
Latest Posts

Matters of Faith Find a New Prominence on Campus, by Alan Finder

Posted: July 31, 2013

Click here to read the article.

Baptism for the Dead, by Glenn Giles

Posted: July 31, 2013

Download Baptism for the Dead2, by Glenn Giles (Denver).

Group Sex OK, Says Canadian Supreme Court

Posted: July 31, 2013

Source: Christian Counseling Connection, 2007, 1For a number of years now, Canada has lived under very contradictory sexual rules. Homosexual relations are lawful

New Strobel book (from John Lang)

Posted: July 31, 2013

“I’m about half way through this book in audio format.  It draws from a number of current sources to address some of the most recent attacks on the credibility of… Read More

Greek Bible Study

Posted: July 31, 2013

Peter Coad is developing a website calledhttp://www.GreekBibleStudy.org. Check it out.

Journey through Islam, by Erwun Caner

Posted: July 31, 2013

Here is a clear and understandable video message on the relationship between Muslims and Christians.

Brother murdered in Guatemala – prayers requested

Posted: July 31, 2013

In February I visited Guatemala with one of my daughters. The spirit of the church there was amazing. But the family has just suffered a shocking blow, as one of… Read More

A New Temple? (Jerusalem Post)

Posted: July 31, 2013

Traditionally the Temple Mount Faithful attempt to set up a foundation stone for the Third Temple on Tisha Be’av, and the police routinely prevent them from doing so. The occasion… Read More

The Antichrist

Posted: July 31, 2013


Lawyers, Liars and Rhinos, by James Greig

Posted: July 31, 2013

Click here for the doc.

Covenant Eyes – Software for Purity

Posted: July 31, 2013

Covenant Eyes — this is a website to “Develop, Demonstrate, and Defend your integrity.” The name tells it all. Check it out.

Intelligent Design: Are We Fighting Against God?, by John Oates

Posted: July 31, 2013

Download the .pdf file

New Perspective on Paul (Christianity Today)

Posted: July 31, 2013

What Did Paul Really Mean? “New perspective” scholars argue that we need, well, a new perspective on justification by faith. Simon Gathercole | posted 8/10/2007 08:48AM Pick up any recent… Read More

Lutherans to allow pastors in gay relationships

Posted: July 31, 2013

Lutherans to allow pastors in gay relationshipsSat Aug 11, 2:00 PM ET CHICAGO (Reuters) – Homosexual Lutheran clergy who are in sexual relationships will be able to serve as pastors,… Read More

Terminology Reinforces Theology

Posted: July 31, 2013

While the Bible warns us not to quibble about words (2 Timothy 2:14), this does not mean that words, phrases, and terms are not important. For example, anyone who insisted… Read More

Prayers for Sierra Leone

Posted: July 31, 2013

HOPEww Afghanistan

Posted: July 31, 2013

The Secret: critiques in Scientific American & Christianity Today

Posted: July 31, 2013

Michael Shermer shares his views on Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret. Click here to read his article in Scientific American.Interestingly, the latest issue of Christianity Today also features an article on this popular book/DVD…. Read More

DNA study challenges basic ideas in genetics

Posted: July 31, 2013

DNA study challenges basic ideas in genetics — Genome ‘junk’ appears essential”The instruction manual for life is written in a language we are only just beginning to understand,” Francis Collins, director… Read More

THEME for International Teachers’ Seminar, Patmos & Ephesus

Posted: July 31, 2013

THEME FOR 13th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL TEACHERS’ SEMINAR PATMOS & EPHESUS, 8-9 NOVEMBER 2007 Having solicited ideas from many teachers worldwide, it seems the best theme for our 2007 rendezvous will… Read More

Shermer-Jacoby Debate

Posted: July 31, 2013

THANKSI very much appreciate the prayers thousands of you have been sending up for tonight’s debate with Michael Shermer (the skeptic).

Cosmos and Creator, by William Lane Craig

Posted: July 31, 2013


The Jesus Seminar and Higher Criticism, by Glenn Giles

Posted: July 31, 2013

Click here to download the document.

I was a fanatic…I know their thinking, says former radical Islamist

Posted: July 31, 2013

Click here for article.

Correction: Women Don’t Talk More Than Men (?!)

