

Answers to Questions

Q&A 0045 – Are children who die automatically saved?

Posted: April 3, 2005

We know from 1 Peter 2 that all Christians have come into the light from the darkness. At what point does a child enter into darkness? If it is at… Read More

Q&A 0044 – Canonization

Posted: April 1, 2005

Can you recommend a book of the history of the Bible? I mean how it was decided which books and letters were the Bible? How do I know which scriptures (like… Read More

Q&A 0043 – Negative claims about the truth of the Bible

Posted: March 30, 2005

One time I stopped and was talking to a girl taking some philosophy and religion courses at the University of Calgary. She’s studying the first century church and doubts the… Read More

Q&A 0042 – The Apocrypha

Posted: March 28, 2005

What are the specific reasons (e.g. scriptural contradictions) that we can cite from Scripture or other sources, that show that the Apocrypha is not inspired by the Holy Spirit? Again,… Read More

Q&A 0041 – Salvation under the Old Covenant

Posted: March 26, 2005

What has always puzzled me is the salvation of the righteous under the old covenant. How were Moses Abraham David et al. forgiven? If through faith in Christ looking forward… Read More

Q&A 0040 – General and Special Revelation

Posted: March 24, 2005

How can I help my Hindu friend see the way Christianity builds on top of the foundational truths that most religions share? [Condensation of longer question] — Dave McKay (Bloomington,… Read More

Q&A 0039 – Archaeology

Posted: March 22, 2005

Associate Professor Zeev Herzog (Tel-Aviv University, Department of Archaeology & Near Eastern Studies) wrote an article in the renowned Ha’aretz magazine on Oct 29, 1999. I would like to know… Read More

Q&A 0038 – Extrabiblical history

Posted: March 20, 2005

Can you suggest some good study material for events that happened in the first century that are not recorded in the Bible. i.e. Destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem, Paul’s… Read More

Q&A 0037 – Sabbath

Posted: March 18, 2005

What is the truth behind the 4th Commandment on the Sabbath? If Saturday is the 7th day, and the Sabbath, why do we not worship on Saturday? If we observe… Read More

Q&A 0036 – Who’s reporting?

Posted: March 16, 2005

When the New Testament talks about what happens and explains people’s heart and motives is it because that a disciple was there with them or what? For example take Matthew… Read More

Q&A 0035 – Gifts of the Spirit

Posted: March 14, 2005

I have always been troubled by Acts 8:14-19. One explanation I have been told is that the Holy Spirit discussed here means only the miraculous gifts of the Spirit, and… Read More

Q&A 0034 – Purified by Faith?

Posted: March 12, 2005

In Acts 15:9, in referring to Cornelius, Peter said that God "purified their hearts by faith." No one has ever used that scripture with me to justify forgiveness of sins… Read More

Q&A 0033 – Paul filled with the Spirit?

Posted: March 10, 2005

You said on page 212 of The Spirit that Ananias laid his hands on Paul so that he would receive his sight, but Acts 9:17 also says "and be filled… Read More

Q&A 0032 – Was Paul’s apostleship a special version? How did he get it?

Posted: March 8, 2005

Was Paul’s apostleship a special version? How did he get it? Paul was not one of the original 12 disciples of Christ, a fact his critics made much of. Yes,… Read More

Q&A 0031 – What about the prophecy of Joel 2:28-32?

Posted: March 6, 2005

Does the prophecy Joel spoke of indicate preaching, or an infallible doctrinal gift? The nature of the prophecy Joel spoke of (Joel 2:28-32) is neither. Certainly it seems to have… Read More

Q&A 0030 – Who are “they” in Acts 2:1?

Posted: March 4, 2005

Is "they" in Acts 2:1 referring to the twelve apostles, or the hundred and twenty? I believe the group are the apostles — all are Galileans, after all, according to… Read More

Q&A 0029 – Metaphysics

Posted: March 2, 2005

Hi Doug, could you tell me, What is your understanding of metaphysics, and how would you study the Bible with someone who believes in it? — Vicente Lopez(Washington DC) Metaphysics,… Read More

Q&A 0028 – Baptism for the dead

Posted: February 28, 2005

What was Paul referring to about the baptism for the dead? What are your thoughts and what do you know about it?–Thomas, as well as Ben (Hilo, Hawaii), and John… Read More

Q&A 0027 — El significado de los

Posted: February 26, 2005

He oído que predicó acerca del fruto de Juan 15 que se refiere a la Gran y de los frutos del espíritu, el fruto de Juan 15 se refiere al… Read More

Q&A 0026 – Angel Wings

Posted: February 24, 2005

On page 122 of [James, Peter, John, Jude], you said that angels are “never described as having wings,” and yet Isaiah 6:2 describes the seraphs as having six wings. Were… Read More

Q&A 0025 – Judas’ suicide

Posted: February 22, 2005

What is the explanation for Judas hanging himself (Matthew 27:5) to falling headfirst and his intestines falling out (Acts 1:18)? I suppose it might be decomposition for the guts part,… Read More

Q&A 0024 – Calling of the disciples

Posted: February 20, 2005

Matthew and Mark describe the calling of the first disciples in similar accounts. Would Luke be considered a more descriptive version of those accounts? Would John’s account be considered to… Read More

Q&A 0023 – David’s census

Posted: February 18, 2005

Who incited David to take the census? 2 Samuel says God incited David, and 1 Chronicles says Satan incited David. This question is related to 0022, as I read the… Read More

Q&A 0022 – God hardens hearts?

