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Q&A 1286 – Why is the Bible so long?

Posted: April 18, 2012

Why is the Bible so long? It’s taking me forever to read it. It isn’t, compared to the scriptures of the Eastern Religions, with many thousands of pages. Or when… Read More

The Structure of the New Testament

Posted: April 15, 2012

Here is a lesson and notes on The Structure of the New Testament (51 minutes). 1. Process The NT is a library more than it is a single book. The library… Read More

Hebrews: Bridge between the Testaments

Posted: April 15, 2012

Here are a lesson and notes on Hebrews: Bridge between the Testaments (50 minutes). Bridging books There are several books in the NT that intimate connect with the OT, like… Read More

Q&A 1285 – Red letter Bibles

Posted: April 9, 2012

Why are the words of Jesus printed differently in “red-letter” editions of the Bible? Editions of the N.T. with Jesus’ words in red, first appearing in 1899, were intended as… Read More

The Hunger Games (Collins)

Posted: April 7, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on The Hunger Games (15 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1284 – Interpretation and 2 Peter 1:20

Posted: March 31, 2012

Doesn’t the Bible interpret itself? My preacher pointed out 2 Peter 1:20. Isn’t interpretation how we ended up with so many dissensions and denominations? 2 Peter 1:20 does not forbid… Read More


Posted: March 30, 2012

To hear Parenting (35 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click here and you can listen to it later. Parenting isn’t just for current (or new)… Read More

The Mission

Posted: March 29, 2012

To hear The Mission (14 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Pontius Pilate

Posted: March 29, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 24, Pilate (23 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Jesus’ Siblings

Posted: March 23, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 23, Jesus’ Siblings (33 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Q&A 1283 – What is the meaning of “Bible”?

Posted: March 22, 2012

What does “Bible” mean? Ironically, I can’t find the word “Bible” anywhere in my Bible! And why do they call it “The Holy Bible?” Good observation. The word “Bible” does… Read More

Q&A 1282 – Original Bible languages

Posted: March 13, 2012

What language was the original Bible written in?  Think of the Bible as a library, not as a single document. Its constituent books were authored, and edited, over a period… Read More

Q&A 1281 – Has the Bible been changed?

Posted: March 4, 2012

How can I be sure the Bible hasn’t been changed? Isn’t it just a translation of a translation of a translation, and so on? Actually, modern translations are made from… Read More

Communication in Relationships (Cristian Paduraru)

Posted: March 2, 2012

Here are a podcast plus notes on Communication in Relationships (18 minutes). The speaker is Cristian Paduraru, of Romania. To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More


Posted: March 1, 2012

For O.T. Lesson 18, Phinehas (23 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Yeshua: Critique of Ron Moseley’s book & position

Posted: February 24, 2012

This lesson is a critique of Ron Moseley’s Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church (40 minutes). Introduction To download the podcast, right click on “download”… Read More

Q&A 1280 – Magic tricks = sorcery?

Posted: February 24, 2012

Is modern magic equivalent to ancient sorcery? I’m curious to know if magicians today are tapping on the power of demons? I know magic is just tricks, but I got a… Read More

Prayer & Fasting

Posted: February 22, 2012

To hear Prayer & Fasting (40 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Simon the Sorcerer

Posted: February 17, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 22, Simon the Sorcerer (28 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More


Posted: February 17, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 21, Apollos (27 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More


Posted: February 17, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 20, Lazarus (28 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Mary & Martha

Posted: February 17, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 19, Mary & Martha (25 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More


Posted: February 17, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 18, Barabbas (12 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Baha’i & Tolerance

Posted: February 16, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Bahá’í & 21st Century Tolerance (18 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Shinto

Posted: February 16, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Shinto (19 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Islam B (Jihad)

Posted: February 16, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Islam B (15 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

Islam A (the basics)

Posted: February 16, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Islam A (11 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Confucianism & Taoism

Posted: February 15, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Confucianism & Taoism (14 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More


Posted: February 15, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on Judaism (23 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

The God of the Old Testament (?)

Posted: February 15, 2012

Here are a podcast and notes on The God of the Old Testament (15 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Q&A 1279 – What position should we pray in?

Posted: February 15, 2012

What position should we adopt when we pray to God? — David  Here are some passages for you to consider. Kneeling: 1 Kings 8:54, Daniel 6:10, Acts 21:5Standing: 1 Samuel 1:26, Matthew 6:5,… Read More

Q&A 1278 – Cannibalism?