Posted: July 31, 2013


Restoration Movement Website

Posted: July 31, 2013

You may be interested in this website, which seeks to promote common ground among Restoration Movement churches.http://www.restorationunity.com/   

Tablet linked to obscure O.T. figure found

Posted: July 31, 2013

Original article can be found here, http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?Id=26084.

Apologetics Research Society Newsletter May 2007

Posted: July 31, 2013

This is the newsletter of the ministry of Dr. John Oakes. Click here to download the pdf. file.

Gladiator Graveyard Discovered

Posted: July 31, 2013


Superb evidences website

Posted: July 31, 2013


Herod the Great’s Tomb Found!

Posted: July 31, 2013


Sermon Stealing

Posted: July 31, 2013

FROM THE PULPIT: Pastor inspiration: Divine or online?

Is Homosexuality genetic?

Posted: July 31, 2013

In popular thinking, homosexuality is increasingly viewed as a justifiable, even somehow unavoidable, lifestyle, for those biologically predestined for it. One often hears in the media that one’s sexual orientation is due to a… Read More

Taliban Tells Pakistani Christians: Convert or Die!

Posted: July 31, 2013

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan 

Messianic Prophecy

Posted: July 31, 2013

Any study of prophecy eventually leads us to Christ. Prophecies about the Messiah are called “Messianic” prophecies. The term “messiah” comes from the Hebrew Massiah, which means “anointed one.” The… Read More

Book recommendation: Is There a God?

Posted: July 31, 2013

Is There a God? Questions about Science and the Bible, by John Oakes, Ph.D. Pub: IPI (http://www.ipibooks.com.)

Does God Exist? – subscription

Posted: July 31, 2013

Does God Exist? (Free evidences pamphlet, published every other month). Write to DGE?, 718 East Donmoyer, South Bend IN 46614-1999, USA. Also visit the website: www.doesgodexist.org. The editor of the… Read More

Elders, Evangelists, Deacons & Teachers

Posted: July 31, 2013

The following paper has been included in the collection as matter of historical interest. To see how my views have continued to develop, see the 2002 paper on Church Polity, and… Read More

The Danger of Inferences, by Glenn Giles

Posted: July 31, 2013


Prosperity Preaching: Deceitful and Deadly

Posted: July 31, 2013


Interview with Muslim Terrorist Recruiter

Posted: July 31, 2013

60 Minutes interview with a former terrorist recruiter who has given it up. Here is what he said (a 10-minute excerpt from the show): Bob Simon: “The position of moderate… Read More

Christians in Science

Posted: July 31, 2013

Interesting link: http://www.cis.org.uk.

Collins: Why This Scientist Believes in God (CNN)

Posted: July 31, 2013


The Secret (continued), by Chad Garber

Posted: July 31, 2013

Douglas Jacoby has shared his critique of the idea promoted in the popular book The Secret. This is my response, based on an interview with Bob Proctor (one of the main… Read More

Jesus, a Killer?, by John Stewart

Posted: July 31, 2013

Although the following piece is very strong and will probably offend some of my readers, it raises some crucial questions. Our brother in South Dakota (the author) is on to… Read More

Cross the bridge… by J. Greig

Posted: July 31, 2013

“Cross the Bridge or Fade Away”  is a controversial article that may be of interest to some who are interested in exploring boundary issues. Click here for the .pdf file.

Adoption & Homosexuality

Posted: July 31, 2013

ADOPTION AND HOMOSEXUALITYUsed by permission from John Clayton, Does God Exist? November/December 2006. In the July 2006 issue of Michiana Christian News is an article by Ed Vitagliano about gay… Read More

Lilly Foundation Study

Posted: July 31, 2013

As you monitor developments immediately outside the "brother" circle, here’s a suggestion in case you haven’t yet encountered it–the "Gospel in Our Culture Network," (http://www.gocn.org) an interdenominational group of scholars… Read More

Mapping NT Social Networks

Posted: July 31, 2013

Take a look at this fascinating ESV study on social networks in the NT:http://www.esv.org/blog/2007/01/mapping.nt.social.networks.


