A 0210 – The Gospel of Thomas

Posted: March 3, 2006

I understand that Thomas went as far as India, but I am not so sure whether he is the one who wrote The Gospel of Thomas. Should this book be… Read More

Q&A 0209 – Islam and Bible purity

Posted: March 1, 2006

I’m a former Muslim, now a disciple of Christ. I recently got into a bit of a theological argument with Muslims, who argued that God does not have a son,… Read More

Q&A 0208 – Miraculous gifts after the apostles?

Posted: February 27, 2006

I was surprised to read that writers such as Origen, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus reported examples of "miraculous gifts" as late as the second and third centuries. Is this related… Read More

Q&A 0207 – Isn’t it wrong to kill people for killing?

Posted: February 25, 2006

This is a complex question though a good one. Many Bible readers point to Genesis 9:6 insisting “See God demands the death penalty here.” Yet while the New Testament recognizes… Read More

Q&A 0206 – Luke 22:15-18

Posted: February 23, 2006

My flat-mate and I were discussing Luke 22:15-18, where Jesus says that he will not "eat it again it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God" or drink again… "until… Read More

Q&A 0205 – Baptism

Posted: February 21, 2006

Whilst watching the movie Mary, Mother of Jesus and seeing baptism depicted as sprinkling, I suddenly wondered, Where did baptism come from in the first place? As I understand it,… Read More

Q&A 0204 – Joseph (Mary’s husband)

Posted: February 19, 2006

Is there any biblical indication of what in the world happened to Joseph (Mary’s husband)? Any early church tradition that seems valid? — Geoff I assume you are referring to… Read More

Q&A 0203 – Original Sin

Posted: February 17, 2006

BORN DAMNED? London, 1986 Baseball What would you think of a baseball game (to borrow an American analogy) in which each player already has two strikes against him — before… Read More

Q&A 0202 – New Testament sources

Posted: February 15, 2006

Does the NT quote from any secular or religious sources? And if so, would this mean that they are somehow inspired? This is a list (possibly incomplete) of pagan sources… Read More

Q&A 0201 – Old Testament sources

Posted: February 13, 2006

What is and who wrote the book of Jashar (Joshua 10:13, 2 Samuel 1:18)? —  Vicente L. (Washington DC) The book of Jashar is one of the many books cited in… Read More

Q&A 0200 – Authorship of 1 and 2 Timothy

Posted: February 11, 2006

I would like your personal opinion as a Bible scholar about the authorship of 1 and 2 Timothy. I read that many scholars believe the book was written after Paul’s… Read More

Q&A 0199 – Confession of sins

Posted: February 9, 2006

I gather from Romans 10 (and by piecing together instances in Acts) that hearing the message, believing (and audibly confessing) Jesus as Lord, repenting of sins, and being baptized are… Read More

Q&A 0198 – Martydom of Zechariah

Posted: February 7, 2006

In Matthew 23:35, Jesus mentioned the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, seeming to point to the prophet mentioned in the last book of the Hebrew Bible (Chronicles). But Jesus… Read More

Q&A 0197 – Authorship of Hebrews

Posted: February 5, 2006

Who do you think wrote the book of Hebrews, and why? — Michael Wegge (Los Angeles) No one really knows, Michael. Although the style is Pauline, suggesting that the letter… Read More

Q&A 0196 – Jesus and the Logos

Posted: February 3, 2006

If Jesus is the Logos, then the Word of God came to earth in the flesh. The Bible is the inspired word of God and speaks his will to us… Read More

Q&A 0195 – “The Kenites”

Posted: February 1, 2006

I recently studied with someone who has fallen into the teachings of a man who preaches that Satan impregnated Eve. He also claims Cain was the result of that illicit… Read More

Q&A 0194 – No moral teachings in John?

Posted: January 30, 2006

In my university Bible class, my professor stated that there were no moral teachings in the book of John–also that the book of John is a reinterpretation of the Gospel,… Read More

Q&A 0193 – Perfect, up-to-date repentance?

Posted: January 28, 2006

I have heard many people imply, “If Jesus were to come back today and you haven’t repented of this sin, we won’t go to heaven.” However, that’s not what I… Read More

Q&A 0192 – Another Ten Commandments?