Posted: February 6, 2012

Were some Jewish people cannibals? I found a passage, Lamentations 4:10, which says "With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children." This is shocking. Cannibalism was practiced in… Read More

“The Doctrine of Non-Accumulation” (Hertzler)

Posted: February 2, 2012

To hear a review of Roger Hertzler’s book on The doctrine of non-accumulation (30 minutes), click on the play button: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select… Read More


Posted: January 31, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 17, Nicodemus (22 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1277 – Genesis 12:3

Posted: January 28, 2012

How did God bless the world through Abraham? Genesis 12 says he would bless all nations, but most nations don’t follow the Bible. Blessing is a major theme of the… Read More

The Samaritan Woman

Posted: January 19, 2012

For N.T. Character Study 16, The Samaritan Woman (32 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

Q&A 1276 – How did God speak to the prophets?

Posted: January 19, 2012

The Old Testament has so many prophets. How did they get their messages from God?The answer surprises most people. The prophets received their prophetic messages in visions, and these visions often… Read More

Q&A 1275 – Did Jesus claim to be the Son of God?

Posted: January 10, 2012

What’s going on in Matthew 26:64? Why doesn’t Jesus directly admit he’s the Son of God when he is asked by the high priest? You are right. In Matthew 26:64,… Read More


Posted: January 6, 2012

Baptism Revisited, by John Lang John Lang (Indianapolis) has a different, and provocative, perspective on baptism: Baptism has long been a central concern of those with roots in the “Restoration… Read More

Q&A 1274 – Did Jesus have free will?

Posted: January 1, 2012

Did Jesus have free will to sin if he wanted to? Wouldn’t He need that to be human? Was He sinless by divine intervention or choice? Wouldn’t that be robotic… Read More


Posted: January 1, 2012

For O.T. Lesson 17, Balaam (23 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1273 – “Spiritual pornography” to read the Qur’an?

Posted: December 30, 2011

In regard to the Qur’an, is there any part of that book that is productively applicable to our lives? Is there a danger in reading it? Wouldn’t this be the… Read More

Q&A 1272 – Were the ancient Jews polytheistic?

Posted: December 28, 2011

I have read of claims that the early Israelites were heavily influenced by their neighbors (Canaanite religion), and were in a sense polytheistic. They believed in the supremacy of YAHVEH… Read More

Q&A 1271 – Preachers and sound exegesis (exposition)

Posted: December 26, 2011

There is somewhat of a mild debate going on in the church I attend. One brother with a degree in theology, understanding of Greek etc, always gets on to the… Read More

Q&A 1270 – Violent Jesus?

Posted: December 24, 2011

Thank you for your websites. I am a premium member, which is good, as my sons are reaching the age of many difficult questions… I have a question of my… Read More

Q&A 1269 – The view of Jesus in other religions

Posted: December 22, 2011

I want to understand how other religions view Jesus. Have you written anything on that topic? I want to make sure I am on base as I share this information… Read More

Q&A 1268 – Elohim: plural God? Waters above the firmament?

Posted: December 20, 2011

Why does the bible refer to "God" as Elohim when "Elohim" is plural for "gods"? And in Genesis the verse that talks about two types of water and the expanse:… Read More

Q&A 1267 – The New Atheists

Posted: December 18, 2011

I have heard a new movement on the rise called the "New Atheists," and they recently held a "Blasphemy Day." They have attacked, mocked and belittled God, and it made… Read More

Q&A 1266 – Helping a husband get spiritually engaged

Posted: December 16, 2011

What’s the best way for a Christian woman to help her husband get spiritually engaged?  It seems that he’s a true introvert and not close to many of the brothers,… Read More

Q&A 1265 – Edomite god

Posted: December 14, 2011

What god did the nation of Edom serve? I have been searching for weeks and can’t find anything. — Mike Harris Whereas the gods of the Moabites, Ammonites, Philistines, et… Read More

Q&A 1264 – Evangelizing someone with a learning disadvantage

Posted: December 12, 2011

I recently reached out to a young man, and although he speaks English fairly fluently, he cannot read and write very well. He was orphaned as a young child, and… Read More

Q&A 1263 – Open Theism: If the Lord knows the future, do we have free will?

Posted: December 10, 2011

When you said you believe "God’s future knowledge is conditional on our free-will choices," do you believe in open theism? — Adam Great question. I find open theism untenable in its… Read More

Q&A 1262 – Read the Psalms

Posted: December 8, 2011

I hope all’s well and that the year is fantastic for you! If it’s all right, I was hoping to pose a couple of questions: Do you have any advice… Read More

Q&A 1261 – Numbers 3 contradiction?

Posted: December 6, 2011

Help me please to understand one instance in Numbers: "Those numbered of them, by the number of every male from a month old and upward—those numbered of them were 7,500… By the… Read More

Q&A 1260 — John the earliest and most Jewish of the gospels?

