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Cancellation Policy: BST 2023

Posted: September 2, 2015

2023 TOUR Cancel by 1 Jul 2022—receive back 100% of deposit and 100% of balance. Cancel by 1 Aug—receive back 50% of deposit and 100% of balance. Cancel by 1… Read More

The atheist’s complaint: one Christian responds

Posted: September 1, 2015

A Christian brother asked me how I would respond to an atheist who is incensed at how theists caricature him and his friends. Here’s the atheist’s complaint. My response (in… Read More

Evolution: Answers to questions

Posted: September 1, 2015

Good answers Below are claims a skeptic might make — and possible responses the believer might make in return. 1. In portraying a 6-day creation 6000 years ago, Genesis is… Read More

Evolution: What About Genesis?

Posted: September 1, 2015

Evolution & Genesis (for newsletter 2 Sept 2015 in Answering Skeptics, R) Nature and Scripture, as we have seen, are complementary. This means that science and theology should be complementary,… Read More


Posted: September 1, 2015

For O.T. Lesson 36, Elisha & Gehazi (40 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1422 – How can we prove Jesus is the Messiah from the O.T.?

Posted: August 25, 2015

I am from a Jewish background. Would you please explain how Jesus Christ can be the Messiah, using the Hebrew Bible? Thanks. A fair question — and especially when you’ve… Read More

How Wide the Divide: Sexuality & Culture

Posted: August 17, 2015

“How Wide the Divide: Sexuality at the Forefront, Culture at the Crossroads”, by Ravi Zacharias on July 15, 2015. http://rzim.org/global-blog/how-wide-the-divide-sexuality-at-the-forefront-culture-at-the-crossroads

Q&A 1421 – Is contraception biblically permissible?

Posted: August 16, 2015

What does the Bible say about contraception? I belong to a church that forbids it. Can you please help me figure this out? I would like to invite you to… Read More

“Every Saul Needs an Ananias”

Posted: August 11, 2015

Sermon done on August 9, 2015 at North River by Douglas Jacoby

Deacons: 1 Timothy 3

Posted: August 11, 2015

Sermon by Douglas Jacoby on deacons from 1 Timothy 3, done on 2/6/2011 at North River. To listen now, click on arrow below. To listen later, right click on download… Read More

The Bonfire – Acts 19

Posted: August 11, 2015

Sermon done by Douglas Jacoby on June 26, 2011. To listen now, click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click on download podcast, and ‘save target as’ or… Read More

The Long Journey to Faith

Posted: August 10, 2015

by Douglas Jacoby We would like to encourage you with the story of Michael Jacobs, 59, of Marietta, Georgia. Mike was brought up Jewish (bar mitzvah, rich cultural heritage, values… Read More

Q&A 1420 – Sexual molestation

Posted: August 7, 2015

I am agonizing over something that happened to me when I was a child, before I was 11 years old. I’m almost certain that what happened to me was sexual molestation. I blame… Read More

Q&A 1419 – Mutations really random?

Posted: July 29, 2015

When Calvinist scientists and theologians embrace evolutionary creationism, do they deny that random mutations are random? Maybe this is a silly question, but could creation ever be considered truly random… Read More

‘Oldest’ Koran Fragments Found

Posted: July 23, 2015

It will be interesting to see how the wording in this fragment compares to the present-day canonical Qur’an. ‘Oldest’ Koran fragments found in Birmingham University What could be the world’s… Read More

Q&A 1418 – Are singles the “pillars” of the church?

Posted: July 20, 2015

First, thanks for all the teaching you provide. Today I write with a concern. In my congregation we are sometimes told that singles are “the pillars of the church.” Now… Read More

Q&A 1417 – Concubinage

Posted: July 11, 2015

I am troubled by the concubinage element of polygamy. I have a difficult time understanding how David, a man whose only recorded sexual sin  condemned by God was being with… Read More

“Every Saul Needs a Barnabas”

Posted: July 8, 2015

Sermon given by Douglas at the North River church on Sunday, July 5, 2015 To listen now, click on arrow. To save & listen later, right click on ‘Download Sermon’… Read More

Universities & their mottos

Posted: July 8, 2015

Universities & their Mottos is a podcast (25 minutes) examining how university education has changed in the last 1000 years, from training for Christian ministry to secular study, from broad… Read More

Gay Unions: A Response

Posted: July 6, 2015

How should Christians think in response to the legalization of “gay marriage” in their home countries? The following talk (23 minutes) makes a few suggestions, challenging us to respond maturely… Read More

Q&A 1416 – Religious Jewelry = Idolatry?

Posted: July 2, 2015

Greetings from New Delhi. I see many disciples wearing a cross made of gold around their neck as jewelry. Isn’t this an act of idolatry? In India, we ask Hindus… Read More


Posted: July 1, 2015

For O.T. Lesson 35, Elijah (25 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

A Christian’s Response to US Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage

Posted: June 28, 2015

Click here to read Guy Hammond’s (Strength in Weakness Ministry) response to the decision handed down on July 27, 2015 by the US Supreme Court

Non-Resistance in the Churches of Christ

Posted: June 25, 2015

Audio interviews on the legacy of Non-Resistance in the Churches of Christ: an interview with Tom Jones and another with Chuck Pike http://relate4ever.com/tom-a-jones-interview http://relate4ever.com/chuckpike-interview-2014

Q&A 1415 – Is the church the kingdom?