Posted: January 26, 2006

Is it a coincidence that the set of commandments in Exodus 34 happens to number ten, like the better known 10 commandments of Exodus 20? — Steven C. Yacconi Like… Read More

Q&A 0191 – Cremation

Posted: January 24, 2006

What does the bible say about cremation? What is your opinion on it? The Bible does not give any position at all on this subject, and I personally have no… Read More

Q&A 0190 – Scholars and baptism

Posted: January 22, 2006

My father is a denominational minister, and we have disagreed over the meaning of New Testament baptism. In a study Bible, I read the words of a scholar who said… Read More

Q&A 0189 – God and Satan

Posted: January 20, 2006

When I was studying literature at university, I came across writers like Lewis Carroll who, in his book Alice in Wonderland, depicts our life as a chess game between our… Read More

Q&A 0188 – Rewards in heaven

Posted: January 18, 2006

I’d like to know if heaven itself is our reward for being Christians, or whether there are other rewards once we are in heaven? — Karen Kuether Certainly heaven is… Read More

Q&A 0187 – The elder

Posted: January 16, 2006

When the Bible describes the qualifications of an elder, we are told he needs to be the “husband of one wife.” Does that mean he can only be married to… Read More

Q&A 0186 – Transubstantiation

Posted: January 14, 2006

Could you shed some light on the Roman Catholic interpretation of the communion? A Catholic friend of mine believes strongly that they eat and drink the actual flesh and blood… Read More

Q&A 0185 – Open communion?

Posted: January 12, 2006

Greetings from Nepal! I am wondering: should we give the bread and wine to the visitors when they are in the meeting? Some people are offended that we allow non-Christians… Read More

Q&A 0184 – The Satanic Verses

Posted: January 10, 2006

Q&A 0184 – The Satanic Verses What are “the Satanic verses”? In a moment of weakness, Muhammad allowed worship to the three daughters of Allah (Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat). He… Read More

Q&A 0183 – Face to face?

Posted: January 8, 2006

Exodus 33:11 says the lord spoke to Moses face to face, yet in 33:20 God says Moses cannot see his face, as no one may see him and live. Isn’t… Read More

Q&A 0182 – Suicide

Posted: January 6, 2006

Did Jesus commit suicide for us? (Why or why not?) Is it really considered suicide to "take a bullet" for someone else? — Vincent Subramaniam (Washington DC) Allowing oneself to… Read More

Q&A 0181 – Killing and murder

Posted: January 4, 2006

Exodus 20.13 and Deuteronomy 5.17, NRSV, say "You shall not murder," with a footnote mentioning "kill" as a substitute for "murder." Exodus 20.13 and Deuteronomy 5.17, NIV, say "You shall… Read More

Q&A 0180 – Tithing

Posted: January 2, 2006

Is it true that the word "tithe" doesn’t appear even once in the New Testament? I looked but I may have missed it. If it doesn’t, does that mean that… Read More

Q&A 0179 – Soul and spirit

Posted: December 31, 2005

In Hebrews 4:12-13, what is the difference between soul and spirit? Is this human spirit or Holy Spirit? — Julio Carranza What’s the difference between soul and spirit? Hebrews 4:12… Read More

Q&A 0178 – Balaam

Posted: December 29, 2005

I have been studying the book of Jude, and I came across verse 11, which compares the godless men of Jude 4 to Balaam. So, I figured I would find… Read More

Q&A 0177 – Halloween

Posted: December 27, 2005

Para la version de este artículo en español, clique aquí. We do not celebrate Halloween. It used to be my understanding that Satanists view Halloween as a special day. I… Read More

Q&A 0176 – Italicization

Posted: December 25, 2005

A friend of the family asked me a Bible question I couldn’t answer: "Why do so many translations have random words italicized? This is distracting and makes the Bible so… Read More

Q&A 0175 – Gambling

Posted: December 23, 2005

What is the biblical teaching on gambling? (A. Chamber) Well, before I share some thoughts about this topic, let me confess that I myself recently “gambled.” A group of friends… Read More

Q&A 0174 – Tattoos

Posted: December 21, 2005

I would like to ask about tattoos. Leviticus 19:28 seems to argue against them. I realize this passage is in the context of Old Testament law, to which we are… Read More

Q&A 0173 – Smoking

Posted: December 19, 2005

What scriptures would you share with someone who is seriously struggling with smoking cigarettes–someone who knows it’s not good for you but needs to be spiritually convicted? Also, will a… Read More

Q&A 0172 – Sacrificing the women

Posted: December 17, 2005

In Judges 19:22-28, I don’t understand why they would offer the women instead of just ignoring those guys or leaving? In Judges 21:10-11, I wonder, Did the women and children… Read More

Q&A 0171 – Men in women’s clothing

Posted: December 15, 2005

I don’t understand Deuteronomy 22:5. A lot of women wear men’s clothing! –Vero Some church groups teach that it is a sin for a woman to wear man’s clothing, and vice… Read More

Q&A 0170 – Egypt and Rome

Posted: December 13, 2005

I just completed reading the book of Revelation and I have a question. I read that as the seven plagues were being unleashed on the earth, the inhabitants, although in… Read More