Posted: July 31, 2013

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. — George Orwell When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any… Read More

House churches vs. Conventional Churches

Posted: July 31, 2013

House Churches Are More Satisfying to Attenders Than Are Conventional Churches January 8, 2007 (Ventura, CA) – With the growth of house churches across the country, a new study by… Read More

Looking for Answers

Posted: July 31, 2013

Looking for Answers

2006 International Teachers’ Seminar feedback

Posted: July 31, 2013

Responses to the 12th Annual International Teachers’ Conference (November 2006, Washington DC) “The conference was a very encouraging and fulfilling time! In the spirit of Psalm 18:25, I was very… Read More

Biblical Study Tour in Ephesus

Posted: July 31, 2013

Website: Bethinking.org

Posted: July 31, 2013


Report from Israel

Posted: July 31, 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We’ve had an exciting few months in the Holy Land Churches of Christ, and wanted to share some of our good news with you. The last… Read More

Obituary: Common Sense

Posted: July 31, 2013


The Biblical Basis for the Gifts

Posted: July 31, 2013

.pdf File (23.9 KB)


Posted: July 31, 2013

Bible Reading Tip 1: Get a version of the Bible you can understand and enjoy. These days there are numerous readable (and reasonably accurate) translations available to the reader of… Read More

The Sinews of Peace, by Malcolm Cox

Posted: July 31, 2013

Unity is valuable. Indeed, it is essential. Hard to forge – easy to lose. Are you are attempting to build unity and promote peace between congregations, or within a congregation?… Read More

Slander, Gossip, and Malice, by Mohan Nanjundan

Posted: July 31, 2013

June 2003 The other day a dear friend forwarded an e-mail to me with a negative article about the kingdom attached and someone’s comments on the article. I quickly responded… Read More

The Workman Approved

Posted: July 31, 2013

PREACHING AND PREACHERS (EXPANDED) DR. DOUGLAS JACOBY JUNE 2004 I. INTRODUCTION Like many of us in the conservative wing of the Restoration Movement” “[1] I was exposed to biblical preaching… Read More

The Evolving Tithe, by Mark Shaw

Posted: July 31, 2013

Click here to download the .pdf file.

The Lord’s Supper

Posted: July 31, 2013

Putting “Supper” Back in the Lord’s Supper This essay aims to address one of the basics of the faith: our communion. People have often asked such questions as why we… Read More

Christian Chronicle Special Report

Posted: July 31, 2013

First installment of our “Are we growing?” series analyzes membership numbers and trends in the U.S. and state-by-state; also related stories, feedback opportunity, new poll and more. By Tamie Ross,… Read More

Q&A 1338 – Is Technology Bad?

Posted: July 30, 2013

Dr. Jacoby, my question is simple. Based on scripture: is technology beneficial or detrimental to mankind? A loyal fan- Miguel Gutierrez Brownsville Texas. Technology is bad in Gen 11 — the Tower… Read More

Q&A 1337 – Proper Pronunciation, by Joey Harris

Posted: July 21, 2013

I have been trying to improve my ability to pronounce words from the Bible. I found it to be a difficult task, because I have trouble finding a standard. It… Read More

Q&A 1336 – Free Will vs. Prayer

Posted: July 12, 2013

I have a question regarding the idea of free will and how it affects prayer. My understanding of free will, according to a Christian’s point of view, is that God… Read More

Q&A 1335 – Does God Have Vision?

Posted: July 3, 2013

Does God have vision for humankind?  In 1 Timothy 2:4, God wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. So is it correct… Read More

OT26 Eli

Posted: July 1, 2013

OT26 Eli   To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast and listen to it… Read More

Q&A 1334 – Go Anywhere, Do Anything, Give up Everything?

Posted: June 24, 2013

I recently heard a sermon from a young evangelist. He repeated a well know refrain in many churches, calling the crowd to be willing to “go anywhere, do anything, and… Read More

Islam E (hadith 3)

Posted: June 18, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes on The Hadith, Pt. 3 (43 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Islam D (hadith 2)

Posted: June 18, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes on The Hadith, Pt. 2 (52 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Islam C (hadith 1)

Posted: June 18, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes on The Hadith, Pt. 1 (36 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1333 – Conscience at Work

Posted: June 15, 2013

I worked as a graphic editor for a newspaper. But in this paper, there are topics like horoscope, new age, the meaning of names…to the point where I feel like my… Read More

Household Codes (by Jason Goble)

Posted: June 8, 2013

READING THE HOUSEHOLD CODE IN COLOSSIANS FROM AN ETHICAL PERSPECTIVE BY JASON GOBLE APRIL, 2013 Introduction The ancient church outside the synagogue began its existence in Greco-Roman households making the… Read More

Q&A 1332 – Jesus’ Wife Papyrus

Posted: June 6, 2013

Q&A 1333 – What about the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife? I am wondering if you have any thoughts on this new finding? In 2012 an ancient papyrus fragment, about the… Read More

Listen to DJ on the Debbie Chavez show (recorded 28 May 2013). Topic: Heaven & Hell.

