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LUKE 23 – A

Posted: December 18, 2006

1 Then the whole assembly rose and led him off to Pilate. 2 And they began to accuse him, saying, “We have found this man subverting our nation. He opposes… Read More

Q&A 0355 – Differing numbers

Posted: December 18, 2006

Recently, a struggling brother pointed out to me the fact that in Joshua 15:21-32, a discrepancy in the Bible seems to occur between the number of villages mentioned (36), and… Read More

LUKE 23 – B

Posted: December 17, 2006

39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” 40 But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear… Read More

LUKE 24 – A

Posted: December 16, 2006

1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the… Read More

LUKE 24 – B

Posted: December 16, 2006

36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw… Read More

Q&A 0354 – Freemasonry

Posted: December 16, 2006

What are the beliefs of Freemasonry? Please see the acticle by David Brown, Freemasonry and Discipleship. A former Mason, David gives us a history and overview of the teachings of… Read More

Q&A 0353 – Protected, or not?

Posted: December 14, 2006

Jesus seems to equivocate in Luke 21. How can his followers be executed and protected from death at the same time? That doesn’t make sense. Let’s look closely at the… Read More

Q&A 0352 – Valid marriage?

Posted: December 12, 2006

Two of my friends, Christians, decided to marry in a different way than we practice in our churches: i.e. without a person, an evangelist or a preacher, who marry them…. Read More

Q&A 0351 – Sweat like blood

Posted: December 10, 2006

In Luke 22:44 Luke records that Jesus sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. I have read a medical account of the crucifixion in a particular Christian… Read More

Q&A 0350 – Peter = Rock?

Posted: December 8, 2006

I have been discussing the authority of the pope within the Roman Catholic church. My friend said that in Matthew 16 the Greek distinguished between the words Peter and rock…. Read More

The Truth About Santa Claus: The Engineer’s Perspective

Posted: December 7, 2006

There are approximately two billion children (persons under 18) in the world. However, since Santa does not visit children of Muslim, Hindu, Jewish or Buddhist (except maybe in Japan) religions,… Read More

Q&A 0349 – Prophets

Posted: December 6, 2006

I have often heard people today call their spiritual leaders "prophets." I don’t completely understand the role of prophets in the New Testament. However, in the Old Testament, I thought… Read More

Q&A 0348 – Every Nation

Posted: December 4, 2006

In Acts 2:5 "every nation under heaven" is a figure of speech and does not literally mean that Jews from all over the earth arrived at Pentecost. Could not a… Read More

Q&A 0347 – Greater sensitivity?

Posted: December 2, 2006

What is the best way to get a good understanding of the literary forms of the Bible? Think of the Bible as a library. The books are all quite different,… Read More

Report: 12th International Teachers’ Seminar, Washington DC

Posted: November 30, 2006

Responses to the 12th Annual International Teachers’ Conference (November 2006, Washington DC) have been very positive: “The conference was a very encouraging and fulfilling time! In the spirit of Psalm… Read More

Q&A 0346 – Debauchery

Posted: November 30, 2006

When I first studied the Bible, I was told debauchery means doing anything in excess, like overeating, drinking, sleeping, etc. I still hear disciples defining it this way. However, when… Read More

Q&A 0345 – Napster: stealing music?

Posted: November 28, 2006

Is it stealing to download music/media for free? I know that the music industries have issued numerous lawsuits against Napster. Should I have the same attitude towards this and pay… Read More

Q&A 0344 – Greek words for love

Posted: November 26, 2006

I have often been puzzled by the differences between the Greek words translated "love" in English. Butchered interpretations of John 21 can cause the whole scenario with Peter and Jesus… Read More

News from the French Africa Mission Society

Posted: November 26, 2006

The FAMS (French Africa Mission Society) is committed to taking the good news of Jesus to the countries of West and Central Africa. The majority of these are former French… Read More

Truth Telling Culture

Posted: November 26, 2006

Read the article (pdf) below on truth telling organizations. Download the pdf.