Q&A 0169 – Jesus’ birth

Posted: December 11, 2005

My question: when was Jesus born? I have heard that it was in the summer, then recently I heard it was in October. How do you know the answer? — Renee Albert… Read More

Q&A 0168 – Annulment

Posted: December 9, 2005

There has been a lot of talk recently about the show "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" and the likely pending annulment case. Is there any biblical basis for an… Read More

Q&A 0167 – Child sacrifice

Posted: December 7, 2005

In Leviticus 18.21 Deuteronomy 12.31 2 Kings 3.26-27 16.3 and Ezekiel 16.20-21 God seems to express an extraordinary disgust for the practice of child sacrifice. Could you please help me… Read More

Q&A 0166 – Q and the Gospel of Thomas

Posted: December 5, 2005

I recently read of books called "Q" and the Gospel of Thomas. Interesting reading! I was wondering what you thought of them and their authenticity. Why are they not included… Read More

Q&A 0165 – Tithing on non-salary income

Posted: December 3, 2005

I have been studying out the difference or lack of difference between tithing from my firstfruits (I equate this with my income) and honoring God with my wealth (created by… Read More

Q&A 0164 – John’s baptism

Posted: December 1, 2005

In Acts 19:1-7, the men Paul spoke to were disciples. Where were those men standing with God if they had repented and been baptized and forgiven of their sins? What… Read More

Q&A 0163 – John’s baptism v. baptism in Jesus’ name

Posted: November 29, 2005

In John 3:22 and John 4:2, it says that the disciples of Jesus were baptising. What kind of baptism was this? In Romans 6:1-7, the scriptures say Jesus had to… Read More

Q&A 0162 – Reuel or Jethro?

Posted: November 27, 2005

I had a question in Exodus 2:16-3:1. When reading this sector it appears that Reuel is Moses’ father-in-law and not Jethro. Who is Reuel? — Henrietta Reuel is simply another name… Read More

Q&A 0161 – Destroy Satan?

Posted: November 25, 2005

Since Satan always tempts people to do wicked things, why does God not destroy Satan? Also, did God know that Adam and Eve would eat from the tree of the… Read More

Q&A 0160 – Satan’s fate

Posted: November 23, 2005

Since Satan knows that his fate is sealed, why is he acting as he does? Is he betting that God’s love will eventually lead to a reprieve? Or is Satan… Read More

Q&A 0159 – Matthew 11:13

Posted: November 21, 2005

What do you think Matthew 11:13 means? If all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, why is the revelation in the Bible? — Belov (Moscow) I was reading… Read More

Q&A 0158 – The Parable of the Weeds

Posted: November 19, 2005

I always had the understanding (or misunderstanding) that on the day Jesus returns, that disciples would be taken up into heaven first. However, Matthew 13:30 (the parable of the weeds),… Read More

Q&A 0157 – Other sheep

Posted: November 17, 2005

While discussing the Bible with a friend from a Mormon background, the topic of the "other sheep" of John 10 came up. The Mormons use this scripture to contend that… Read More

Q&A 0156 – The “Lost Tribes”

Posted: November 15, 2005

I have become curious about the "lost tribes" of Israel and the connection with Europe, Britain, and the USA inferred by some groups. What do they base this idea on… Read More

Q&A 0155 – The tetragrammaton

Posted: November 13, 2005

[Reworded] The Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that the name of God, Jehovah was taken out of the Scriptures. It was my understanding that the tetragrammaton (YHWH) was too holy to pronounce,… Read More

Q&A 0154 – Job

Posted: November 11, 2005

I think Job is such an inspiring book, but I must admit that reading it makes me feel a little insecure. Oftentimes, the words of the "worthless physicians" or "miserable… Read More

Q&A 0153 – Rapture

Posted: November 9, 2005

What is the "rapture," and what scriptural references do proponents of this idea use as supporting evidence? I fail to get a clear understanding from the often quoted 1 Thessalonians… Read More

Q&A 0152 – Gods (little ‘g’) and Psalm 82

Posted: November 7, 2005

In John 10, Jesus confronts the Jews who are upset about his claiming to be God’s Son. He quotes a psalm that calls people “gods” because the word of God… Read More

Q&A 0151 – Helping Muslims

Posted: November 5, 2005

I’m from Jakarta, Indonesia. How can I help my Muslim friends become Christians? — Joe Although we dealt with this question earlier, let me amplify what I wrote before to… Read More

Q&A 0150 – Taking up the cross

Posted: November 3, 2005

When the Bible says "take up his cross daily," what does that really mean? To kill your sin or to bear Jesus’ persecution? To me, "deny himself" and "take up… Read More

Q&A 0149 – The heavenly realms

Posted: November 1, 2005

What is the meaning of Ephesians 3:10? Don’t the heavenly realms already know the manifold wisdom of God? They can see God, or rather they see the spiritual realms (and… Read More