Posted: May 28, 2013

Listen to DJ on the Debbie Chavez show (recorded 28 May 2013). Topic: Heaven & Hell.

Q&A 1331 – Exact Words?

Posted: May 28, 2013

Do the speeches in the Bible record the exact words of Peter, Paul, or Jesus? And if not, why should we trust them? In ancient times, transcription from dictation was… Read More

Memorial Day – Mourning Our “Enemies” Deaths

Posted: May 27, 2013

by NIKOLE MITCHELL  On this Memorial Day, what if we not only remember American soldiers but all the soldiers around the world who have lost their lives? And not only soldiers,… Read More

Douglas Jacoby Interview on Spiritual Living

Posted: May 22, 2013

Interview with Douglas Jacoby about Spiritual living on Relate4ever Publishing as seen http://relate4ever.com/spiritualiving-interview-drdj

The War Prayer (Twain)

Posted: May 22, 2013

Here is Mark Twain’s The War Prayer, published in 1916, six years after the great humorist’s death (13 minutes). This piece is in the public domain. My podcast includes a… Read More

Q&A 1330 – Censorship of Christian Songs

Posted: May 19, 2013

Censorship of Christian Songs — replies: Ferguson, Jacoby, and Oakes  It seems that many modern evangelical songs stress blessings and grace, with little emphasis on discipleship or repentance. Some song… Read More

The servant girl who challenges Peter

Posted: May 15, 2013

For N.T. Character Study 35, The Servant Girl Who Challenges Peter, (16 minutes), click on the play arrow. To listen to it later, download by right clicking here, and choose… Read More

Q&A 1329—What Was Israel’s Population?

Posted: May 10, 2013

What was ancient Israel’s population? The statistic in Numbers 1:46 implies a nation of millions exiting from Egypt. Was it really that high? Israel’s population was in the millions, but… Read More


Posted: May 1, 2013

For O.T. Lesson 25, Hannah (20 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1328 – Christian Graffiti? (Deut 6:9)

Posted: May 1, 2013

Why were the Jews told to write out scripture on their gates? I get that having God’s word written inside our houses would be a great reminder to stay focused… Read More

CLEAN – podcast 26 (Lazarus) = NT character podcast 34

Posted: April 26, 2013

For CLEAN podcast 26/N.T. Character Study 34, Lazarus (15 minutes), click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click here and choose ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Introductory For most people,… Read More

Q&A 1327 – Unanswered Prayers for Pregnancy?

Posted: April 22, 2013

My sister and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for the past two years with no success. My mom, who is a very religious woman, wants me to… Read More

Receiving Christ

Posted: April 16, 2013

Here is a study of the popular evangelical doctrine of Receiving Christ (22 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

No Exit: chapter featured at Rethinking Hell

Posted: April 16, 2013

The website Rethinking Hell has just featured a chapter from my new book on the topic. (They interviewed me in January 2013, and requested that I contribute an article in… Read More

Q&A 1326 – Is Life (or other) Insurance Biblical?

Posted: April 13, 2013

Is life insurance, or any other form of insurance, Biblical? Someone told me it is not because it is usury. Also, what about networking or recruiting people for the purpose… Read More

Staying Single

Posted: April 5, 2013

To listen to Staying Single (21 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

The Life of Pi

Posted: April 4, 2013

Here is my review of the book and movie The Life of Pi (11 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Q&A 1325 – Constant Contact

Posted: April 4, 2013

In the present age has there ever been a church of Christ that lived in constant contact with each other (literally), like the Christians in the first century church did,… Read More

Q&A 1324 – Who are the Captives?