G-12 Churches in the news (2006)

Posted: November 26, 2006

Download the pdf below to read about the “G-12” Hispanic churches. Available Downloads: Article-PDF (.pdf – 36k)

Q&A 0343 – Circumcision and baptism

Posted: November 24, 2006

I would like to know how much of a connection there is between circumcision and baptism. Some suggest they are extremely connected, and since circumcision was done to babies, it… Read More

Q&A 0342 – Sleeping sins?

Posted: November 22, 2006

Are we responsible for sins that we commit in our dreams? I do not think so! We do tend to dream about the things that have been on our minds throughout… Read More

ISBE (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)

Posted: November 21, 2006

ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia is available for free download at http://www.e-sword.net/. The ISBE is also available as a download at http://www.internationalstandardbible.com/.

Contemporary Views on Salvation, by Glenn Giles

Posted: November 21, 2006

There are varying views on salvation among those who call themselves “Christians” today. The following enumerate some of those views. You can download the word document or the pdf below…. Read More

Da Vinci Code Powerpoint (Agerbak)

Posted: November 20, 2006

Here is a recent powerpoint presentation on the Da Vinci Code by Andrew Agerbak (London). You may download it: Da Vinci ppt (.ppt – 396k).

Q&A 0341 – “To fulfill all righteousness”

Posted: November 20, 2006

The Bible says Jesus was baptized "to fulfill all righteousness." Since Jesus was sinless, what does this mean? Matthew 3:15 describes Jesus’ baptism at the hands of John. Yes, Jesus… Read More

Q&A 0340 – Prayers of non-Christians

Posted: November 18, 2006

In Isaiah 59:1-3 we teach those we study the Bible with that sin separates one from God. Verse 2 says "Your sins have hidden his face from you so that… Read More

Behind the Veil: A Study of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, by Andrew Fleming

Posted: November 16, 2006

Behind the Veil: A Study of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, by Andrew Fleming Download the pdf below to ready the entire article. Available Downloads: article (.pdf – 3572k)

Q&A 0339 – Cloning?

Posted: November 16, 2006

If God is the creator, what do we do with the whole issue of human cloning? If we are capable of cloning animals and humans, it would seem that God… Read More

Christian Standard Web Site

Posted: November 15, 2006


Q&A 0338 – True church grows?

Posted: November 14, 2006

I’ve been spiritually raised on the conviction that the church must grow. Yet most churches level out in their growth after a few years. Some leaders even say When we… Read More

Q&A 0337 – Pastor

Posted: November 12, 2006

In Ephesians 4:11 Paul explains how God established various offices (prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) to build up and strengthen the church. All of those offices/duties listed are words disciples… Read More

Richard Dawkins vs. Francis Collins: Evolution Debate

Posted: November 10, 2006

The current issue of Time magazine (11/13/06) contains an article with excerpts from a debate between Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins, the best known representatives of atheistic and theistic perspectives… Read More

Q&A 0336 – Purpose vs. Mission

Posted: November 10, 2006

Is there a difference between a disciple’s purpose and a disciple’s mission (Matthew 28)? I teach that a disciple’s purpose is to know God, whereas his mission–and this is not… Read More

The Stone-Campbell Journal

Posted: November 9, 2006

There’s a great resource on the Stone-Campbell Movement. Visit the website of the Stone-Campbell Journal.

Q&A 0335 – Demons

Posted: November 8, 2006

Thank you so much for your presentation in Berlin. You pointed out that the Old Testament "tells it like it is," and that many pagan religions believed in demons and… Read More

Q&A 0334 – All sins equal in sight of God?

Posted: November 6, 2006

After reading over some of the questions and answers, I came across this one (Q&A 0107, on Disfellowship). Wouldn’t “warranted by grave sin unrepented of” include all sin? I have… Read More

Q&A 0333 – Hebrews 7 and tithing

Posted: November 4, 2006

What is the purpose of Hebrews 7:4-10? Can this passage be used in support of strict tithing? Can we use 1 Corinthians 16:2 & 2 Corinthians 9:7 combined to say… Read More

Q&A 0332 – Was David a homosexual?