Q&A 0148 – Jeremiah 8:7

Posted: October 30, 2005

I was reading Jeremiah 8:8, which accuses the scribes of falsely handling the scriptures, and had several questions about the role of the scribes. Were the scribes responsible for wrongly… Read More

Q&A 0147 – 1 Corinthians 3:15

Posted: October 28, 2005

I would like to have a better understanding on the matter of 1 Corinthians 3:13-15. In v15, how can one can be saved if his work hasn’t passed the "fire… Read More

Q&A 0146 – Family planning

Posted: October 26, 2005

To me natural family planning is a form of contraception. I have looked in several Catholic theology defense books including the recent catechism but could not locate any biblical defense… Read More

Q&A 0145 – Birth control

Posted: October 24, 2005

Is birth control unrighteous? I read in Genesis 38:9-10 where Onan "spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring; what he did was wicked in the Lord’s… Read More

Q&A 0144 – Communion questions

Posted: October 22, 2005

Having grown up in a Catholic church, I am now studying the subject of the Lord’s Supper. Do we have to make our worship of the communion time with the… Read More

Q&A 0143 – The Transfiguration

Posted: October 20, 2005

My question is on Matthew 17, the Transfiguration of Jesus. First, what is the purpose for this story, what am I supposed to learn from it. Second, why did God… Read More

Q&A 0142 – 2 Timothy 3:16

Posted: October 18, 2005

Is 2 Timothy 3:16-17 speaking of the Old Testament when it says "all scripture"? The entire Bible as we know it wasn’t even completed at that point, right? So is… Read More

Q&A 0141 – 1 Corinthians 7:12 and inspiration

Posted: October 16, 2005

I have a question regarding a couple scriptures that seem to imply that they are not God-breathed. For instance, "To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord)" (1… Read More

Q&A 0140 – Abimelech and Sarah

Posted: October 14, 2005

Sometimes God confuses me in the Old Testament. For instance, take the whole chapter of Genesis 20, about Abraham and Abimelech. Here we read that for the second time Abraham… Read More

Q&A 0139 – The two thieves and Gospel discrepancies

Posted: October 12, 2005

My question has to do with the two thieves crucified with Jesus. I grew up believing that one cursed Jesus and the other asked for forgiveness. In Matthew and Mark,… Read More

Q&A 0138 – Unbelieving Jews

Posted: October 10, 2005

What are your thoughts on the letter to the Romans and the fate of the Jews who do not believe in Jesus? Will they be saved just by being God’s… Read More

Q&A 0137 – Paul’s tone

Posted: October 8, 2005

In his letters, Paul had always been inspiring, warm, yet serious. In Romans 6:7-23, Paul was rather "different." What’s the significance of this passage? — Chris Punya I assume you’re… Read More

Q&A 0136 – The New Testament and Aristotle

Posted: October 6, 2005

Is it true that the earliest copies of the New Testament were around 125 AD, only about 25 years later than the date it was written? Is it also true… Read More

Q&A 0135 – Judges 20

Posted: October 4, 2005

Why in Judges 20 do we see Israel going to battle a righteous cause (punishing the Benjamites for the rape and murder of the concubine), being encouraged by God to… Read More

Q&A 0134 – Tithing

Posted: October 2, 2005

I was always taught to tithe and have always done so, and God has blessed my family tremendously. Yet the evangelist in my new ministry situation does not believe in… Read More

Q&A 0133 – Baptism and awareness of sin

Posted: September 30, 2005

According to Acts 2, to become a Christian we must repent and be baptised. My question is in regard to exactly what repentance is referring to. In Acts, it does… Read More

Q&A 0132 – Bible versions

Posted: September 28, 2005

Every time I’ve heard you speak, you have recommended reading other versions of the Bible than the NIV. Could you give a list of the most popular and best translations?… Read More

Q&A 0131 – 1 Kings 13

Posted: September 26, 2005

One of the chapters in the Bible that makes me think and desire help is in 1 Kings 13. Did the man of God sin, or was he simply deceived?… Read More

Q&A 0130 – Pain and suffering

Posted: September 24, 2005

Recently I’ve had discussions with two women stuck on one question: "If God is so good and loving, why is there so much pain and suffering for innocent people?" Each time,… Read More

Q&A 0129 – Joseph of Arimathea Jesus’ uncle?