Posted: June 23, 2015

Is the church the same thing as the kingdom? Not exactly. Often I hear brothers and sisters identifying the kingdom with the church. Some even teach that “Seek first the… Read More

Q&A 1414 – Creation myths, the Great Pyramid, and more

Posted: June 14, 2015

“About two years ago, I had a few atheist friends over who during a conversation about a great many things proposed that the Bible was merely a copy of many… Read More

Answering Skeptics: Graphic2

Posted: June 10, 2015

Answering Skeptics: Graphic1

Posted: June 10, 2015

Jehovah’s Witnesses: I’ve Got Some “New Light” For You!

Posted: June 5, 2015

This site is full of great information, studies and explanations about the Jehovah Witness doctrines. http://thewatchtowerfiles.com/

Q&A 1413 – Does God still speak through people?

Posted: June 5, 2015

“Does God still speak through people? I ask this because sometimes brothers and sisters say that God could be using them to let one know something.” — Lester Luna (Nicaragua)… Read More

BST 2015 Update

Posted: May 31, 2015

For a Biblical Study Tour update. listen to the short audio (just 5 minutes) by Douglas Jacoby. Recorded 31 May 2015.

Was oldest gospel really found in a mummy mask?

Posted: May 29, 2015

Click on the link to read this article posted on CNN http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/21/living/gospel-mummy-mask/index.html

Uncommon Memorial Day Thoughts

Posted: May 27, 2015

You will want to read Nikole Mitchell’s uncommon Memorial Day thoughts — recommended by Tom Jones. Click here.

Q&A 1412 – Does divine forgiveness rule out punishment?

Posted: May 27, 2015

“I am somewhat confused about the concept of the LORD’s forgiveness and punishment for the same sins, especially as described in Numbers 14, when the Israelites grumbled against Moses and… Read More

Is the KJV (King James Version) the true Bible?

Posted: May 25, 2015

The King James Version, translated 1611, has been a cherished and favorite of millions of Bible readers. Some claim that the KJV alone is “authorized” — that this version is… Read More

Q&A 1411 – How could they see God?

Posted: May 18, 2015

“In Exodus 24:10 it says Moses and 70s others ‘saw the God of Israel.’ Yet in 1 John 4:12 and John 1:18, both verses say ‘No one has ever seen… Read More

Galatia, We Have a Problem

Posted: May 14, 2015

This short paper analyzes Paul’s passionate letter to the Galatians. Written by and used with permission of Graydon Stephenson. CLICK for the article.  

America’s Changing Religious Landscape

Posted: May 12, 2015


Understanding the Apocalypse 7: A Tale of Two Cities

Posted: May 9, 2015

To listen now, click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click on “Download Podcast” and ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Download Podcast Schedule of Classes 8… Read More

Q&A 1410 – Doesn’t Numbers 23:19 rule out Jesus being God’s Son?

Posted: May 9, 2015

“A Muslim friend of mine rejects the incarnation. He says the following verse makes it impossible: ‘God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he… Read More

Blog post on “Rethinking Hell”

Posted: May 6, 2015


From Facts to Faith

Posted: May 4, 2015

Message given in Edinburgh, Scotland on April 26, 2015 https://player.vimeo.com/video/126517890

Holy Spirit 7

Posted: May 2, 2015

In this seventh and final podcast in the series on the Spirit, we consider further areas in which the Spirit works. In particular, we consider what it means to the… Read More

Holy Spirit 6

Posted: May 1, 2015

To hear the sixth podcast (11 minutes), click on the link below. Scriptures mentioned include John 14 (the go-to chapter on the indwelling); Acts 13:1-4; Romans 8:14, Galatians 5:18; Psalm… Read More


Posted: May 1, 2015

For O.T. Lesson 34,Ahab & Jezebel (23 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Holy Spirit 5

Posted: April 30, 2015

2 Timothy 1:7; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; Acts 10:24; and other passages were referred to in the fifth podcast. To hear this podcast (15 minutes), click below. Click here to download.

Q&A 1409 – Sin transfer?

Posted: April 30, 2015

“Recently a friend asked me this. ‘If sin cannot be transferred from father to son [as stated in Ezekiel 18], how can our sins be transferred to Jesus on the… Read More

Holy Spirit 4

Posted: April 29, 2015

Click below to listen to Holy Spirit lesson 4 (11 minutes). Scriptures referred to in this podcast include 1 Corinthians 14:23; John 16:23; Luke 1:15, John 10:41; and 1 Corinthians… Read More

Holy Spirit 3

Posted: April 28, 2015

Our third podcast (17 minutes) covers a number of scriptures, like Acts 19 (Sons of Sceva), 2 Thessalonians 2:9ff (the powerful delusion), Matthew 6 (“many words,” a possible reference to… Read More

Holy Spirit 2

Posted: April 27, 2015

In lesson 2, we examine scriptures in Colossians 2, Deuteronomy 13, and 1 Samuel 19. 1 Kings 13 contains another superb illustration of the danger of elevating anything above the… Read More

Holy Spirit series 1: Introduction

Posted: April 26, 2015

Listen to the introductory podcast in a series on the Spirit (17 minutes), in which I begin to share about my experience in the Charismatic Movement, and broach the subject… Read More

Understanding The Apocalypse – Class 6: The Deceit of Politics & Wealth vs The Power of Heaven

Posted: April 21, 2015

To listen now, click on arrow. To save and listen later, right click on ‘Download Podcast’ and ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Audio Player Download Podcast One podcast… Read More

Q&A 1408 – Can I protect my family from physical harm?