Posted: December 4, 2011

I found the following excerpt from a book I’m reading, The Ancient Library of Qumran, 3rd Edition, by Frank Moore Cross. He writes: "[Essene] parallels to John and the Johannine Epistles will… Read More

Q&A 1259 – Black Hebrew Israelites

Posted: December 2, 2011

What do you know about Black Hebrew Israelites? During the twentieth century there have been several African-American groups that organized themselves around the belief that they were the "true" descendants… Read More

Q&A 1258 – The Virgin Mary

Posted: November 30, 2011

What is your belief about the importance of the Virgin Mary to all humanity in our search for God’s mercy? I believe that she is a very important person because… Read More

Q&A 1257 – Division

Posted: November 28, 2011

Can you elaborate on the idea of godly division v. sinful division? — Ed  Good question. I hope these general comments about division help clarify the issue at hand. God… Read More

Matthew…Thaddaeus… martyrdom

Posted: November 26, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 15, Matthew (Levi), Bartholomew (Nathanael), Simon the Zealot, James the Younger, and Thaddaeus (the other Judas, or Lebbaeus), (19 minutes), click on the play button below:… Read More


Posted: November 26, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 14, Philip (12 minutes), click on the play button below:   To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More


Posted: November 26, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 13, Thomas (20 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1256 – Best Spanish Bible?

Posted: November 26, 2011

What do you think is the ideal Spanish version of the Bible to use? There seem to be a few out there. Well, Dios Habla Hoy is extremely popular, though… Read More

Q&A 1255 – Repetition implies significance?

Posted: November 24, 2011

Is there any validity to the idea that certain commands are more important than others, based on the number of times they’re mentioned in the Bible? For example, some people… Read More

Q&A 1254 – The End of the Age in Matthew 28

Posted: November 22, 2011

What was Jesus referring to in Matthew 28:18-20’s "end of the age"? — C.G. In my view, there are two ways to look at this phrase: 1) The end of… Read More

Q&A 1253 – Is Matthew 27:25 antisemitic?

Posted: November 20, 2011

In Matthew 27 the Jews say, "His blood be on us and our children." But isn’t this just a case of Christian antisemitism? Would they really have said such words? Yes,… Read More

Q&A 1252 – Palm branches?

Posted: November 18, 2011

When Jesus makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), what is the significance or symbolism of the palm fronds? You are referring to the event recorded in John 12:13… Read More

Q&A 1251 – Genealogies in Matthew and Luke

Posted: November 16, 2011

I am confused about the two genealogies we find for Jesus. Matthew and Luke give differing lines of descent. How are we to understand this? In the words of H…. Read More

Q&A 1250 – Which version of the Qur’an should I read?

Posted: November 14, 2011

I am looking for a version of the Koran in English. What would you recommend? Is there more than one good version? There are three “authorized” versions in English, which… Read More

Q&A 1249 – Wasn’t it unfair of God to harden Pharaoh’s heart?

Posted: November 12, 2011

In Exodus it says God hardens Pharaoh’s heart. Isn’t this unfair? I thought God didn’t override our free will! You are right about free will. God is sovereign and omniscient, but… Read More

Q&A 1248 – What do you say about the Levites killing 3000 in Exodus 32?

Posted: November 10, 2011

How can we explain Exodus 32, where the Levites put thousands of Israelite idolaters to the sword? This passage makes me stumble. Here are a few of my observations about the… Read More

Q&A 1247 – Moral relativism?

Posted: November 8, 2011

I feel that as Christians we tend to take a morally relativistic approach to explain past cultures in the Bible by saying, "That was just the culture at the time"…. Read More

Q&A 1246 – Conquest of Palestine

Posted: November 6, 2011

Someone said, "In my biblical archaeology class I learned that the archaeological record just doesn’t support the account of the conquest of Palestine found in the Book of Exodus –… Read More

Five Laws of the Kingdom (David Bercot)

Posted: November 4, 2011

To hear The Five Laws of the Kingdom, by David Bercot (21 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save… Read More

Q&A 1245 – How can Mary and Elizabeth be related?

Posted: November 4, 2011

Luke 1:36 says that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a relative of Elizabeth. And yet how is this possible, if one comes from the tribe of Judah, and the other from… Read More

Q&A 1244 – Animal abuse?

Posted: November 2, 2011

Hello! I have a friend who is both vegan and Christian, and I recently got interested in the idea of how we need to treat animals. Clearly eating meat isn’t a sin,… Read More


Posted: November 1, 2011

For O.T. Lesson 16, Miriam (19 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1243 – Pork permanently prohibited?

Posted: October 31, 2011

Does Isaiah 66:16-18 tell me not to eat pork, or else the Lord will destroy me for doing so? Was the Lord really talking to the Jews only? — Chris… Read More

Q&A 1242 – Why don’t you take the Bible literally?

Posted: October 29, 2011

You wrote to me, "Christians would say that some OT laws were concessions. Progressive revelation came as the people were ready to accept it." But I think that’s a little… Read More

Q&A 1241 – What does celibacy look like in a Christian’s life?