Posted: September 22, 2005

I came across the public television show, "Mysteries of the Bible," talking about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. They made mention of a theory that Joseph of Arimathea was Jesus’ uncle…. Read More

Q&A 0128 – Sororities and fraternities

Posted: September 20, 2005

What is your advice for someone that wants to become part of a sorority or fraternity? — Elvina U. Lake I think that depends on the nature of the sorority… Read More

Q&A 0127 – Putting God to the test

Posted: September 18, 2005

”I ask a very intriguing question that has bugged me. What does it mean to put God to a test when we pray for God to act? Isn’t there a… Read More

Q&A 0126 – How Christians Made Peace with War

Posted: September 16, 2005

I really appreciate your comments re Christians and the military. Can you provide a more detailed reference on Driver’s book? — Chris The reference is: John Driver, How Christians Made… Read More

Q&A 0125 – Musical instruments in worship

Posted: September 14, 2005

Is there anything in the New Testament that shows that we should not use musical instruments in our church worship services? — Marsha Williams No, nothing at all. The New… Read More

Q&A 0124 – Those who haven’t heard

Posted: September 12, 2005

What happens to those people that have not heard the gospel yet, if Jesus were to come today? Would they have a chance to come to repentance? According to John… Read More

Q&A 0124 – Multilevel marketing

Posted: September 10, 2005

What is your opinion about multilevel marketing (Amway, Avon, Mona Vie, etc)?  Much of the income from these ventures comes from recruiting new members. It is frustrating to be constantly… Read More

Q&A 0123 – Capital punishment carried out by Christians

Posted: September 8, 2005

Romans 13 teaches us that the law is put into place by men under the authority of God. So if the death penalty is already in place for a particular… Read More

Q&A 0122 – Self defense?

Posted: September 6, 2005

Jesus teaches us to love our enemies. Does this mean that if a person attacks me–or for that matter tries to attack my wife or my child–I should remain silent… Read More

Q&A 0121 – Disciples and war

Posted: September 4, 2005

First, in the face of severe suffering such as that many Americans began to experience on September 11th, our human response is naturally a desire for the downfall and destruction… Read More

Q&A 0120 – Luke 22 and the sword

Posted: September 2, 2005

As I read question/answer 0056 about enemies, the curly question for me seems to be not so much attacking one’s enemies, but using force in defense of the oppressed or… Read More

Q&A 0119 – Restoration

Posted: August 31, 2005

The Bible seems to say that once someone has fallen away, he or she can never be brought back (Hebrews 6). And yet in our church we practice "restoration," or bringing back someone who has quit. What… Read More

Q&A 0118 – Falling Away

Posted: August 29, 2005

I talked to a brother today who fell away some time ago but came back several years later. He is having difficulty with Hebrews 6:4-6, for he thinks it says… Read More

Q&A 0117 – John 20:22-23

Posted: August 27, 2005

John 20:22-23 reads (NLT): “Then he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven. If you refuse to forgive… Read More

Q&A 0116 – 1 Samuel 28:3-17

Posted: August 25, 2005

Can the medium or spiritist bring back the spirit of the dead? Or is it that a demon was impersonating Samuel? — Peter Orire (Nigeria) In 1 Samuel 28, apparently… Read More

Q&A 0115 – Veiling and Angels

Posted: August 23, 2005

1 Corinthians 11:9-10 says that because woman was created for man, and "because of the angels," she ought to have a sign of authority on her head. What do the… Read More

Q&A 0114 – Book response

Posted: August 21, 2005

I had a discussion with a friend recently and he referred me to a book he had read. It actually points to some interesting and disturbing ideas regarding the history… Read More

Q&A 0113 – When we die

Posted: August 19, 2005

In some scriptures it appears that we are judged immediately at death (Luke 16:23) while in other scriptures it appears that we are all brought together for a final judgement… Read More

Q&A 0112 – Tyre

Posted: August 17, 2005

I have recently finished a Christian evidences class in my congregation. In that class we learned several proofs of the validity of the Bible including prophecies that eventually came true…. Read More

Q&A 0111 – Continuity and the Orthodox Church

Posted: August 15, 2005

I live in a nation where the Orthodox Church has great power. They teach that true church must have continuity, with consistent succession of members from person to person all… Read More

Q&A 0110 – Apocrypha: Second Thoughts

Posted: August 13, 2005

Do you still hold to your position that the Apocrypha does not belong in the Bible? The Apocrypha: Second Thoughts (2000) Perhaps you have heard of Tobit, Judith, or Ecclesiasticus…. Read More

Q&A 0109 – NIV?

Posted: August 11, 2005

My question concerns the different versions of the Bible used by electronic concordances and databases such as the ones linked to www.douglasjacoby.com. I thought that the NIV was an accurate,… Read More

Q&A 0108 – The Use of “Lord” and “God” in the N.T.