Posted: April 21, 2015

If my wife and children were being physically harmed or threatened, would I as a Christian be permitted to protect them? Or would I have to let them be harmed?… Read More

Understanding The Apocalypse – Class 5: Armageddon: The Vengeance of the Lord

Posted: April 16, 2015

To listen now, click on arrow. To save and listen later, right click on ‘Download Podcast’ and ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Download Podcast One podcast will be… Read More

NT Character Podcast 43—Simeon

Posted: April 12, 2015

For N.T. Character Study 43 Simeon, click the play arrow. To download the podcast, right click on the download link. Scripture: Luke 2:25-35 . Bio: Simeon is righteous and devout…. Read More

Q&A 1407 – Communion potentially lethal?

Posted: April 12, 2015

A new disciple asked me a question about this. So I looked at your website and found this article on communion. I was a little surprised. My questions: (1) Is… Read More

Thyatira: The Pressure to “Tolerate”

Posted: April 7, 2015

Click in the arrow to listen to the message (21 minutes). All the notes are below. Click here to download. Thyatira: Introduction 4th and middle letter to the 7 churches in… Read More

A note about the kingdom

Posted: April 6, 2015

Since the King is the Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6), the kingdom is not about power or coercion, but about love and service. Christians are forbidden to lord it over… Read More

Understanding the Apocalypse – Class 4: The Dragon and the Beast

Posted: April 3, 2015

The fourth of 7 classes on the Book of Revelation, taught live at the North River Church of Christ at 9 am on the dates below. To listen now, click… Read More

Q&A 1406 — Okay to call priests “father”?

Posted: April 3, 2015

Does Matthew 23:8-9 contradict the Catholic Church’s teaching of calling the priest “Father”? Yes, the practice of calling a leader “father” seems to fly in the face of Jesus’ plain… Read More

The Holy Spirit 4

Posted: March 30, 2015

Minor issues

Understanding the Apocalypse – Class 3: Portents of Doom, Promise of Salvation

Posted: March 25, 2015

This is the 3rd class in a series on Revelation, done live at the North River Church of Christ in 2015. The classes and dates are below. The teacher, John… Read More

Understanding the Apocalypse – Class 2: The Shortfall of Earthly Worship, the Bliss of Heavenly Worship

Posted: March 25, 2015

The second of 7 classes on the Book of Revelation, taught live at the North River Church of Christ at 9 am on the dates below. Click arrow to play,… Read More

Q&A 1405 — Controlling cult?

Posted: March 25, 2015

“I’m studying the bible with this friend who I recently met. He is apart of a sect [name deleted] I’d never heard of. He told me today that his church is international… Read More

Q&A 1404 – Jesus beating around the bush? And how to distinguish questions?

Posted: March 16, 2015

“In our ‘Bible Chat’ at our Catholic church this morning we were reading the various accounts of Jesus’ trial before Pilate, and we came across an exchange that has always… Read More

Annas & Caiaphas

Posted: March 15, 2015

For N.T. Character Study 42 Annas and Caiaphas, click the play arrow.  To download the podcast, right click on the download link, and choose “save target as” or “save link as”… Read More

Elizabeth Laing Thompson website / parenting blog

Posted: March 13, 2015

My writer friend Elizabeth Laing Thompson has launched a new author site, including a parenting blog for Christian families. It’s a helpful, honest, and humorous resource for parents who are… Read More

Understanding the Apocalypse – Class 1: “Rome, Apocalypse, & The Temple of God”

Posted: March 10, 2015

The first of 7 classes on the Book of Revelation, taught live at the North River Church of Christ at 9 am on the dates below. To listen now, click… Read More

Q&A 1403 – Thirteen the minimum age for baptism?

Posted: March 7, 2015

“I wanted to ask your opinion about an article I wrote on the ‘age of accountability.’ At age 12, Jesus is referred to as a ‘boy/child,’ and the (little) girl… Read More

What Scares the New Atheists, by John Gray

Posted: March 5, 2015

This link will take you to John Gray’s insightful article in The Guardian.

Bringing back the stray

Posted: March 1, 2015

Bringing back for those who have wandered Since the Lord restores our souls (Psalm 23), and those who are spiritual ought to restore the brother caught in sin (Galatians 6:2),… Read More

OT34 Ahab and Jezebel

Posted: March 1, 2015

OT34-Ahab-Jezebel To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast and listen to it later. Download… Read More

Q&A 1402 – How do we know God is perfect?

Posted: February 26, 2015

“I’m studying the Bible with a friend who is still coming to faith. This question came up: ‘Just because God exists doesn’t mean he must be a perfect being, does… Read More

River of Fire: Did God Create Hell? (Alexander Kalomiros)

Posted: February 24, 2015

For an unusually insightful perspective on hell by a Greek Orthodox perspective, read River of Fire. The author is Dr. Alexander Kalomiros.

Lording it Over Others (Mark 10:42)

Posted: February 20, 2015

The purpose of this podcast is to foster a Christian leadership culture. This is an important study for anyone in leadership, or considering it. Please listen to this podcast (18… Read More

The Decline and Rebirth of a Christian Anarchist Movement

Posted: February 20, 2015


Q&A 1401 – Contradictions invalidate the message?