Posted: November 2, 2006

Benjamin Britten used the term in his diaries “Tell it not in Gath” (2 Samuel 1:26) in a reference to Jonathan’s love for David as a justification for his homosexual… Read More

Q&A 0331 – Behemoth

Posted: October 31, 2006

“Behemoth,” one of the beasts referred to in Job 40:15-24, is sometimes translated “hippopotamus” or “elephant.” Yet couldn’t it also refer to a dinosaur? This is doubtful. The New Living… Read More

Q&A 0330 – Saved by third-party faith?

Posted: October 29, 2006

In Mark 2:5, it seems that the paralytic’s sins were forgiven because of his friends’ faith. This this seems contrary to other scrptures that teach we are saved by our… Read More

Q&A 0329 – Homosexuality

Posted: October 27, 2006

What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? I’ve looked at websites that denounce it, but have no scriptural backing to its talk. Can you back it with scripture? Both Old… Read More

Q&A 0328 – The time of the passover

Posted: October 25, 2006

In Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples but in John, they are clamoring for the body to be taken down before the beginning of Passover…. Read More

Q&A 0327 – World religions

Posted: October 23, 2006

Where did all the religions of the world come from? And when did they originate? This is a huge question, and I prefer to give a short answer, then refer… Read More

Q&A 0326 – Reincarnation

Posted: October 21, 2006

Where does the idea of reincarnation come from? Are there any verses in the Bible in favor of this belief? With the increasing popularity of eastern religions in the west,… Read More

Q&A 0325 – Baptism = immersion?

Posted: October 19, 2006

This article originally appeared in the July 1987 issue of A Light to London, the bulletin of the London Church of Christ. There is an amazing wealth of evidence even… Read More

A response to LaGard Smith’s Who Is My Brother?, by John Lang

Posted: October 17, 2006

A response to LaGard Smith’s Who Is My Brother?, by John Lang Read the article by downloading the pdf below. Available Downloads: Article (.pdf – 503k)

Q&A 0324 – Antarctica?

Posted: October 17, 2006

How come we do not hear about vibrant churches in Antarctica? Doesn’t the great commission mean we should go to every continent? — Various queries Quite simply, the reason you… Read More

Discipleship, by Seth Asman

Posted: October 16, 2006

Seth Asman wrote this helpful article on discipleship. Available Downloads: Article (.doc – 42k)

Q&A 0323 – Missing church

Posted: October 15, 2006

As a disciple, I have often wondered that is it okay for a disciple to miss church for reasons other than attending funerals or visiting the sick. Is it acceptable… Read More

Q&A 0322 – Should I go to theology school?

Posted: October 13, 2006

I noticed that you have a degree in theology from Harvard and I thought you might be a good person to ask about majoring in Religious Studies at a state… Read More

Q&A 0321 – The sixth hour

Posted: October 11, 2006

John 4 says Jesus met the Samaritan woman around the 6th hour. Is this 6 pm? Or is it noon? Are there any guidelines you can give us for how… Read More

Q&A 0320 – Armageddon?

Posted: October 9, 2006

With all this talk about the end times and the Left Behind series, what does the Bible actually say about Armageddon? I wrote the following two-part article series in 1986.ARMAGEDDON!I am convinced… Read More

Q&A 0319 – Must Christians observe the Sabbath?

Posted: October 7, 2006

Must Christians observe the Sabbath? Please see the article on the Sabbath. which first appeared in A Light to London, the bulletin of the London Church of Christ, May-June 1987.  Click here…. Read More

Q&A 0318 – God’s foreknowledge and free will?

Posted: October 5, 2006

My friend and I have been debating this issue for some time: Can God be all-knowing and free will exist at the same time? — Steven Soo (Sydney) I wish… Read More

Q&A 0317 – Acts 15 and Galatians

Posted: October 3, 2006

I have read about Judaism and Christianity in some academic books and one of them said that the doctrine of James (leader of Jerusalem church) is in confrontation with Paul’s… Read More

Q&A 0316 – Don’t share your faith?