Posted: August 9, 2005

You said in your article The Trinity that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Spirit is God, but that the Father is not the Son, the… Read More

Q&A 0107 – Disfellowship

Posted: August 7, 2005

What are the criteria for disfellowship? 1 Corinthians 5:11 seems to indicate sin of which the believer will not repent of the type listed, coupled with calling oneself a "brother"… Read More

Q&A 0106 – Veiling a cultural issue?

Posted: August 5, 2005

While I agree that veiling is a cultural, not biblical issue, I don’t think veiling was the concern of 1 Corinthians 11. Regarding 1 Corinthians 11, it seems that if… Read More

Q&A 0105 – Broad road

Posted: August 3, 2005

My question is regarding how we (disciples) should respond to a person (relative) when he/she says that Jesus has died for all our sins (past, present, and future) and therefore… Read More

Q&A 0104 – Clarification on harmony of the Gospels

Posted: August 1, 2005

I am concerned about an encouragement you gave in an e-mail: "I would encourage you not to use words of Jesus from one section of one gospel to illuminate the… Read More

Q&A 0103 – Matthew = Levi?

Posted: July 30, 2005

In Matthew 9:9 it says Jesus called Matthew a tax collector whereas in Mark 2:14 it says Jesus called Levi the son of Alphaeus. My confusion is over why there… Read More

Q&A 0102 – Exodus 4:24

Posted: July 28, 2005

In Exodus 4:24, why was God going to kill Moses right after God gave him specific direction? Why was he going to kill his son? — Robert Davis (Arizona State University)… Read More

Q&A 0101 – Mark 11:24

Posted: July 26, 2005

In converting people, where is the line drawn between your faith (believing they will become disciples) and their own personal decision? I have been told that if I believe someone… Read More

Q&A 0100 – Kill the heathen?

Posted: July 24, 2005

Why were the chosen people of God in the Old Testament told to destroy all the nations in the Promised Land as they entered it, not sparing men, women or… Read More

Q&A 0099 – What is Fruit?

Posted: July 22, 2005

What does the fruit in John 15 refer to?John 15 is broader than winning others to Christ, as essential as that is. It is much more! In the New Testament… Read More

Q&A 0098 – “Hebrew Israelites”

Posted: July 20, 2005

Have you heard anything about the Hebrew Israelites and their doctrine? I am trying to gather any info on them. We find that a lot of their life and doctrine… Read More

Q&A 0097 – Dual prophecy

Posted: July 18, 2005

Can you explain twofold prophecy? In Daniel, Isaiah, Matthew 24, and Revelation for example there are prophecies already fulfilled, yet some people say they also point to future events. How… Read More

Q&A 0096 – Christ dies today?

Posted: July 16, 2005

Christ died on the cross two thousand years ago. How does he die for me now, when it happened two thousand years ago? — Norah W. To be theologically correct,… Read More

Q&A 0095 – Fasting

Posted: July 14, 2005

I have a question about fasting. I have never read the Didache, but I believe it contains information which deals with fasting. In the first century church, did Christians fast… Read More

Q&A 0094 – Bible complete

Posted: July 12, 2005

How can I be sure that the today’s Bible is complete? — Alexander Belov (Moscow) Short answer:  1. The New Testament expresses the assurance that the Old Testament is inspired…. Read More

Q&A 0093 — Infierno – esp*

Posted: July 10, 2005

Recuerdo que en uno de sus libros usted hace referencia al hecho de que el infierno no es un lugar de tormento eterno, que es lo que algunos entendemos, sino… Read More

Q&A 0093 – Hell

Posted: July 8, 2005

I remember in one of your books you made passing reference to the fact that Hell will not be a place of eternal torment as some understand it but rather… Read More

Q&A 0092 – Eternal sin

Posted: July 6, 2005

In Mark 3:29 Jesus speaks about an eternal sin, for which no one will be forgiven. It states that whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will be condemned. Is the… Read More

Q&A 0091 – In grave three days?

Posted: July 4, 2005

According to Matthew 12:40, "the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" (NIV). Now if Jesus was crucified on Friday (the… Read More

Q&A 0090 – Mark 9:38-41 and Luke 11:23

Posted: July 2, 2005

A question that I’ve asked a few people, but have never truly understood is this: In Mark 9:38-41, there is a situation where the disciples tell a man who is… Read More

Q&A 0089 – Jesus and the eastern peoples

Posted: June 30, 2005

Let me start by thanking God for a brother like you, educated in world religions. I came to the US in 1979 from Pakistan. My family are all Muslim. I… Read More

Q&A 0088 – First humans?

Posted: June 28, 2005

Can you please shed some light onto the biblical account of the first people to inhabit the earth? Who were the people Cain was so worried about (Genesis 4:14)? Where… Read More

Q&A 0087 – People of whom Cain was fearful?