Posted: February 17, 2015

We are studying Bible with a Muslim friend who is asking us a lot of questions. For him it seems like the Bible is self-contradictory. For example, he finds contradictions in the books of Samuel,… Read More

What is the Real “Age of the Earth” Issue, by John Clayton

Posted: February 15, 2015

Adapted, with permission, from Does God Exist? January/February 2015, pp.3-9. Several years ago a spruce tree was discovered in Sweden that was determined by carbon dating to be 9,550 years… Read More

NTI class 2 — 21 passages, 45 terms, 40 Greek and Aramaic words

Posted: February 15, 2015

This podcast (and the notes) are for AIM students. The material is for NTI. To listen to the podcast, click on the play arrow. The total length is 55 minutes…. Read More

Alias Christians, by Daniel Berk

Posted: February 12, 2015

With the increase of iPhone holders, Facebook users, video-game players, Instagram posters, Snapchat senders, Spotify listeners, text-message writers, and hashtag creators, the word “friendship” has dwindled in the last 30… Read More

Pride & Prejudice

Posted: February 10, 2015

To listen to a biblical exploration of Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, click on the link. I hope you’ll enjoy my short podcast (14 minutes). Note: If you haven’t read… Read More

Q&A 1400 – Christ in Zechariah

Posted: February 8, 2015

I came across Zechariah 14, and am hearing lots of interpretation, from future apocalyptic to that these events have already happened. Since much of the material in the prophets (like… Read More

Rethinking Hell Conference

Posted: February 2, 2015

The details for a conference taking place in Pasadena, CA in June, 2015 http://www.rethinkinghellconference.com/

“It Doesn’t Look Like Church to Me”

Posted: February 2, 2015

It Doesn’t Look Like Church to Me, Dr. Kent Smith Published on Oct 8, 2014 Dr. Kent Smith, Abilene Christian University’s Missionary Coordinator for North America, speaks at the 2014… Read More

7 Startling Facts: An Up Close Look at Church Attendance in America

Posted: February 2, 2015

Click for a most illuminating study.

Q&A 1399 – Binding and Loosing

Posted: January 30, 2015

Christians from a Pentecostal background often talk about ‘binding’ negative/evil things. I am confused – do we as Christians have the authority to bind and loose spiritual things? My question… Read More

Christians and guns (at home), by Tom Jones

Posted: January 27, 2015

My friend Tom Jones has put up a short but powerful article at his website. It’s about Christians and guns (at home). Click HERE to read it.    

2015 BST: Berlin, Wittenberg, Zurich, Geneva

Posted: January 26, 2015

2015 Biblical Study Tour: Finding God when the church is adrift             Zurich, Switzerland BST, 24-31 October 2015 UPDATE Click to listen to a brief update… Read More

Romans Z (16:1-27)

Posted: January 26, 2015

We have studied Romans from A to Z. Listen to the final podcast (19 minutes) here. In Romans Z, Paul sends greetings, makes a few final comments, and rounds off… Read More

Romans Y (15:15-33)

Posted: January 25, 2015

Click on the link to hear the penultimate podcast in our series Romans A-Z.  This lesson (16 minutes) reveals Paul’s philosophy of ministry, and something of his grand vision for… Read More

Romans X (14:1-15:14)

Posted: January 24, 2015

Romans X is the 24th podcast (19 minutes) in our series Romans A-Z. Ever in mind is unity between Jewish-background and Gentile-background Christians, although the principles of the chapter have… Read More

Romans W (13:1-14)

Posted: January 23, 2015

Romans W (21 minutes) explores chapter 13. Click here to download. Passages referred to or alluded to: Daniel 3; 6; Matthew 7:12; Leviticus 19:18; Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5; 1 Peter… Read More

Romans V (12:9-21)

Posted: January 22, 2015

Romans V takes us through the balance of chapter 12. The podcast (15 minutes) contains some surprises — for most Bible believers, at any rate. Click here to download. Verses… Read More

Tips for speakers 2: Welcome talks, contribution talks, etc

Posted: January 21, 2015

This document contains the guidelines we use in the North River Church of Christ for anyone speaking before the congregation. Rather than leaving it to chance, let’s be proactive. Solid… Read More

Tips for speakers 1: Communion talks

Posted: January 21, 2015

This is the first of two documents intended to improve, streamline, and sharpen the address given in many churches before the Lord’s Supper. (The second document covers welcome talks, announcements,… Read More

Romans U (12:1-8)

Posted: January 21, 2015

Romans U (16 minutes) is the 21st lesson in our series Romans A-Z. As is his custom, Paul lays highly practical teaching (chapters 12-16) on a solid theological foundation (chapters 1-9)…. Read More

Q&A 1398 – Randomness, Suffering, and the Will of God

Posted: January 21, 2015

I frequently think about the suffering in this life — more and more with every year — including very painful emotional distress. It seems like there is a randomness to life. We… Read More

Romans T (11:33-36)

Posted: January 20, 2015

This is the last podcast based on Romans 9-11. This special passage taken up in Romans T (11 minutes) concludes the section, setting things in perspective. Scriptures referred to: Psalm… Read More

Romans S (11:1-32)

Posted: January 19, 2015

This is Romans S, the 19th study in the series Romans A-Z. In this podcast (25 minutes) we will almost finish our study of Romans 11. (Romans T will cover Paul’s… Read More

Romans R (10:1-21)

Posted: January 18, 2015

Romans R (19 minutes) covers the tenth chapter of the epistle. Verses referenced include Job 40:3-5; Deuteronomy 30:11-14; Acts 22:16; 10:28,34-35, 43-48; Galatians 1:14; Psalms 19:5; Deuteronomy 32:21; and Proverbs… Read More

Romans Q (9:1-32)

Posted: January 17, 2015

Romans Q (19 minutes) covers all of chapter 9. Verses referred to (mainly outside Romans) include Exodus 32:32; Psalm 49:6-8; Genesis 25; Genesis 27; Exodus 7; Colossians 1:21; Isaiah 29; Isaiah… Read More

Romans P (8:18-39)

Posted: January 16, 2015

Listen to the 16th podcast (23 minutes) in our series on Romans. Verses referred to are 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; 2 Timothy 4:18; Hebrews 7:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:14; Jude 21; and… Read More