Posted: October 1, 2006

In Matthew 8, Jesus heals the leper and tells him not to tell anyone about the miracle, but to take his offering and gifts at the temple. Is this because… Read More

Q&A 0315 – Gog & Magog

Posted: September 29, 2006

In chapter 38 Ezekiel is told to prophesy against Gog of the land of Magog. Who is this person/ nation God is talking about? "Gog and Magog" in Revelation symbolize… Read More

Apologetics: Messianic Prophecy: Malachi 3-4

Posted: September 27, 2006

In the last three weeks, we have looked at a prophecy by Moses (1400s BC), another by David (900s BC), and a third by Ezekiel (500s BC). Today we move… Read More

Q&A 0314 – Baptism because of or for the forgiveness of sins

Posted: September 27, 2006

A dear friend of mine who has been a disciple for ten years is about to leave the Lord. She e-mailed me this question in an effort to resolve an… Read More

Q&A 0313 – Tower of Babel and airplanes

Posted: September 25, 2006

If God kept men from building a tower to "heaven," why did he allow us to build machines that could fly into "heaven?" In Genesis 11, mankind was in some… Read More

Q&A 0312 – Baptism of Fire

Posted: September 23, 2006

Whenever I share my faith with a highly religious person, the question of fire baptism comes up. What did John mean when he said "I baptize you with water for… Read More

Q&A 0311 – To marry or not to marry

Posted: September 21, 2006

The Bible seems to support the notion that it is better to remain single than to get married. For example, Paul seemed to prefer that we remain single. Also, Jesus’… Read More

Apologetics: Messianic Prophecy: Ezekiel 34

Posted: September 20, 2006

In a very familiar NT passage, Jesus claimed to be the Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 10:14). We often take this for granted, without realizing the implicit claim to deity. After… Read More

Q&A 0310 – Unconfessed sin

Posted: September 19, 2006

When you study the Bible with someone who intentionally or unintentionally leaves some sin unconfessed, does that mean that the baptism is invalid? Some have told me it does, but… Read More

Spiritual Balance, by Glenn Giles

Posted: September 18, 2006

Discovering, Achieving, and Implementing Spiritual Balance in the Life of the Christian and the Church. Read the entire article. The pdf is below for downloading. Available Downloads: article (.pdf -… Read More

Q&A 0309 – Discipler

Posted: September 17, 2006

I was wondering if having a discipler was essential for salvation. I know that the Bible says getting discipling and advice and counseling is essential, but there are many ways… Read More

Q&A 0308 – St. Patrick’s Day

Posted: September 15, 2006

Who was St. Patrick? Where does St. Patrick’s Day come from? Every year around March people start asking me, “Who was St. Patrick?” or “Should Christians celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?”  I wrote the following article in 2003. Hopefully it will prove… Read More

August 2006 Evidence For Christianity Newsletter

Posted: September 14, 2006

You may download the newsletter from Dr. John Oakes below. It is the August Evidence For Christianity publication. Available Downloads: Newsletter (.pdf – 2727k)

Apologetics: Messianic Prophecy: Psalm 110

Posted: September 13, 2006

The Old Testament scriptures are a deep and ample quarry of Messianic texts. In our last installment, we studied the prophecy of Moses in Deuteronomy 18. Today let us focus… Read More

Q&A 0307 – Accountability vs. Secret Giving

Posted: September 13, 2006

[Edited for length and clarity] How do you square the practice of accountability in the areas of evangelism and financial giving with the words of Matthew 6:1-4 about not doing… Read More

Q&A 0306 – Are Christians Jews?