Posted: October 27, 2011

I read your previous comments on this topic but couldn’t find an answer to my two-part question. I know the definition of celibacy, but: (1) What does it look like… Read More

Q&A 1240 – When did the Shekinah leave the Temple?

Posted: October 25, 2011

I recently read an article which said, "The Jewish Temple was the center of religious Jewish worship. It housed the Holy of Holies, which contained the Ark of the Covenant… Read More

Q&A 1239 – Making restitution before returning to the fellowship

Posted: October 23, 2011

I’m helping to bring back an ex-member of the church. He is eager to be with God again and he has an awesome heart. We had been talking about sin… Read More

Q&A 1238 – Jesus’ foot bones broken in crucifixion?

Posted: October 21, 2011

I’ve searched for quite a bit, but can’t find anything on the site. Q&A 1179 ("Jesus’ body literally broken") doesn’t really answer my question. The medical accounts of the crucifixion that… Read More


Posted: October 20, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Thanksgiving (19 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1237 – Is God feminine?

Posted: October 19, 2011

A seminarian friend recently referred to God as “she.” I asked why. To paraphrase her answer, “In the original language of the scriptures Holy Spirit is always feminine, or the verb describing what… Read More

Q&A 1236 – Jesus a coward (Bible contradiction)?

Posted: October 17, 2011

Was Jesus brave, or was he just a coward? After all, he said, "And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after… Read More

Q&A 1235 – Seeing God (a contradiction)?

Posted: October 15, 2011

Isn’t the following a contradiction? "… I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved" (Genesis 32:30). "No man hath seen God at any time…" (John 1:18)…. Read More

Q&A 1234 – Meek inherit earth?

Posted: October 13, 2011

In Matthew 5:5 what does "inherit the earth" mean? I can find loads of information about the first part of the verse, referring to the meaning of "meek," but I can’t… Read More

Q&A 1233 – Brains hard-wired for sin?

Posted: October 11, 2011

What do you think of this article in New Scientist? My father-in-law is mocking the Bible because of its stance on homosexuality; he claims people are gay because of their biology. –… Read More

Q&A 1232 – Bereans

Posted: October 9, 2011

It says in Acts 17:11 that the Bereans examined the scriptures daily. Now back then there weren’t any personal Bibles like today. I understand that communities had copies of scripture,… Read More

Q&A 1231 – Belief in N.T. inspiration a requirement for salvation?

Posted: October 7, 2011

I have an interesting biblical question that a brother and I were discussing over dinner yesterday, and I wanted to pose it to you. We were comparing the beliefs that we hold… Read More

Q&A 1230 – Leviticus: anointing the ear, thumb, and toe of the priest

Posted: October 5, 2011

What do you think is the significance of the placing of the sacrificial blood and oil in the Old Testament atonement? Such is stated in Leviticus 14:14: tip of the… Read More

Q&A 1229 – Coveting

Posted: October 3, 2011

Is the Old Testament word covet essentially the same thing as lust in the New Testament? I noticed the words are used in different ways, depending on the context –… Read More

Q&A 1228 – Allegory in Ezekiel 16 (women and beauty)

Posted: October 1, 2011

About women’s appearance — I would like to get some clarification on Ezekiel 16, because I have seen this passage used time and time again to say that God intended… Read More

Q&A 1227 – Rastafarianism

Posted: September 29, 2011

Do you have any suggestions on where I can learn more about the Rastafarians? Rastafarianism is one of the more exotic man-made religions on the planet, rivaled perhaps by Mormonism… Read More

Q&A 1226 – Daniel and friends eunuchs?

Posted: September 27, 2011

When Daniel and his 3 friends were drafted into Nebuchadnezzar’s court, was castration one of the requirements? I noted there were eunuchs who sided with King Jehu in 2 Kings 9:30-33,… Read More

Q&A 1225 – Forwarding worldly emails?

Posted: September 25, 2011

What is your conviction or opinion about e-mails that say, "Send this to ten people and your wish will come true, or something good will happen to you, etc.."? I… Read More

Q&A 1224 – “Addicted” to fornication?

Posted: September 23, 2011

A very close friend of mine and sister in Christ is suffering from sexual addiction. I don’t think it would be appropriate to go too deep into her problem, but… Read More


Posted: September 22, 2011

For the N.T. Character Study 12, Judas (27 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

NT Character Study 11—John

Posted: September 22, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 11, John (11 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More


Posted: September 22, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 10, James (12 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Evangelism in the Early Church (II)

Posted: September 22, 2011

To hear Evangelism in the Early Church II (30 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

Evangelism in the Early Church (I)

Posted: September 22, 2011

To hear Evangelism in the Early Church I (29 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or… Read More

NT Character Podcast 9—Peter

Posted: September 22, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 9, Peter (32 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1223 – Romantic competition in church?