Romans O (8:12-17)

Posted: January 15, 2015

The 15th lesson in our series (16 minutes) is Romans O, covering the middle section of chapter 8. Verses referred to include Galatians 5:18; Psalms 40:8; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; Acts… Read More

Romans N (8:1-11)

Posted: January 14, 2015

Lesson N (12 minutes) begins the second half of the series Romans A-Z. Listen carefully for the many connections to the concepts Paul has developed earlier in the letter. The… Read More

Romans M (7:1-25)

Posted: January 13, 2015

This is the 13th podcast in Romans A-Z.  The lesson (24 minutes) goes through the entirety of Romans 7. Click here to download. Other biblical passages referred to in this lesson… Read More

Romans L (6:8-23)

Posted: January 12, 2015

The 12th podcast in Romans A-Z covers the remainder of chapter 6. I hope the talk (19 minutes) helps you think about God, and draw closer to him, all day…. Read More

Q&A 1397 – Jesus in the O.T. (study ideas)

Posted: January 12, 2015

I was wondering if you had any suggestions on books to read. I’m looking for something that traces the threads of the Gospel and Jesus through the Old Testament. Any suggestions? — Guy… Read More

Romans K (6:1-8)

Posted: January 11, 2015

Listen to the 11th podcast in Romans A-Z.  This podcast (13 minutes) covers the first 8 verses of the chapter. Click here to download. In chapters 1-3 Paul reasons that all… Read More

Romans J (5:12-21)

Posted: January 10, 2015

Listen to Romans J, the tenth podcast (15 minutes) in the series Romans A-Z. Sin came into the world through Adam (v.12), and salvation also comes to the world through… Read More

Romans I (5:1-11)

Posted: January 9, 2015

Here is the ninth podcast (14 minutes) in our series of 26 in Romans A-Z. Passages referred to include Acts 23:6; Ephesians 4:4; Titus 3:5; and Galatians 4:6. The sequence… Read More

Romans H (4:1-25)

Posted: January 8, 2015

In the eighth part of our series (18 minutes) we tackle all of Romans chapter 4. Click here to download. While I referred to a number of biblical passages, here… Read More

Romans G (3:10-31)

Posted: January 7, 2015

This is the seventh lesson (20 minutes) in our series, Romans A-Z.  There is some overlap with the previous podcast, is it ended with 3:10-18. Here we return to 3:10-18… Read More

Romans F (3:1-18)

Posted: January 6, 2015

This is the sixth lesson (14 minutes) in our Romans series. Click here to download. Some of the passages referred to in the podcast are Psalm 138:2; Romans 9:4-5; 15:4;… Read More

6. Mary: An Example for All Time

Posted: January 5, 2015

For N.T. Character Study 41″6. Mary: An Example for All Time” click on the play arrow. To listen to it later, download by right clicking here, and choose ‘save link… Read More

Romans A-Z—Why this Bible Study series?

Posted: January 5, 2015

Do you need structure in your daily Bible reading? Or want to study an entire book of the Bible—not various verses, but a whole book, to get a sense of the flow?… Read More

Romans E (2:17-29)

Posted: January 5, 2015

Romans E (18 minutes) continues the study of the typical weaknesses of religious people, particularly hypocrisy and condescension. Click here to download. Isaiah 52:5 — God’s people often misrepresent him… Read More

Romans D (2:1-16)

Posted: January 4, 2015

Listen to the fourth podcast in the series (15 minutes). Click here to download. Referred to in the lesson: The Last Things series (including the podcast on Those Who Haven’t… Read More

Romans C (1:18-32)

Posted: January 3, 2015

In our third podcast (21 minutes), we will tackle Romans 1:18-32. For more background on this passage, listen to the Fall of Rome podcast. Click here to download. This lesson refers… Read More

Q&A 1396 – Aliens seeding life – no need for a creator God?

Posted: January 3, 2015

A non-believing friend counters the idea of a creationist God by contending for seeding from aliens. I realize this idea is preposterous to you, but I didn’t find anything specifically… Read More

Romans B (1:16-17)

Posted: January 2, 2015

This is the 2nd lesson in a series of 26 on Romans. Here we cover the theme passage, Romans 1:16-17 (22 minutes). Recommended: study Habakkuk 2:4. Ponder: “From faith to… Read More

Romans A (1:1-15)

Posted: January 1, 2015

This is the opening podcast in the series Romans A-Z. In 26 daily lessons, we will explore Paul’s longest letter. First, we set the stage, by reading through chapter 1, verse 1-15… Read More


Posted: January 1, 2015

For O.T. Lesson 33, Jeroboam & Rehoboam (28 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Q&A 1395 – Tension between Peter and Paul?

Posted: December 25, 2014

I was reading Acts 21 today and was struck by reading how when Paul came to Jerusalem he went to see James. What seems odd about that there is no mention of… Read More

Q&A 1394 – Trial by ordeal?

Posted: December 16, 2014

“Number 5:11-31 speaks of a test for an unfaithful wife and the law of jealousy. I’ve read some insightful commentaries, but would love to hear from you your understanding of… Read More

Grief Recovery (Part 3), by Melanie Cicerchia

Posted: December 14, 2014

To listen to the final podcast in Melanie’s 3-part series on Grief Recovery (14 minutes), click the link below. Click here to download. We hope you have found Melanie’s series helpful.

Grief Recovery (Part 2), by Melanie Cicerchia

Posted: December 12, 2014

To listen to the second podcast in Melanie’s 3-part series on Grief Recovery (12 minutes), click the link. Click here to download.        