Posted: June 26, 2005

Who are the people feared by Cain in Genesis 4:14 and acknowledged by God in Genesis 4:15? At the time, were Adam, Eve and Cain the only people on earth?… Read More

Q&A 0086 – Kingdom

Posted: June 24, 2005

How does one tell when the Kingdom actually comes? Jesus speaks of it in present tense in scriptures like Luke 11:20, and in Acts, no one ever says anything to… Read More

Q&A 0085 – Led into temptation?

Posted: June 22, 2005

In Matthew 6:13, Jesus prays that God "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Why would he pray this, if God cannot tempt us? –… Read More

Q&A 0084 – Incarnation

Posted: June 20, 2005

Which passages would you use to show Jesus is God (in the flesh) and what would you say in support of those passages. — Steve Granger (London) One of the… Read More

Q&A 0083 – Reaching Jews

Posted: June 18, 2005

What is the most effective way to share the gospel with/study the Bible with someone who is Jewish — grew up going to synagogue etc. in the United States? Would… Read More

Q&A 0082 – After death

Posted: June 16, 2005

If our final destination is determined upon reaching Hades, why would salvation judgement not occur immediately following physical death? Why should it take place when Christ returns? When does the… Read More

Q&A 0081 – Eldership

Posted: June 14, 2005

I read in Titus 1:6 that a man has to have children who believe in order to be considered for eldership. I take this to mean that his children have… Read More

Q&A 0080 – Elders and marriage

Posted: June 12, 2005

In a recent bible study on elders and deacons, I got hung up on a scripture about how an elder "…must be the husband of but one wife…" I wondered… Read More

Q&A 0079 – Polygamy?

Posted: June 10, 2005

Are there disciples in Africa who are married to more than one person, and if so, how is that biblical? Yes, I once shared a taxi ride with a member… Read More

Q&A 0078 – John’s baptism?

Posted: June 8, 2005

What purpose did the baptism by John and the other disciples serve before Jesus’ death and resurrection? — Jamie Janus In John 3:22 and John 4:2, the Bible says that… Read More

Q&A 0077 – Baptism

Posted: June 6, 2005

John 4:1-2 mentions that Jesus disciples were baptizing, but Jesus had not yet died and been resurrected. So were they applying a form of the baptism of John? Did those… Read More

Q&A 0076 – Baptism and the “name”

Posted: June 4, 2005

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commanded his disciples to baptise the new disciples in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, but in Acts… Read More

Q&A 0075 – Why did speaking in tongues disappear?

Posted: June 2, 2005

I’ve been studying out different religious doctrines for a while. One that I am looking for a stronger answer to is the practice of speaking in tongues. It’s evident that… Read More

Q&A 0074 – Tongues today?

Posted: May 31, 2005

Could I hear your take (biblically) on speaking in tongues and why this is not practiced in the churches where I worship today? My other question is on the offices… Read More

Q&A 0073 – Counterfeit miracles

Posted: May 29, 2005

There’s a fellow on my ship who is a charismatic. He has real life experiences with miracles, including one instance with his wife. She had developed these bumps of some… Read More

Q&A 0072 – Holy Spirit – Acts 10

Posted: May 27, 2005

I have a question about baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. There are certainly numerous accounts in the Bible indicating that baptism is an integral part of… Read More

Q&A 0071 – 1 Corinthians 7:14

Posted: May 25, 2005

In 1 Corinthians 7:14, what does the word "sanctified" mean? Does it mean "saved"? Can an unbelieving spouse be saved through the believing spouse? –Jeanette (Phoenix) I believe Paul is simply urging… Read More

Q&A 0070—Unschooled and ordinary men?

Posted: May 23, 2005

Concerning your observation that “a number of paid ministers consider continuing education to be optional,” I believe it is important to remember that Jesus was never “educated” (John 7:15), and… Read More

Q&A 0069 – Pauline authorship

Posted: May 21, 2005

I wanted to know what you thought about the authorship of some of the NT books traditionally accepted as written by Paul. For instance, some scholars state that the books… Read More

Q&A 0068 – Jericho

Posted: May 19, 2005

I’ve been taught that at the time the Israelites would have come upon Jericho, it was little more than an unfortified, and very sparsely populated town, whereas the biblical account… Read More

Q&A 0067 – Did God create evil?

Posted: May 17, 2005

Since God created everything, did He create evil? I refuse to believe that, but I am left with no other thoughts; I am not a struggling disciple, and no matter… Read More

Q&A 0066 – Theodicy

Posted: May 15, 2005

The following question comes from a relative who I would like to help more: "Why would a God who is omnipresent omnipotent and all-loving create people when He knows such… Read More

Q&A 0065 – Deaconesses?