Posted: February 16, 2005

How are we to understand God’s hardening Pharaoh’s heart? I believe when you go back to Exodus you will see that in some passages it says God hardened his heart,… Read More

Q&A 0021 — Lo que sucede cuando morimos.

Posted: February 14, 2005

Deseo oír tu visión con respecto a lo que sucede cuando morimos. He estudiado algunos temas por mi propia cuenta y he concluido que entramos a un estado de sueño o… Read More

Q&A 0021 – Fundamentalism

Posted: February 12, 2005

Who are the fundamentalists? What do they stand for? As far as I can judge, fundamentalists are Bible believers who: * Hold a high view of Christ and scripture, *… Read More

Q&A 0020 – The Spirits in Prison

Posted: February 10, 2005

I would like to find out the explanation to the scripture in Peter where it mentions Jesus, after he was crucified, “preaching to the spirits in prison.” We understand that… Read More

Q&A 0019 – Psalm 137 too harsh?

Posted: February 8, 2005

Isn’t Psalm 137:9 a little harsh? This is the only verse in the bible that in my view, does not seem to describe God’s heart as I have known it…. Read More

Q&A 0018 – Nathanael and the tree

Posted: February 6, 2005

How do you interpret John 1:48? My wife and I got a chance to see a fig tree in the Atlanta Botanical Gardens once. It is an interesting tree in… Read More

Q&A 0017 – Taxpaying

Posted: February 4, 2005

In Matthew 17:27, Jesus gives instructions to Peter to go fish for the temple tax, and give it so as “not to offend” the Pharisees. But Jesus was not one… Read More

Q&A 0016 – Melchizedek

Posted: February 2, 2005

Many theologians, from what I have heard, have gone as far to say that Melchizedek may have actually been Jesus. Can you shed any light on this subject for me?… Read More

Q&A 0015 – Least in the Kingdom

Posted: January 31, 2005

Would you please explain what Jesus meant in Luke 7:28? Jesus says, “I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John, yet the one… Read More

Q&A 0014 – John the Baptist

Posted: January 29, 2005

In Matthew 17:10-12 Jesus alludes to the fact that John the Baptist was the Elijah to come, yet in John 1:21 John the Baptist denies it. Is this because in… Read More

Q&A 0013 – Women Preaching

Posted: January 27, 2005

Have you always been supportive of Christian women preaching? If you’re interested, here’s a paper I wrote in 1990. Yes, my views have shifted since that time. Today I see no problem with… Read More

Q&A 0012 – James the Brother of Jesus

Posted: January 25, 2005

How can we as Bible students tell the difference between characters in the Bible with the same first name? For example, James the brother of Jesus and James the brother… Read More

Q&A 0011 – Leviathan

Posted: January 23, 2005

What was the Leviathan, and is it significant? (Some say crocodile, I’m not so sure.)—Ric (Boston) Right, Ric, croc it is! Or, better said, the crocodile is a sort of… Read More

Q&A 0010 – Finding Answers…

Posted: January 21, 2005

May I offer all readers some general advice on finding answers to your Bible questions: * Try to figure out the difficulty or question yourself using whatever Bible tools you… Read More

Q&A 0009 – Daniel 12 and the daily sacrifice?

Posted: January 19, 2005

In Daniel 12:11-12, it says: “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is… Read More

Q&A 0008 – Three Days (Hosea)

Posted: January 17, 2005

In Luke 24:46, Jesus tells the disciples that it is written that ‘The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day.’ The only OT scripture I… Read More

Q&A 0007 – The Trinity

Posted: January 15, 2005

Can you recommend reading material about ‘Trinity’ theology? — Joel Hughes, Triangle, North Carolina Many works – thousands of pages! – have been written about the Trinity. Because this is… Read More

Q&A 0006 – Islam and recommended reading

Posted: January 13, 2005

What evidence proves the falseness of the Muslim faith? — Mitchell, Boston, Massachusetts Rather than aim to demonstrate the error of other religions, denominations, or sects, Christians are called to… Read More

Q&A 0005 – Communion

Posted: January 11, 2005

I have always had some questions about Acts 2:42. The question I have is whether “devoting themselves to the breaking of the bread” is referring to eating meals with each… Read More

Q&A 0004 – Saved or Not?

Posted: January 9, 2005

On the one hand, the Bible urges Christians to be fully confident that we are saved, and on the other, to work out our salvation with “fear and trembling.” Yet… Read More

Q&A 0003 – Hate your Family?

Posted: January 7, 2005

I was taught that in Luke 14:26 the Greek word for hate means “love less,” and that is what I have taught others. To my surprise, when I looked it… Read More

Q&A 0002 – Veiling (1 Corinthians 11:6)?

Posted: January 5, 2005

I am concerned with the question of veiling. Why are Christian sisters today not veiled per 1 Corinthians 11:6? — Troy Hannon (Philadelphia) and Stephanie Collins (Cincinnati) Most Christians interpret… Read More

Q&A 0001 – LXX (Septuaginta) – esp*

Posted: January 3, 2005

Unos años atras, usted escribió en su serie del antiguo testamento en el nuevo testamento (“la Biblia bajo prueba”, en www.acesonline.org (un sitio antiguo) ” … recuerdo que a menudo… Read More

Q&A 0001 – LXX (Septuagint)

Posted: January 1, 2005

A few years ago, you wrote in your online series about the use of the OT in the NT (“The Bible on Trial,” at www.Acesonline.org [old website]) “… remember that… Read More