Grief Recovery (Part 1) by Melanie Cicerchia

Posted: December 10, 2014

Melanie Cicerchia came to faith in Christ through campus ministry at the University of Florida in 1973. She married Paul Martel, and together they served in the full-time church work… Read More

Q&A 1393—The meaning of Luke 11:13

Posted: December 7, 2014

What is Jesus talking about in Luke 11:13, since we receive the Spirit at baptism? — S.F. Here’s the passage, in case anybody isn’t familiar with it: 11 “Which of you… Read More

Q&A 1392—Corpse and Vultures

Posted: November 28, 2014

What is the meaning of Luke 17:37? I don’t understand the question or the significance of Jesus’ response to the question. Are the disciples asking where the will these people be taken?… Read More

The Fall of Rome—And Why We Should Take Notice

Posted: November 26, 2014

Why did Rome (753 BC—AD 476) fall?  Was it due to external circumstances (barbarian invasion, famine, plague, etc), or to internal ones? We in the West ought to take notice…. Read More

Yahweh & the Ancient Gods

Posted: November 26, 2014

Originally titled Our God is an Awesome God: A Close Look at the gods of the Ancient World, and Why Yahweh is Best, this podcast examines the rivals of the one true… Read More

11.23.2014 – “Holidays or Holy Days” – Douglas Jacoby

Posted: November 26, 2014

Sunday sermon done at the North River Church of Christ in Marietta, GA on Sunday, November 23, 2014. Click to watch: Holidays or Holy Days?

Q&A 1391 – Consummating a marriage?

Posted: November 19, 2014

If possible, a couple should consummate the marriage sexually, fulfilling the physical aspect of the “one flesh” principle. But if they don’t, is such a couple still considered married in… Read More

Gospel discrepancies (radio program w/Mike Licona)

Posted: November 10, 2014

Here’s a link to a fast-paced 40-minute interview — Steve Noble interviewing my friend Mike Licona — on gospel differences. Mike is an expert on the character of ancient biography. Ancient… Read More

Q&A 1390 — Evidence for Domitian’s persecution?

Posted: November 10, 2014

I am thoroughly enjoying your audio recording of Revelation & the End of the World. I am almost finished with my research but have reached a point of uncertainty concerning Domitian… Read More


Posted: November 1, 2014

For O.T. Lesson 32, Solomon (17 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1389 — Is it biblical to register a church?

Posted: November 1, 2014

I have recently had discussions with a believer outside our fellowship regarding discipleship and church membership. I have been faced with a difficult question that I can’t answer. Where does… Read More

Q&A 1388 — Machete attack

Posted: October 23, 2014

What would you do if, while walking with your wife along the street, a man came up and started to attack her with a machete? Would you use violence, which Jesus… Read More

Grace and Ungrace Series, 3 – Douglas & Vicki Jacoby

Posted: October 21, 2014

The first lesson in this series (all recorded at the 2013 Florida Discipleship Conference) is from Lamentations. Douglas speaks alone. In classes 2 and 3, he teaches with his wife, Vicki…. Read More

Grace and Ungrace Series, 2 – Douglas & Vicki Jacoby

Posted: October 21, 2014

The previous lesson in this series (all recorded at the 2013 Florida Discipleship Conference) is on Judgment & Grace, and comes from Lamentations. Click here for lesson 1. Douglas speaks… Read More

Q&A 1387 – Generational curses?

Posted: October 14, 2014

I would like to find out about generational curses, which seem so common here in Africa. Are they real? What should a Christian’s response be? What are practical, biblical ways… Read More

Q&A 1386 – Elf on a Shelf

Posted: October 5, 2014

What do you think about this “elf on a shelf”? A fictional character watches your children and reports to Santa. They are told to be obedient so that the elf… Read More

Bible & Culture, part 3

Posted: September 30, 2014

In the previous lesson we examined 10 examples of biblical practices that may have cultural aspects. In other words, before we analyze form and function, the extent to which we… Read More

Bible & Culture, part 2

Posted: September 30, 2014

In the previous lesson we explored accommodation and discernment. Some aspects of the ambient culture are fine for believers to follow, while others are not. Yet an even greater sensitivity to… Read More

Bible & Culture, part 1

Posted: September 30, 2014

To listen to the first lesson in the Bible & Culture series (16 minutes), click below. (Note: for a different lesson on the Bible (Old Testament) and culture, please click… Read More

Rethinking Hell, part 3 (of 3)

Posted: September 28, 2014

To hear the final section of Doctrinal, Biblical, and Psychological Obstacles to Accepting Conditionalism: Successfully Rethinking Hell in a Small Christian Movement (26 minutes), click on the podcast icon below…. Read More

Rethinking Hell, part 2 (of 3)

Posted: September 27, 2014

To hear part 2 of Doctrinal, Biblical, and Psychological Obstacles to Accepting Conditionalism: Successfully Rethinking Hell in a Small Christian Movement (31 minutes), click on the podcast icon below. Click… Read More

Rethinking Hell, part 1 (of 3)

Posted: September 26, 2014

Following the inaugural Rethinking Hell Conference (Houston, 11-12 July 2014), a Festschrift is being published for Edward Fudge on the occasion of his 70th birthday. My class at the conference… Read More

Q&A 1385 – With human divinity, is there a “quadrinity”?

Posted: September 26, 2014

Is there a quadrinity? Clearly, the Bible supports the triune nature of God. Moreover, the Scriptures demonstrate mutual love, honor, submission, and dependency between each part. I cannot help but notice… Read More

Q&A 1384 – Taking whose thoughts captive?

