International Bible Teaching Ministry

IBTM Mission Statement

The goal of IBTM is to promote biblical literacy and Christian education worldwide, in order to nourish faith among believers and non-believers alike. The means are (1) enabling qualified teachers to travel to locations worldwide, especially in the developing world, delivering materials and conducting seminars, (2) mentoring or otherwise supporting potential teachers globally, and (3) supporting a biblical resources website.

BOARD MEMBERS OF IBTM (full addresses available on request if required)

Sandra Anjilivelil
Thornton CO

John Hanes
Atlanta GA

Alexander Hunter
Duluth GA

Douglas Jacoby
Marietta GA / Bare, England, UK

IBTM Donations

The international Bible teaching ministry is dependent on donations in order to operate. We especially rely upon those who donate on a regular basis. You can make a difference! If you believe in this ministry and would like to become a monthly supporter, please CLICK HERE, which will send us an email. Indicate how much support you're able to provide: For example, $25, $50, $75, $100, $200, etc. Once we establish contact, you will be asked to provide the relevant financial information. (For US residents, a tax receipt will be sent monthly.) Another way you can help is to find other potential monthly supporters: ask around, talk to your friends.


You can also make a donation by check. Checks should be made out to "A.I.M." or "IBTM" and sent to:

EIN 20-3467033
957 Shy Lane
Marietta GA 30060

If you are outside the United States and would like to send an international wire, please send an email ( for wiring instructions and bank account information.

PAST DONATIONS (italicized giving is not to IBTM, but to sister ministries)

2024: AIM: $11,482; Teaching: $121,182; foreign donations: $17,422; North River Church of Christ: $12,000; Training: $120,569; World Book Fund & Materials: $27,714 (includes $6134, Nepal School); IBTM total = $276,489

2023: AIM: $5157; Teaching: $121,660; foreign donations: $5527; North River Church of Christ: $18,000; Training: $118,766; World Book Fund: $23,044 (includes $7250, Nepal school and $50, Uganda medical); IBTM total = $263,998

2022: AIM: $7118; Teaching: $125,538; foreign donations: $19,577; North River Church of Christ: $18,000; Training: $111,090; World Book Fund: $25,952 (includes $6330, Nepalese school uniforms); IBTM total = $259,086

2021: AIM: $5,309; Teaching: $159,187; foreign donations: $7199; Training: $110,227; World Book Fund: $10,892; IBTM total = $280,406

2020: AIM: $12,449; Teaching: $128,000; North River Church of Christ: $36,000; foreign donations: $11,851; Training: $70,000; World Book Fund: $10,002; IBTM total = $208,002

2019: AIM: $8800; Teaching: $140,011; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; foreign donations: $8890; Training: $80,000; World Book Fund: $10,820; IBTM total = $230,831

2018: AIM: $1625; Teaching: $130,101; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; Training: $80,192; World Book Fund: $12,109; IBTM total = $222,402

2017: AIM: $2120; Teaching: $113,190; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; Training: $80,293; World Book Fund: $12,132; IBTM total = $205,615

2016: AIM: $3060; Teaching: $105,472; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; Training: $52,736; World Book Fund: $9,994; IBTM total = $168,202

2015: AIM: $12,472; Teaching: $106,150; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; Training: $51,292; World Book Fund: $12,472; IBTM total = $169,884

2014: AIM: $2500; World Travel: $49,244; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; General: $80,962; World Book Fund: $11,700; Website: $10,080; IBTM total = $151,986

2013: AIM: $10,220; World Travel: $54,956; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; General: $57,583; World Book Fund: $12,500; Website: $10,000; IBTM total = $135,039

2012: AIM: $29,859; World Travel: $56,028; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; General: $28,025; World Book Fund: $11,452; Website: $9775; IBTM total = $105,280

2011: AIM: $7615; World Travel: $33,227; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; General: $46,878; World Book Fund: $10,000; Website: $2075; IBTM total = $92,180

2010: AIM: $20,976; World Travel: $35,100; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; General: $50,610; World Book Fund: $10,000; Website: $10,050; IBTM total = $105,760

2009: AIM: $23,678; World Travel: $37,745; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; General: $56,513; Third World Books: $7090; Website: $10,576; IBTM total = $111,924.

2008: AIM: $33,482; World Travel: $34,142; North River Church of Christ: $24,000; General: $35,808; Third World Books: $9,872; Website: $13,524; IBTM total = $99,346.

2007: AIM: $38,560; World Travel: $19,650; General: $36,033; Third World Books: $12,860; Third World Medical: $13,800; IBTM total = $68,543.

2006: AIM: $33,895; World Travel: $23,652; General: $27,830; Third World Books: $10,769; IBTM total = $62,251.

2005: AIM: $20,295; Third World Travel: $16,630; General: $11,374; Third World Books: $2800; IBTM total = $30,804.

What is not included in the tallies:
* AIM donations are listed only for reference, as AIM is a separate entity to IBTM. AIM funds pay for teachers, scholarships, teacher travel to the Third World, and more.
* The 2007 "Third World Medical" was not included in the 2007 total
* No donations from North River are included in the totals. These are paid in to T&R, the 'S' corp. Foreign donations also go into this account.

As the ministry expands each year, financial requirements are also increasing.

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