Posted: September 21, 2011

If two brothers in the same church like the same sister, what’s the wiset thing to do? Is it okay to let the sister know how you feel so you… Read More


Posted: September 20, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 8, Andrew (13 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1222 – Apostle John validated the papacy?

Posted: September 19, 2011

I have been speaking to a Roman Catholic friend, and his argument for the validity of the papacy was that John was still alive for the first pope, and there was… Read More

Q&A 1221 – Abishag (the young virgin in bed with David)

Posted: September 17, 2011

I have a question about 1 Kings 1:2. The aging king David is too cold, and the solution to keep warm is to have a concubine/nurse lie down with him…. Read More

Q&A 1220 – Mental cursing

Posted: September 15, 2011

I have been struggling with cursing in my mind. I have read the scriptures about getting rid of filthy language. Yet when I read the scriptures and pray I fail…. Read More

Q&A 1219 – Motivating the sluggish to read their Bibles

Posted: September 13, 2011

On another note, my wife and I have been discipling a couple who said to me one evening that the reason he does not spend so much time reading the… Read More

Q&A 1218 – The names Solomon and Jedidiah

Posted: September 11, 2011

It seems strange that Solomon ("peace") was not known by the name the Lord directed Nathan to give him, Jedidiah, ("loved by the Lord"). This latter name doesn’t seem to appear… Read More

Q&A 1217 – 1 Samuel 16:12

Posted: September 9, 2011

In 1 Samuel 16:12 we read: "He [David] was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features" (NIV); "He had beautiful eyes and a healthy, handsome appearance" (HCSB); and "Now he was ruddy, with… Read More

Q&A 1216 – Seeing angels is deadly?

Posted: September 7, 2011

When angels appeared to people, why did they begin by saying, "Do not be afraid," as in Matthew 28:5 and in Luke 2:10? I’ve heard that it was because sometimes people… Read More

Q&A 1215 – Eating food offered to saints / idols

Posted: September 5, 2011

Here in our country, the Roman Catholics celebrate feasts in honor of saints. 1 Corinthians 10:14-33 is an instruction about idol feasts, but this scripture is a source of debate even… Read More

Q&A 1214 – Will the Lord return in the year 2012?

Posted: September 3, 2011

There are and were many false predictions about when the end will come. But this I don’t know: Before a few weeks ago I had no idea about year 2012, but now it’s… Read More

Q&A 1213 – Forgiveness & remembering

Posted: September 1, 2011

We preach forgiveness — forgiving others the way we want God to forgive us, etc. We talk about "no record of wrongs," but Christian counselors tell people it will take as long… Read More


Posted: September 1, 2011

For O.T. Lesson 15, Aaron (21 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More


Posted: August 31, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 7, Drusilla (11 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More


Posted: August 31, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 6, Felix (16 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

NT Character Podcast 5—Paul

Posted: August 30, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 5, Paul (31 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1212 – Were all of the desert generation lost?

Posted: August 30, 2011

I have a question regarding those people who died in the desert. Most of Israelites were baptized in Moses and in the Red Sea, and yet they died in the desert…. Read More


Posted: August 29, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 4, Joanna (12 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1211 – God unfaithful (Psalm 89)?

Posted: August 28, 2011

I just finished reading Psalm 89 and it seems like Ethan the Ezrahite directly accuses God of breaking his promise to David. v.39: "You have renounced your covenant with your… Read More

The Alchemist

Posted: August 27, 2011

Here are a podcast and notes on The Alchemist (10 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Hinduism & Buddhism

Posted: August 27, 2011

Here are a podcast and notes on Hinduism & Buddhism (22 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More


Posted: August 26, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 3, Mary (35 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More


Posted: August 26, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 2, Malchus (11 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Q&A 1210 – God an alien?

Posted: August 26, 2011

Some people say that God is an alien but with special powers. Is this true? — Jeffrey No, since if he were a creature (created being) like an alien, he… Read More

Q&A 1209 – Canaanite extermination?

Posted: August 24, 2011

I am a young Christian, and I have been reading Joshua. The book explains that God commanded Joshua to invade and kill different civilizations. My question is, Why? When earlier-on… Read More


Posted: August 23, 2011

For N.T. Character Study 1, Jesus (40 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target… Read More

Questions on Genesis (Creation, Big Bang, Evolution, Flood…)

Posted: August 22, 2011

Here is a podcast on Questions on Genesis (33 minutes). The questions have been selected from Your Bible Questions Answered, chapter 4 (Genesis). To readchapter 1 (General Questions About the… Read More

Q&A 1208 – Interpretation question

Posted: August 22, 2011

What is the oil of Matthew 25? ("Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 2… Read More

Q&A 1207 – Did Jesus marry himself?