Posted: September 17, 2014

I was reading 2 Corinthians 10 and I noticed something about verses 1-5. It seems to me that he is talking about how they handle opposition. The part that hit… Read More

Slavery and the Bible

Posted: September 12, 2014

Here are a podcast and notes on Slavery and the Bible (43 minutes). To download the talk, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Q&A 1383 – 2nd Beast = American presidential stonemason Illuminati?

Posted: September 8, 2014

I listened to your podcast series on Revelation. I thought you did an excellent job of exegesis on Revelation 13; the first beast being the political/military branch of Rome (or… Read More


Posted: September 1, 2014

For O.T. Lesson 31, Joab, Absalom, and Adonijah (29 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Questions about Modern Israel

Posted: August 31, 2014

Are current events in modern Israel only the unfolding of biblical prophecy? Given the severe tensions between Israelis and Palestinians, what position should Christians take?  Listen to the podcast, which addresses 7 questions… Read More

Q&A 1382 – Baha’í and Christian at the same time?

Posted: August 30, 2014

Dear Dr. J, I just found, and listened to your podcast. I enjoyed listening to it. Thank you!  Here is a challenging question for you: Can you be both a… Read More

Q&A 1381 – Singles Leading Ministries?

Posted: August 21, 2014

What does the Bible say about a single leading a ministry? As far as I’ve seen, there hasn’t been any single officially hired to lead a ministry full-time. And often,… Read More

Anyone want to help with the Book fund?

Posted: August 18, 2014

SPECIAL TEACHING MATERIALS SUPPORT Wherever I go I bring teaching materials. In less affluent nations, I sell them below cost or give them away. Making a donation towards the Third… Read More

Sound Doctrine

Posted: August 15, 2014

This lesson was original taught in Mexico City (“Manteniendo la Sana Doctrina,” 9 August 2014). Listen to the English podcast (52 minutes). Click here to download. Life and teaching Every… Read More

The Lord’s Supper: from Table to Altar

Posted: August 13, 2014

Your Ex Still Wants You The following podcast, the title of which is inspired by Lipscomb scholar John Mark Hicks’ recent work, examines the evolution of the “supper” from actual… Read More

Q&A 1380 – The missing day of Joshua, or Misuse of the Bible in Christian Evidences

Posted: August 12, 2014

Is there astronomical evidence for the missing day of Joshua 10? I saw somewhere that there is, and once heard a preacher confirm it. Often more harm than good is done… Read More

Cielo e Infierno: Castigo Terminal

Posted: August 8, 2014

Click on link for the PDF: Cielo e Infierno: Castigo Terminal For the English version of Heaven and Hell: Terminal Punishment (1991), click here.

Q&A 1379 — How should we read the Great Commission (Matt 28)?

Posted: August 3, 2014

After his death and resurrection, Jesus gave the charge, the “Great Commission,” to the eleven faithful apostles. Let’s take a look at this passage and see what conclusions we can… Read More

Q&A 1378 – Burial of waste and bacterial contamination

Posted: July 25, 2014

What is going on in the Law, where the Israelites are told to bury their waste? I’ve heard that God’s main intention was to protect his people from sickness. Am… Read More

Noah (the movie)

Posted: July 23, 2014

For a response to Darren Aronofsky’s 2014 film Noah, listen to the following podcast (14 minutes). Click here to download.  

Q&A 1377 – Manuscript discovery proves Jesus married?

Posted: July 16, 2014

Recent claims that Jesus was married — always sure to draw a crowd — are based on the discovery of an ancient manuscript that has come to light. It’s not… Read More

Israel: A community of radical counter-culture

Posted: July 15, 2014

Israel was called to demonstrate the true God to the world (Exodus 19:4-6; Isaiah 49:6; Malachi 1:11,14; etc). Her religion was radically different to all other ancient religions (such as… Read More


Posted: July 10, 2014

For some thoughts about Veronica Roth’s Divergent (2011; film version 2014), please listen to my podcast (17 minutes). Click here to download. Christian should be engaging culture Divergent is the… Read More

Q&A 1376 – Did God Kill Uzzah?

Posted: July 7, 2014

Author: John Clayton of Does God Exist? Used with permission. When Richard Dawkins released his now famous atheist rant against God, he opened the door for many arm-chair atheists on… Read More


Posted: July 1, 2014

For O.T. Lesson 30, David (17 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Escape – Lesson 4 – Computer and Internet Behaviors

Posted: June 29, 2014

ESCAPE:  Lesson 4 of 4. Douglas Jacoby and Steve Brand have joined forces to teach a series called ESCAPE. Steve Brand is a professional counselor and expert on addictive behaviors. Here’s the provisional plan: The psychology… Read More

Q&A 1375 – Resurrection appearance to Peter?

Posted: June 28, 2014

In Luke 24:34, we read  “…he appeared to Simon.” Your thoughts on how to reconcile this possible discrepancy — doesn’t seem to flow with the narrative in Luke? — Marcus… Read More

Escape – Lesson 3 – Fantasy Proxy Relationships

Posted: June 24, 2014

ESCAPE:  Lesson 3 of 4. Douglas Jacoby and Steve Brand have joined forces to teach a series called ESCAPE. Steve Brand is a professional counselor and expert on addictive behaviors. Here’s the provisional plan: The psychology… Read More

Escape – Lesson 2 – Alternate Fictional Reality

Posted: June 23, 2014

ESCAPE:  Lesson 2 of 4. Douglas Jacoby and Steve Brand have joined forces to teach a series called ESCAPE. Steve Brand is a professional counselor and expert on addictive behaviors. Here’s the provisional plan: The psychology… Read More

Q&A 1374 – Why was circumcision valued more than other O.T. observances?

