The Newsletter of IBTM
with Douglas Jacoby

10 July 2024

Good evening from Bare, Lancashire. We’re enjoying a lovely, cool summer, breezy and in the 50s (up to about 15º C)—refreshing. We’ve been reflecting a lot about the Lord has been moving in the ministry—and how grateful we are for all who believe in our work, or are interested in the work, or support IBTM financially.

This week’s offerings are few (but good). First, some great news from Uganda. Then a reminder and nudge about the webinar—the first I’ve ever been involved in—taking place on Saturday. And finally, a few incisive quotes for your consideration.


Back in December I received a message from a brother in Uganda through our ministry Fair Havens. Fair Havens provides traveler support for the journey: listening to their stories, attempting to understand their experience through a biblical lens (as opposed to a denominational lens), providing perspective, materials (books, audio, Bibles), and more.

We set up a time to talk, and he told me his story. He’d been asked to leave his church 5 years earlier for not giving enough contribution, even though his family was so completely stretched financially that they couldn’t afford bus fare for the 90-minute ride to Sunday service, unless the family went without food. Despite the rough treatment, there was no trace of bitterness or resentment in his voice. In fact, he continues love and to reach out to his former congregation.

We all need encouragement. Barnabas encouraged Saul, and believed in him. We need others to notice and value our gifts, to appreciate us. Further, while many in our world are literally displaced—nearly 120 million today—numerous people are spiritually displaced. These persons may struggle to feel they have a caring church home, or feel lonely or unappreciated.


  • Date: 13 July, 10:00-11:15 ET
  • Speaker: Rubel Shelly
  • Topic: Male and Female He Created Them
  • FREE for website members (who pay $36.50 a year). (Log in first.) Otherwise, the price is $49, payable by card, Venmo, or cheque.
  • Non-members: sign up HERE, or send an email to
  • Register HERE. Don’t delay: spaces are limited.

This is the best on the topic I’ve ever read, and the webinar based on it should be especially helpful to church leaders, Bible teachersparents of children who have "come out," younger persons, and all who are willing to look at the historical and biblical evidence. Rubel is also one of the most compassionate Christians I know. His wisdom and warmth should make for an encouraging session, even for those who disagree or are unsure. Please don’t miss this opportunity!


  • People with tact have less to retract.
  • Sermons and biscuits are improved by shortening.
  • Intelligence is like a river. The deeper it is, the less noise it makes.

Do you like these? Are there any quotes you’ve come across that you’d like to send me? Perhaps they will show up next week. (Thanks.)


You’ve been invited several times to join in one of our “Zoomunions.” These are intended especially for those unable to hear solid biblical preaching—perhaps ushers, or those serving in children’s ministry, or members of congregations where there is little Bible exposition. A few days ago we had participants from England, Scotland, the US, Canada, Italy, Trinidad, and Kuwait. All are welcome, regardless of nationality.

Thank you for all the prayers and support—both moral and financial.

Gratefully yours,