Posted: August 20, 2011

If the church is the body of Christ, and the church is also Jesus’ bride, does that mean Jesus married himself? I hope this isn’t too confusing.No, it isn’t too confusing. But… Read More

Q&A 1206 – 1 Timothy 5:22

Posted: August 18, 2011

1 Timothy 5:22 reads, "Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure." I’ve searched your Q&As… Read More


Posted: August 17, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Halloween (21 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Labor Day

Posted: August 17, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Labor Day (14 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Q&A 1205 – Candidate’s stance on abortion to determine our vote?

Posted: August 16, 2011

Do you think disciples should let the abortion issue rule who they should vote for in the election? — several questioners. No. There are so many issues! Both main parties in the U.S…. Read More

Heaven is for Real (Or Is it?)

Posted: August 15, 2011

Listen to Heaven is for Real—Or Is It? (18 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can… Read More

Q&A 1204 – Vivid dreams

Posted: August 14, 2011

A couple years ago I had a dream about an enormous archive with tall rows of books, and one book standing out in particular. It was a very large book… Read More

Q&A 1203 – Hebrews 11:1 — certainty?

Posted: August 12, 2011

The HCSB translates Hebrews 11:1 differently than do the NASB and the ESV, which render it more or less the same, though the HCSB gives the same translation options as… Read More

Q&A 1202 – Discerning God’s will in prayer

Posted: August 10, 2011

In Luke 11:5-11 and Luke 18:1-8 we are taught to faithfully persevere in prayer to God for something we want or need — to not give up asking. However, Matthew 26:36-42… Read More

Q&A 1201 – Scapegoat (Azazel) in Leviticus 16

Posted: August 8, 2011

I am reading Leviticus and came across references to a scapegoat offering to the desert (Leviticus 16). The footnotes in the NIV mention Azazel, but the Message translation attributes the goat… Read More

Q&A 1200 – What does the term “poor” mean for the modern church?

Posted: August 6, 2011

Deuteronomy 15:1-15 says, "There should be no poor among you." How do you think the word poor should be defined in the modern church? Deep question I know…any random thoughts are valued…. Read More

Why God Sent a Son (not a Daughter)

Posted: August 3, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Why God Sent a Son–not a Daughter (20 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

Q&A 1199 – Jesus a false witness?

Posted: August 2, 2011

Do you acknowledge the flaws of your Bible? For example, contrast "If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true" (John 5:31) to "I am one that bears… Read More

Q&A 1198 – Do we have free will? Is Reformed Theology correct?

Posted: July 31, 2011

Do we have free will? What did the early church teach about this? [Thanks to Jonathan Lenzi for the following information. See also www.scrollpublishing.com for more on what the early… Read More


Posted: July 30, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Birthdays(10 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More


Posted: July 30, 2011

Listen to Armageddon (22 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast and listen… Read More

Q&A 1197 – How should Americans vote?

Posted: July 29, 2011

I didn’t want to bother you about the 2008 US Presidential election, but I believe my conscience is seared right now. I’ll get right to the point: I support the Republican candidate because I think… Read More

Egyptian plagues and gods, by Sten Johannesson

Posted: July 28, 2011

Egyptian plagues and gods Why did God choose these 10 plagues for Egypt? Find out by clicking HERE. To see more presentations on Christian Evidences by Sten Johannesson, please click here.

Q&A 1196 – Archaeological discovery proves Jesus a magician?

Posted: July 27, 2011

Have you seen the bowl with the inscription of Christ on it? Here is the MSN link. What do you think of it? – Paul  The bowl may date to a little before the time… Read More

Q&A 1195 – Shortest verse in the Bible

Posted: July 25, 2011

I remember a guest preacher telling us that the shortest verse in the Bible was not "Jesus wept" as is commonly believed. He said that in the original language, there… Read More

Q&A 1194 – Demonology

Posted: July 23, 2011

I have been reading Matthew lately with commentaries, and I’ve found two opposite readings of Matthew 8. There is "demon", as in Satan’s angels, and there is "wicked spirits", meaning… Read More

Harry Potter

Posted: July 21, 2011

To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast and listen to it later. Download Podcast… Read More

Q&A 1193 – Unhealthy diet = blatant sin?

Posted: July 21, 2011

The Bible states that we are not our own, that we were bought at a price, and therefore ought to honor God with our bodies. My question: If someone blatantly eats… Read More

Q&A 1192 – Home-schooling

Posted: July 19, 2011

We are considering home-schooling. I want to keep my daughter from being exposed to the world; however, she has to experience it to learn how to deal with it. What… Read More

Q&A 1191 – Singles overlooked by church leaders?