Posted: June 19, 2014

One of our dear brothers has stopped coming to church because he is wrestling with two questions: (1) Why do many Christian theologians believe that Paul kept Nazirite vows and… Read More

Business Ethics

Posted: June 17, 2014

Listen to Business Ethics (22 minutes). Click here to download. Consequences of breakdown of of ethics The breakdown of ethics in the workplace has dire social and personal consequences: Resentment and… Read More

Message from the Mountain – Douglas Jacoby

Posted: June 13, 2014

This sermon was recorded on June 8, 2014 a the North River Church of Christ in Atlanta, Georgia. The text is Exodus 19:3-8. Much of the sharing is from my… Read More

Escape – Lesson 1 – Pain, Escape, Addiction

Posted: June 12, 2014

ESCAPE, Lesson 1 of 4: Douglas Jacoby and Steve Brand have joined forces to teach a series called ESCAPE. Steve Brand is a professional counselor and expert on addictive behaviors. The series explores addictive substances and behaviors and… Read More

Q&A 1373 — Turning the other cheek?

Posted: June 10, 2014

How should I respond when I am unjustly treated or wronged? When I know I am right or I see the situation as unfair, I plead my case for justice…. Read More

Q&A 1372 – Jesus and Horus (Egyptian god)

Posted: June 1, 2014

What’s the relationship between Jesus and Horus? Are they one and the same, or close relatives? I have heard that the Christians borrowed from Egyptian mythology. There is no relationship… Read More

Q&A 1371 – Automatic healing?

Posted: May 23, 2014

I have a question about 1 Corinthians 12. A little over two years ago I fainted in my kitchen and woke up with a broken neck. I am now a… Read More

Divorce rates, inside the church and outside

Posted: May 20, 2014

It is common to hear depressing statistics about divorce rates. The myth of the 50% divorce rate has been debunked for many years. But what about divorce rates within the… Read More

Q&A 1370 – Shouldn’t we observe the regulations for the Year of Jubilee?

Posted: May 14, 2014

Is there any country that celebrates or follows the rules for the Year of Jubilee? And when I say follow, I mean they follow what it says in Leviticus 25:8-55:… Read More

Just War debate

Posted: May 8, 2014

Think biblically about how we are to relate to our enemies. Who has the stronger position: those who advocate “just war” or those who teach that Christians are forbidden to… Read More

The Paranormal – Biblical Perspective

Posted: May 6, 2014

This is one of the keynote messages at a 2011 conference on the Paranormal — aboard the Queen Mary, a “haunted ship.” The lesson is about an hour in length…. Read More

Q&A 1369 – Interpret the Bible the simplest way?

Posted: May 5, 2014

The Bible is inerrant; being inerrant, it is consistent; there is no inconsistency possible in the Bible. If there is a difference of interpretation, it cannot be resolved by arguing… Read More

Q&A 1368 – John the Baptist doubted?

Posted: April 26, 2014

In Mathew 11:3 why did John send his disciples to go confirm whether Jesus was the Messiah to come even after baptizing him? Was he doubting him because Jesus failed to assist… Read More

Q&A 1367 – Suicide and Grace?

Posted: April 17, 2014

Is it possible that if a person were to commit suicide due to having a psychotic state of mind, uncontrollable actions, and extreme emotional unrest or distress, that God’s grace… Read More

Child Witches

Posted: April 16, 2014

CHILD ‘WITCHES’ MURDERED IN NIGERIA — Since 1999, reports Tihomir Kukolja, thousands of innocent children in Nigeria have been falsely branded as witches and killed by superstitious relatives. Much of Nigerian… Read More

Luke 17 Thanksgiving

Posted: April 14, 2014

11-27-2011 – Douglas Jacoby from Luke 17 on Thanksgiving Click here to download.

The Pursuit of Holiness

Posted: April 14, 2014

The Pursuit of Holiness by Douglas Jacoby from 11-11-2012 Click here to download. Click here for a pdf of the notes.

Book of John Lesson 7

Posted: April 14, 2014

Book-of-John Lesson 7 (10-08-2006) Click here to download.

Consider What Great Things He Has Done

Posted: April 14, 2014

09-11-2011-Douglas-Jacoby-Consider-What-Great-Things-He-Has-Done Click here to download.  

Ezekiel: Mighty Overwhelmed

Posted: April 14, 2014

06-30-2013-Douglas-Jacoby-Ezekiel-Mighty-Overwhelmed Click here to download.  

David and Prayer 1 Chronicles 17

Posted: April 14, 2014

04-14-2013-Douglas-Jacoby-David-and-Prayer-1-Chron-17 Click here to download.  

Jesus Prays John 17

Posted: April 14, 2014

03-25-2012-Douglas-Jacoby-Jesus-Prays-John-17 Click here to download.  


Posted: April 14, 2014

 Stephen Click here to download.  

Character and Personality Teen Lesson

Posted: April 14, 2014

03-02-2008-Douglas-Jacoby-Character-and-Personality-Teen-Lesson Click here to download.  

The Samaritan Woman

Posted: April 14, 2014

Listen to the sermon on The Samaritan Woman (Orlando, 02-10-2013) Click here to download.  

1 Timothy 3

Posted: April 14, 2014

 1-Timothy-3 Click here to download. No items found.

Moses Stop and Go

Posted: April 14, 2014

Moses-Stop-and-Go Three options available: Click arrow just below to listen now. Download the audio to listen later. View the video beneath the audio link. Click here to download.