Posted: March 26, 2013

I was studying about heaven and hell, and John 3 says no one is in heaven. How do you understand Ephesians 4:8 –  “When he ascended on high, HE LED… Read More

Q&A 1323 – Life Insurance

Posted: March 17, 2013

Is life insurance, or any other form of insurance, biblical? Someone told me it is not because it is usury. Also, what about networking or recruiting people for the purpose… Read More

Q&A 1322 – Confronting Theft

Posted: March 8, 2013

In as few words as possible… I caught a fellow disciple stealing from the offering. I tried to talk with the person, but they wouldn’t confess it. This person quit… Read More

Culture Wars

Posted: March 4, 2013

Click here to read an interesting article about the Culture Wars.

Q&A 1321 – Why Not Punish David?

Posted: February 27, 2013

My mother-in-law stumped me with this question. Why did God allow David to eat the bread which was lawful only for the priests, but condemn Saul for offering a sacrifice,… Read More


Posted: February 21, 2013

For the podcast on on Zombies (20 minutes), listen to the podcast. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

David Platt on the Sinner’s Prayer

Posted: February 20, 2013

Watch this video (less than 3 minutes) by David Platt on why the Sinner’s Prayer is leading millions astray. Click here.

Q&A 1320 – Messianic Jews

Posted: February 18, 2013

I have a question about the Messianic Jewish movement. I searched on both of your sites and couldn’t find if you wrote on this topic. My sister who isn’t part… Read More

Using cell phones in church?

Posted: February 14, 2013

Using cell phones in church? This Youtube video (90 seconds) speaks to our modern techno-generation.

The Woman Caught in Adultery

Posted: February 13, 2013

For N.T. Character Study 33, The Woman Caught in Adultery (11 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Latin American Teaching Ministry Report

Posted: February 11, 2013

The video (just a few minutes long) is an inspiring update on the teaching ministry in Latin America. My colleague in Mexico is Arturo Elizarraras. We have been connected since… Read More

Q&A 1319 – Eating Healthy

Posted: February 9, 2013

In a discussion with a friend about eating being an ‘act of worship,’ somehow he was thinking that there was a connection with sin manifesting itself as disease in the… Read More

Empty Nesters In Nicaragua

Posted: February 5, 2013

Empty Nesters In Nicaragua  We are early-50s empty-nesters who for some time had wanted to find ways to serve the poor in a more consistent and hands-on manner.  We sought… Read More

Q&A 1318 – Why Only Three Days?

Posted: January 31, 2013

If Jesus died for our sins and took the punishment that we deserved, and if our punishment would have been eternal separation from God, then why was Jesus only in… Read More

Q&A 1317 – Thanksgiving For All?

Posted: January 22, 2013

I have a question about 1 Timothy 2:1 – “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.” Does this mean that… Read More

Q&A 1316 – Goliath a son of Orpah?

Posted: January 13, 2013

I was trying to find information about what happens to Orpah, Ruth’s sister, once she turns her back to them. A few websites I found said according to Jewish history… Read More

Christ in the Psalms B

Posted: January 7, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes for Psalms 23, 49, 55: Christ in the Psalms (18 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

Christ in the Psalms A

Posted: January 7, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes for Psalms 2, 22, 69, 110: Christ in the Psalms (21 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as”… Read More

Psalm 137, 58, 109

Posted: January 6, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes for Psalms 137, 58, 109: Prayers You Shouldn’t Pray (24 minutes). Click on arrow to play. To download the podcast, right click on “download”… Read More

Psalm 51

Posted: January 5, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes for Psalms 51: Create in Me a Pure Heart (34 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as”… Read More

Q&A 1315 – Poor Widow Significance

Posted: January 4, 2013

Do you believe that Luke 21:1-4 is an example to follow, or a means of convincing someone to tithe? I mean, looking at the surrounding context, it’s just an odd… Read More

Psalms 73, 37

Posted: January 3, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes for Psalms 73, 37: When I’m Drifting (29 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Joseph of Arimathea

Posted: January 3, 2013

For N.T. Character Study 32, Joseph of Arimathea (21 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

Psalms 139, 40, 117

Posted: January 2, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes for Psalms 139, 40, 117: Focusing (20 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Psalms 12, 46, 88

Posted: January 2, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes for Psalms 12, 46, 88: The Darkness (27 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