Posted: September 11, 2006

I have heard people say that we Christians are Jews, since the Bible says we are "children of Abraham." Is this right? Am I really Jewish? No, this is not… Read More

Q&A 0305 – Abortion

Posted: September 9, 2006

If a woman is informed of the abnormal development of the baby, and the doctor suggests having an abortion. What does the Bible say about it? — Eunice Mah In… Read More

Q&A 0304 – Connections between major religions

Posted: September 7, 2006

Is there a direct connection between Christianity, Islam and Judaism which traces back to the Old Testament? Also what are the origins of Islam and Judaism? — Dany J. Mendez… Read More

Apologetics: Messianic Prophecy: Deuteronomy 18

Posted: September 6, 2006

How did the early Christians convince their predominantly Jewish hearers that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah? Which Messianic prophecies did they lean on? In four installments, we will examine… Read More

Q&A 0303 – The Spirit Doctrine of Kardec

Posted: September 5, 2006

I would like you to help me understand Matthew 17:1-13. Did Jesus communicate with the dead? How does this relate to the spirit doctrine of Kardec? — Márcio (Salvador Brazil)… Read More

Q&A 0302 – Did Jesus go to Hell?

Posted: September 3, 2006

I have always wanted to understand what happened to Jesus when he took on my sin and died. Did he actually go and experience hell? Do you have any insight… Read More

Q&A 0301 – Joking around

Posted: September 1, 2006

I am one of those who analyze every little thing, and I was curious to see if the Bible talked about joking around with one another. I didn’t see anything… Read More

Apologetics: The Qur’an: Inspiration or Human Creation?, by John Oakes.

Posted: August 30, 2006

Read the useful article at: Link This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2006. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of… Read More

Q&A 0300 – Is drinking alcohol a sin?

Posted: August 30, 2006

Is it wrong to drink alcohol, according to the Bible? I have always thought it was fine as long as you did not get drunk, but recently I decided to… Read More

Male Circumcision May Cut HIV Risk

Posted: August 28, 2006

ORIGINAL LINK: http://www.webmd.com/content/Article/126/116380.htm Age-Old Procedure Could Avert Millions of New Infections Worldwide By Charlene Laino WebMD Medical News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD Aug. 17, 2006 (Toronto) — A practice… Read More

Q&A 0299 – Philemon 6

Posted: August 28, 2006

Greetings from the Ukraine! In Philemon 1:6, Paul and Timothy ask Philemon to be “active in sharing his faith.” That’s the scripture that we use to teach others about our… Read More

Q&A 0298 – The Prayer of Jabez

Posted: August 26, 2006

I noticed in one of your recent answers you criticized the book The Prayer of Jabez. I felt that this book contains inaccuracies about how to become a Christian, yet… Read More

Generation X and Churches, by Jeff Fawcett

Posted: August 26, 2006

I’ve been thinking a lot about generational impact lately. I already cited (for some of you) several relevant books by Neil Howe and William Strauss (see amazon.com and look up… Read More

Q&A 0297 – Ibn/Walad – Islam & the Son of God

Posted: August 24, 2006

Muslims say Allah does not have children. How can I get across to them that we Christians do not believe Allah had children by a wife, and that Jesus is… Read More

Apologetics: C.S. Lewis Institute

Posted: August 23, 2006

Once more, (three weeks running), I am asking you to think of C.S. Lewis, a man of powerful intellect and persuasive reasoning. When I was a teenager, I read my… Read More

Q&A 0296 – Footnotes

Posted: August 22, 2006

I have a question about the footnotes in the Bible. Often we read something like "the meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain." What does that mean? If… Read More

Powerpoint backgrounds and templates

Posted: August 20, 2006

For free power point backgrounds and templates, click on http://www.ebibleteacher.com.

Q&A 0295 – Baptism

Posted: August 20, 2006

[Greatly condensed] I would like to know everything possible about baptism. Can you point me in the right direction? I am glad you want to know everything about baptism. I… Read More

Worldview Bibliography

Posted: August 18, 2006

Attached is an annotated bibliography on 80 books surveyed by Glenn Giles.  Each relates to different worldviews.  Download the word document below. Available Downloads: Files (.doc – 103k)

Conrad Gempf Lectures

Posted: August 18, 2006

“For all you podcasters, I can recommend one of my lecturers, Conrad Gempf, from the London School of Theology. Just go to the iTunes store, then the Podcast section and… Read More

Q&A 0294 – The circle of the earth

Posted: August 18, 2006

I have heard it taught that Isaiah 40 proves the earth is round. What are your thoughts on this? It is true that the verse portrays the earth as "round,"… Read More

Free downloads of religious books and texts

Posted: August 17, 2006

Please check out http://manybooks.net for free downloads of books, including a number of religious books and texts.