Posted: July 17, 2011

I found this opinion, and wanted to know your response: "There are lots of opinions out there regarding finding that special someone in God’s kingdom — a potential husband or… Read More

Q&A 1190 – Manuscript variants

Posted: July 15, 2011

The original texts of the biblical books were inerrant and inspired 100%, not just not the preservation, right? For example, in the case of Kings, Chronicles, Samuel, Nehemiah, Ezra, Gospels, etc…. Read More

Q&A 1189 – Christ’s Temptation in John?

Posted: July 13, 2011

Why is it that the book of John doesn’t mention Jesus’ 40 days of temptation in the desert? Moreover, why does John explain seeing Jesus the day after his baptism,… Read More

Q&A 1188 – Jesus’ brothers and John 19

Posted: July 11, 2011

I noticed that you indicated in a question concerning how many were in Jesus’ family, that he may have had 4 brothers and at least 3 sisters. My question –… Read More

Q&A 1187 – Grace in the lives of non-Christians? (Titus 2:11)

Posted: July 9, 2011

Often individuals who claim to be Christians point to a radically-changed life as "proof" of their being real Christians, although they have not been baptized. In response, I refer to… Read More

Q&A 1186 – God-of-the-gaps and evidence for the Designer

Posted: July 7, 2011

Having watched your debate with Michael Shermer on the existence of God, I wish to commend you for your ability to grasp the point of an argument with great accuracy,… Read More

Q&A 1185 – Virgin birth just a myth?

Posted: July 5, 2011

Some critics of Christianity argue that in ancient times attributing virgin birth to a historical figure was a way of enhancing that person’s credibility or divine prerogatives. We see this… Read More

Q&A 1184 – Hebrews 8:8 — Why the old covenant?

Posted: July 3, 2011

According to Hebrews 8, the old covenant had something wrong with it because of humans breaking the covenant. How do you respond when asked, “Why did the all-knowing God create… Read More

Fathers’ Day, Mothers’ Day

Posted: July 2, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Fathers’ Day & Mothers’ Day (12 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save… Read More

Stem Cell Research

Posted: July 2, 2011

Here are a podcast and notes on Stem Cell Research (15 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Big Bang – Sten Johannesson

Posted: July 1, 2011

God and Science – Friends or Foes? Watch this 15 minute presentation on YouTube by going to the following link: To see more presentations on Christian Evidences by Sten Johannesson,… Read More

Q&A 1183 – The Fall

Posted: July 1, 2011

Why didn’t Adam and Eve realize they were naked until only after Adam tasted of the fruit? And if this is the case, does this suggest that man was considered… Read More


Posted: July 1, 2011

For O.T. Lesson 14, Moses (39 minutes), click on the play button below: To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and… Read More

Q&A 1182 – Jesus just another “sun-god”?

Posted: June 29, 2011

Though I found the idea quite amusing, I was curious as to any input you might have on refuting the notion that Jesus was not truly the Christ, but only another "sun god" made… Read More

Q&A 1181 – Trinity disproved?

Posted: June 27, 2011

How can you explain Numbers 23:19  — "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind"? Wouldn’t that disprove… Read More

Q&A 1180 – 1 Peter 5:5: “older” spiritually, or biologically?

Posted: June 25, 2011

The Bible teaches in 1 Peter 5:5 that the younger men should submit to the older ones. What does the bilble mean by young or old in that passage? Does it… Read More

Q&A 1179 – Jesus’ body literally broken?

Posted: June 23, 2011

I hear a lot of brothers say that Jesus’ body was broken for us. Yet the Bible says that, in fulfillment of scripture, no bones of his body were broken…. Read More

Q&A 1178 – Daniel 5 and humility in the face of scholarly doubt

Posted: June 21, 2011

Question to Douglas Jacoby and John Oakes: I’m reading the book on Daniel (John Oakes’ Book) after listening to the sermon at Riverside back in 2005 about the book of… Read More

Q&A 1177 – Fulfilled prophecy in other religions?

Posted: June 19, 2011

Of the over 200 religious texts from religions ranging from Asatru to Zoroastrianism, do any of them have grounds to claim prophecy fulfilled in totality, as the NT is to the… Read More

Q&A 1176 – Wine in communion?

Posted: June 17, 2011

My question is about the "wine" used in the Lord’s Supper. Should we use real wine, or just juice made from grapes? In my church we used to drink real… Read More

Q&A 1175 – Inaccurate statements in the Bible?

Posted: June 15, 2011

As an atheist, I bring you no "hate mail" of any kind. I would rather you talk to me through email if at all possible (as busy as you are)…. Read More

Q&A 1174 – Apostolic Succession

Posted: June 13, 2011

I have a friend who is Catholic, and we have had many discussions on the topic of "apostolic succession." Can you give me your thoughts and point me in the right… Read More

Q&A 1173 – Parable of the Shrewd Manager

Posted: June 11, 2011

Luke 16:1-8 seems to have Jesus praising the efforts of the dishonest manager, and his master praised him as well. Jesus tells us to use worldly wealth to gain friends for… Read More

Q&A 1172 – Paul not an authentic apostle?