15 Myths about Bible Translation

Posted: January 2, 2013

Here are 15 myths about Bible translation, debunked by a man who should know. He is Daniel B. Wallace, an internationally-known Greek New Testament scholar and consultant for four Bible translations—ESV,… Read More

Psalm 130 and 62

Posted: January 1, 2013

Here are a podcast and notes for Psalms 130 & 62 and Habakkuk 3: Learning about God (29 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More


Posted: January 1, 2013

For O.T. Lesson 23, Samson (15 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “Download Podcast” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Psalms 19 and 119

Posted: December 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes for Psalms 19 and 119: The Word of God (25 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as”… Read More

The Mother and the Seven Brothers

Posted: December 30, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 31, The Mother and the Seven Brothers (19 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More

Psalm 1

Posted: December 29, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes for Introduction to Psalms and Psalm 1 (27 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Q&A 1314 – Revenge / Killing

Posted: December 26, 2012

Brother, I wanted to ask you about questions that I have been faced with many times here in Lebanon – Is the killing of Gentiles in the Old Testament a… Read More

6 reasons preachers avoid speaking on hell

Posted: December 21, 2012

Click here for this fascinating article: http://www.rethinkinghell.com/

John the Baptist

Posted: December 19, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 30, John the Baptist (30 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click here and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Q&A 1313 – Dating a non-Christian

Posted: December 17, 2012

Though not a Biblical doctrine or salvation issue, we as the leaders of our church decided to expect our members to only date committed Christians. A woman who was part… Read More

Q&A 1312 – Bankruptcy

Posted: December 8, 2012

Someone in our group (my husband and I are family group leaders) wants to declare bankruptcy. We don’t think this is biblical. Some might argue that filing for bankruptcy is… Read More


Posted: December 5, 2012

To listen to Modesty (36 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

The Magi (“Wise Men”)

Posted: November 29, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 29, The Magi (“Three Wise Men”) (30 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Matthias & Joseph (Jackson Cheng)

Posted: November 29, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 28, Matthias & Joseph (23 minutes), by Jackson Cheng (Honolulu), just click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select… Read More


Posted: November 29, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 27, Stephen (21 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1311 – Blessed for Leaving?

Posted: November 29, 2012

Why did Jesus include wife in the list of things you can leave and still be blessed (Luke 18:28-30) if elsewhere Jesus commands against divorce, and Paul says that one… Read More

Interview: DJ on Islam

Posted: November 23, 2012

Here you will find an interview about my book, Jesus & Islam. Cristian Paduraru, a brother who lives in Romania, is the interviewer. Please click here to visit the official… Read More


Posted: November 23, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 26, Demas (17 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1310 – Do I Have To Attend Church?

Posted: November 20, 2012

When I study church with people during Bible study it’s a bit daunting to them. My question is, is the church study a salvation issue? Do people have to attend… Read More


Posted: November 13, 2012

To listen to Ecology (19 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More


Posted: November 11, 2012

Click here for the pdf.

Q&A 1309 – Ebooks

Posted: November 11, 2012

How do I obtain electronic/digital copies of your books, or of other books recommended on this site? Quite a few of my books are available for Kindle, but generally you… Read More

Claudia Procula

Posted: November 4, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 25, Claudia Procula (11 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Q&A 1308 – Meditation

Posted: November 2, 2012

My heart’s desire is to be led by the Holy Spirt and continue to grow daily in my prayer life and Bible study. I do realize that I have my… Read More


Posted: November 1, 2012

For O.T. Lesson 22, Gideon (22 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Decalogue J: The 10th Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue J: The 10th Commandment (14 minutes) To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Decalogue I: The 9th Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue I: The 9th Commandment (13 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Decalogue H: The 8th Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue H: The 8th Commandment (12 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Decalogue G: The 7th Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue G: The 7th Commandment (12 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Decalogue F: The 6th Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue F: The 6th Commandment (13 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Decalogue E: The 5th Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue E: The 5th Commandment (18 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Decalogue D: The 4th Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue D: The 4th Commandment (17 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Decalogue C: The 3rd Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue C: The 3rd Commandment (16 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Decalogue B: The 2nd Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue B: The 2nd Commandment (18 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Decalogue A: The 1st Commandment

Posted: October 31, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Decalogue A: The 1st Commandment (11 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

The Name of God

Posted: October 28, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on The Name of God (18 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Q&A 1307 – Should I Be Re-baptized?