Posted: May 13, 2005

In 1 Timothy 3 the scripture talks about the standard of appointing a man as deacon. Appointing women as deaconesses was not mentioned in the scripture. Why? Is it a matter of… Read More

Q&A 0064 – The abomination that causes desolation

Posted: May 11, 2005

What exactly is the abomination that causes desolation? — Kathy Ofallon (Boston) I believe you are referring to Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24:15 (Mark 13:14), which is a reference back… Read More

Q&A 0063 – Iron and clay in Daniel 2:43

Posted: May 9, 2005

In Daniel 2:43, Daniel explains that the toes of the statue King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed of were partly iron and partly clay, meaning that the people of that kingdom would be… Read More

Q&A 0062 – E-mail from a dead Mormon!

Posted: May 7, 2005

I had an online Mormon friend, a woman supposedly dying of cancer. I tried sharing the gospel with her, yet it went nowhere. She kept trying to get me to… Read More

Q&A 0061 – JWs and quarreling

Posted: May 5, 2005

I have been advised that it is pretty useless studying with Jehovah’s Witnesses because they are stubborn and nothing will eventuate. Surely there has to be an effective way to… Read More

Q&A 0060 – JWs and the Kingdom

Posted: May 3, 2005

Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that the Kingdom of God (invisible, apparently) is already here and it is not the church. Are there different definitions of "the Kingdom," and if so which… Read More

Q&A 0059 – Jehovah’s Witnesses and blood transfusions

Posted: May 1, 2005

The Jehovah’s Witnesses forbid blood transfusion and quoted a scripture in Acts 15 to support their stance. I read that verse and it just mentioned “blood.” Taking into context the… Read More

Q&A 0058 – Hebrews 8: Bible teaching unnecessary?

Posted: April 29, 2005

Does Hebrews 8:10-11 mean that we will no longer have to teach people the Bible because they’ll already know the Lord? — Joanne Gross (Cincinnati) Not at all! Hebrews 8… Read More

Q&A 0057 – An evil spirit from God?

Posted: April 27, 2005

In 1 Samuel 19:9 and 16:14 it states that an evil spirit from the Lord came upon Saul, and in James 1:13 it states God does not tempt anyone. How… Read More

Q&A 0056 – Enemies

Posted: April 25, 2005

I’m curious about how to reconcile Jesus’ attitude towards enemies with the Old Testament’s. Further, I’m curious how a Christian is to view the maintenance of a standing army to protect… Read More

Q&A 0055 – Baptizing disciples

Posted: April 23, 2005

Lots of people talk about "baptizing disciples." And yet aren’t disciples already Christians? How can this be? This is a very common question. Let me share some relevant thoughts. Baptizing disciples? As you are aware,… Read More

Q&A 0054 – Predestination

Posted: April 21, 2005

From the Bible, I know that Jacob and Esau were sons of Isaac, but God chose Jacob to be one of the ancestors of Jesus’ ‘line’. After Jacob, I know… Read More

Q&A 0053 – Faithless prayers and changes of heart

Posted: April 19, 2005

Can a person’s lack of faith prevent someone else from becoming a Christian? And will God – prompted by faithful prayers – change the heart of a person that is… Read More

Q&A 0052 – Papacy

Posted: April 17, 2005

A friend of mine justified the office of the papacy by referring to the office of the "keybearer "in Isaiah 22:22ff.  The keybearer was a successive office which had authority… Read More

Q&A 0051 – Levels of reward

Posted: April 15, 2005

You mentioned that there are varying degrees of punishment regarding non-disciples, which I think is true (Luke 12:47-48), but you then used Matthew 6:20 and Philippians 4:17 to argue in… Read More

Q&A 0050 – Unwholesome Talk

Posted: April 13, 2005

Ephesians 4:29 says “Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth…” Is the usage of slang words like “gosh” and “gee” unwholesome, or is it profanity (Exodus 20:7)?… Read More

Q&A 0049 – Sins leading to death

Posted: April 11, 2005

In 1 John 5:16-17, the author writes that there are some sins that lead to death and others that do not. I have always believed that all sin – any… Read More

Q&A 0048 – Miscellaneous questions from Genesis 1-11

Posted: April 9, 2005

Were Adam and Eve the only humans God (personally directly) created? Cain went out a got a wife later he built a city etc. Where did these people come from?… Read More

Q&A 0047 – Who were the Nephilim?

Posted: April 7, 2005

Who were the Nephilim? The term literally means "the fallen ones." Some say they were a race of giants, the offspring of angels and women, to which Goliath and Lahmi… Read More

Q&A 0046 – Commentaries

Posted: April 5, 2005

It would be great if Dr. Jacoby could recommend a book or commentary or two on each book in the Bible, plus some general dictionaries, etc. There are so many… Read More