Posted: June 9, 2011

In my study I have come to realize a few things. One of them is that Paul, "called to be an apostle," never really knew Jesus. How then can he… Read More

Q&A 1171 – First commandment a statement or an imperative?

Posted: June 7, 2011

Studying the ten commandments made me wonder whether the first commandment is an action command, or a call to faith, or even perhaps an "action point" about our worship? I… Read More

Q&A 1170 – Divine Command Theory

Posted: June 5, 2011

My wife is taking a class where she has to prove that modern slavery is unethical by using one of various theories, among them the "divine command theory." This states… Read More

Q&A 1169 – Obama the Antichrist in Revelation?

Posted: June 3, 2011

There’s a lot of speculation and rumors flying around about Obama being the Antichrist spoken of in Revelation. Just curious what your thoughts are on the subject. — Christina Mayes Yes, every… Read More

Q&A 1168 – Weekly contribution?

Posted: June 1, 2011

Do you think it is appropriate to have a portion of the worship service dedicated to the giving, where we spend 5 to 10 minutes inspiring members to give, or… Read More

Q&A 1167 – Why is Christianity so divided?

Posted: May 30, 2011

Why are there so many differing views of Christianity? The amount of theological debate going on out there about baptism, predestination, salvation, etc is overwhelming! How can one approach these subjects without… Read More

Q&A 1166 – Ancient Roots Translinear Bible

Posted: May 28, 2011

Have you ever seen this translation? This particular page on the site highlights the consistent translation of the original text. I think I’ll get hold of a full copy. Of course, it… Read More

Q&A 1165 – When your company asks you to lie

Posted: May 26, 2011

Working as a call center agent is one of the most common jobs here in our country today. Some companies have a policy to say we’re in the United States,… Read More

Q&A 1164 — Aaron & Levi

Posted: May 24, 2011

I have been tormented by a Bible question which may be esoteric… In 1 Chronicles 27:17, where the author enumerates the dudes who were the heads of the tribes of Israel at the… Read More

Q&A 1163 — Randy Alcorn’s Heaven

Posted: May 22, 2011

What do you think about Randy Alcorn’s book Heaven? Is he right that heaven will be down here on earth? When I read Alcorn’s 2004 bestseller Heaven, I expected to… Read More


Posted: May 20, 2011

The May/June 2016 BAS group is comprised of the Asia Minor Research Center, Bethel University, the Biblical Archaeology Society, Calvin Theological Seminary, Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, Greensboro College, Huntington University,… Read More

Q&A 1162 — Conscience and sin

Posted: May 20, 2011

I have been doing some study on the relationship between sin and the conscience. Is it likely that the "knowledge of good and evil" as described in Genesis was in… Read More

Q&A 1161—Lending money at interest

Posted: May 18, 2011

I would just like to know what the Bible says about lending money with interest in return.—a disciple in Manila The Old Testament absolutely forbids this form of exploitation (Exodus 22:25;… Read More

Q&A 1160 — Relationship advice

Posted: May 16, 2011

I recently came out of a seven-year relationship (off and on). I’m only 26 years old and it really became a hindrance to my walk with God. That person has now… Read More

Q&A 1159—Review of Tolle’s A New Earth

Posted: May 14, 2011

As a Christian sister, I am very interested in Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth. What is your opinion about this book? I was just wondering. Tolle’s popular A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose has… Read More

Q&A 1158 — Relatives of Goliath?

Posted: May 12, 2011

I recently read in John Maxwell’s book Attitude 101 that Goliath had four sons [or brothers, in some versions]. Maxwell explained that the reason David grabbed five stones is that… Read More


Posted: May 10, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes on Pentecost (9 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you… Read More

Matthew and True Righteousness, by Ron Clark

Posted: May 10, 2011

Here you will find a podcast by Ron Clark, “Matthew and True Righteousness.” To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as”… Read More

Jeremiah 16, The God of Second Chances, by Ron Clark

Posted: May 10, 2011

Here you will find a podcast plus notes by Ron Clark titled, “Jeremiah 16: The God of Second Chances.” To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link… Read More

The Antichrist

Posted: May 10, 2011

Listen to The Antichrist (14 minutes). To download the podcast, right click on “download” and select “save link as” or “save target as” and you can download the podcast and listen… Read More

Q&A 1157 — Long ages of Genesis

Posted: May 10, 2011

Did ancient humans really live for hundreds of years, as mentioned in Genesis? What is your explanation? In ancient Egypt, one did not have to be a centenarian in order… Read More

Q&A 1156 – Gay marriage?

Posted: May 8, 2011

In this posting I respond to the questioner section-by-section, since the question was much longer than the normal 100-word limit allows. His words are in italics (as usual); mine, in… Read More