Posted: October 24, 2012

This is a question that comes up repeatedly. Some of the reasons given are as follows: The person did not understand Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. The person was confused… Read More


Posted: October 16, 2012

For the podcast on on Witchcraft (30 minutes), listen to the podcast. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1306 – The Plans of Man

Posted: October 15, 2012

[Paraphrased] Hi, Doug! My name is Sergiy Shabashkevich, I was baptized 18 years ago in the Kiev Church of Christ (Ukraine). In the last month I have heard several times… Read More

Out-of-Body Experiences & NDEs

Posted: October 6, 2012

If you’re interested in my thoughts on Out-of-Body Experiences & Near Death Experiences (28 minutes), listen to the podcast. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More

Q&A 1305 – Studying with Jehovah’s Witness

Posted: October 6, 2012

A couple of women have been coming to my house over the past week, who happen to be Jehovah’s Witnesses. They want to get together and study the Bible, probably… Read More

Q&A 1304 – Hypnotherapy

Posted: September 27, 2012

Please enlighten me regarding hypnotherapy. Can a Christian go for hypnotherapy sessions (for example to stop nail bitting / slimming) or practise hypnotherapy as hypnotherapist? Please advise. — Caroline (Singapore)… Read More

Q&A 1303 – Cremation — is it OK?

Posted: September 18, 2012

Is cremation inconsistent with any biblical or Christian principle, or is it an acceptable alternative to embalment and burial? [Reply from Edward Fudge (of gracEmail), used with permission.] Throughout recorded… Read More


Posted: September 9, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Mormonism (47 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

Q&A 1302 – Perfect love drives out fear?

Posted: September 9, 2012

Do you believe the sentence "Perfect love casts out fear" in 1 John 4:18 can be used to mean "since we want to love perfectly as God does, let’s have… Read More


Posted: September 6, 2012

BIBLICAL STUDY TOUR (and International Teachers’ Seminar) 19-26 October, 2013 (The 2014 tour location is being considered: Rome/Pompeii, Israel, and Switzerland are probably the front runners.) The annual Biblical Study Tour… Read More


Posted: September 1, 2012

For O.T. Lesson 21, Deborah (21 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1301 – Non-resistance

Posted: August 31, 2012

What do you say about the "doctine of non-resistance"? What about Romans 13? Doesn’t this allow us to kill our enemies, if our own government commands us to do so?… Read More

Q&A 1300 – Satan

Posted: August 22, 2012

I’d like to ask for some advice. Right now I’m struggling with my faith. I’ve always asked questions and really had a desire to seek the truth. In doing so… Read More

Q&A 1299 – Nude art?

Posted: August 13, 2012

This issue has been one lately that I have been researching some. I started with a search online for ‘Christian views of nude art’. I found a lot of articles that take… Read More

Q&A 1298 – How long were the Israelites in Egypt?

Posted: August 4, 2012

How long were the Israelites sojourners in Egypt? Paul assigns a 430-year interval between the Abrahamic covenant given in Genesis and the Mosaic Law introduced at Sinai. The arithmetic gets… Read More

Q&A 1297 – Sabbath Day’s Walk

Posted: July 26, 2012

What’s a Sabbath day’s walk? How far were the ancient Jews allowed to walk on a Sabbath? Exodus 16:29 discouraged long walks on the Sabbath. Traditionally, the limit was 2000… Read More

Q&A 1296 – Eldership reconsidered

Posted: July 17, 2012

The following question came up recently concerning the eldership in our congregation. One of the couples in our oversight group just moved to another city. We believe in the importance of a plurality… Read More

Q&A 1295 – What do you think of Velvet Elvis (by Rob Bell)?

Posted: July 8, 2012

A review of Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005) Rob Bell (b.1970), preacher at Mars Hill Bible Church, has become a highly influential speaker and writer… Read More


Posted: July 1, 2012

For O.T. Lesson 20, Caleb (23 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1294 – Locusts or armies (Joel)?

Posted: June 29, 2012

In Joel 1:4 and 2:25, what do the locusts represent?  Some readers understand the locust hordes literally; others, as the invading armies the Lord would use to punish his people…. Read More

Southern Baptists Debate Sinner’s Prayer

Posted: June 22, 2012

Read about the recent controversy. CLICK for article.

Q&A 1293 – Grace and peace

Posted: June 20, 2012

Is there any special meaning to the way Paul so often wishes his readers "grace and peace"?  There is. In the east, people wished one another "peace," just as the Jews said "Shalom"… Read More

Seven Compact Evidences Arguments

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Seven Compact 4-point Apologetics Arguments Countering Common Atheist / Skeptic Assertions (20 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and… Read More

Creative Quiet Times Part 1 (Joey Harris)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Creative Quiet Times, Part 1, by Joey Harris (29 minutes)), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Creative Quiet Times Part 2 (Joey Harris)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Creative Quiet Times, Part 2, by Joey Harris (17 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Creative Quiet Times Part 3 (Joey Harris)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Creative Quiet Times, Part 3, by Joey Harris 18 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Priests and Levites (Steve Jacoby)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Priests and Levites (22 minutes), by Steve Jacoby, click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

The Herods (Steve Jacoby)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to The Herods (24 minutes) by Steve Jacoby, click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Neither Poverty Nor Riches (Steve Jacoby)

Posted: June 16, 2012

To listen to Neither Poverty Nor Riches, by Steve Jacoby (25 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as”… Read More

Under Fire: Lessons of Suffering from Mexico

Posted: June 14, 2012

To listen to Under Fire: Lessons of Suffering from Mexico, by Arturo Elizarrarás (28 minutes) click on the link: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More

Q&A 1292 – How can I be a better Bible student?

Posted: June 11, 2012

Exploring your websites, I have realized that although I’ve been a disciple for almost 20 years, I really don’t know how to study my Bible. I wanted to ask if you… Read More

Summer Apologetics Course

Posted: June 8, 2012

APOLOGETICS COURSE In a non-Christian world, where faith is challenged and disinformation is rampant, apologetics is essential. If we are to reach the majority of the world’s population, who do… Read More

Why Doubt is Good (!)

Posted: June 4, 2012

For the podcast on Why Doubt is Good (!) (16 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as”… Read More

Q&A 1291—Filthy rags

Posted: June 2, 2012

“Even when we do our best, our righteousness is filthy rags in God’s sight (Isaiah 64:6). Do you agree?” No, I do not. Works-salvation is rightly rejected by scripture, but… Read More

Edward Fudge on Hell

Posted: May 30, 2012

CLICK for a recent lecture by the world’s leading scholar on hell and the conditional view of immortality. Fascinating. This is the view I have been teaching for over 20… Read More

Q&A 1290 – Married in heaven?

Posted: May 24, 2012

I have a question regarding marriage in heaven. In Matthew 22:30, Jesus says that at the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like… Read More

Clashing Worldviews

Posted: May 22, 2012

While this lesson may be of general interest, it has been designed specifically for M.A. students in Bible & Theology at Lincoln Christian University. These are my own reflections on… Read More

Q&A 1289 – Hope and a future (Jeremiah 29)

Posted: May 15, 2012

I want to find out God’s plan for my life. Jeremiah 29 says he wants us to have prosperity. But things aren’t going so well. What should I do? This… Read More

OT Archaeology

Posted: May 14, 2012

Here is a lesson on Old Testament Archaeology (54 minutes).     To download the file, please click HERE. If the link does not work when you left-click on it,… Read More

NT Archaeology

Posted: May 14, 2012

Here is a lesson on New Testament Archaeology (47 minutes).   LCU students: You are not responsible for all the information in this lesson. Do, however, listen carefully and try… Read More

Q&A 1288 – The Man of Lawlessness

Posted: May 6, 2012

Who is the man of lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians? Many find in this passage a sort of “antichrist”—though the word is not used—whose rise presages the end of the world…. Read More


Posted: May 1, 2012

For O.T. Lesson 19, Joshua (27 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1287 – Predicting the End

Posted: April 27, 2012

Many have tried and failed to predict the end of the world. Is this fruitless, or do you think it’s possible to find out the date by searching the scriptures?It’s… Read More

Interesting facts (The Foster Report )

Posted: April 25, 2012

The following has been adapted from For the Record: The Foster Report, by Gary D. Foster. It appeared in the most recent bulletin (Vol 18, No 2) of the American… Read More