Apologetics: C.S. Lewis Classics

Posted: August 16, 2006

Last week we focused on the life of a great Christian apologist, Clive Staples Lewis. Have you ever read a C.S. Lewis book? This week I would like to point… Read More

Q&A 0293 – Leviticus 10:1-3 a bit severe?

Posted: August 16, 2006

In Leviticus 10, Nadab and Abihu were struck down for getting the incense recipe wrong. Isn’t this a bit severe? God had already indicated he would not tolerate improvising when… Read More

Q&A 0292 – Altar to an unknown god?

Posted: August 14, 2006

In Acts 17 Paul says he found an altar to an unknown God. Has this altar ever been found? Have archeologists discovered it anywhere in Athens? A number of such… Read More

Survey of 1982 Unification Church Marriages

Posted: August 14, 2006

You may be interested in the attached recent survey results regarding Unification Church marriages. The report is from Dan Fefferman, whom I met in Washington DC several years ago. The… Read More

FLATLAND now available in public domain

Posted: August 12, 2006

FLATLAND Click on the link above to read this invaluable book by Edwin Abbott. If you have a math-science background, or are determined to understand how the infinite God’s work… Read More

Q&A 0291 – Easter origins

Posted: August 12, 2006

Where does Easter come from? Should Christians celebrate it? Following is an article I wrote on the subject of Easter in 1986. If you prefer to listen to a podcast… Read More

Q&A 0290 – “No one can snatch them out of my hand?”

Posted: August 10, 2006

John 10:28 says "no one can snatch them [Jesus’ sheep] out of my hand.” Could this be teaching the doctrine of "once saved, always saved"? Look at the passage closely…. Read More

Apologetics: The C.S. Lewis Foundation

Posted: August 9, 2006

C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) is arguably the foremost Christian apologist of the 20th century. He is one of my favorite writers, and certainly the most influential Christian writer in my own… Read More

Becoming familiar with New Testament Greek

Posted: August 9, 2006

http://www.biblegreekvpod.com Become familiar with the Greek of the New Testament. Download the file into your ipod!

Christian Church: Church planting, by Tom Jones

Posted: August 9, 2006

From: Tom Jones, Nashville Brothers and sisters, looks like we have a pretty good group signed up for some discussion. I will start it off with a few thoughts, and… Read More

The Passion: Luke 23 – 24

Posted: August 9, 2006

The Passion An Exposition of Luke 23-24 An excerpt: "Passion for Christ is just out of fashion! To enthuse about Christ sounds hokey, to make a film about the Passion… Read More

Q&A 0289 – What does “Bible” mean?

Posted: August 8, 2006

What does the word "Bible," mean? Ironically I can’t find the word anywhere in my Bible. Good observation: the word "Bible" does not appear in the Bible. (Some religious groups… Read More

Perspectives on Mideast Violence, by Aziz Sarah

Posted: August 7, 2006

New Conflict — Same Price Today we have war and more war, as though the world were lacking bloodshed, as though the number of victims were not enough. It is… Read More

Q&A 0288 – Only 144,000 in heaven?

Posted: August 6, 2006

Is it true that the Bible says only 144,000 people will be allowed into heaven? Are my Jehovah’s Witnesses friends right? The misunderstanding is based on an over-literal reading. If… Read More

Q&A 0287 – The Middle East

Posted: August 4, 2006

What exactly is the Middle East? "East" with respect to what? I will try to answer the question in as non-confusing a manner as possible (but beware!). From the perspective… Read More

Apologetics: Pliny on the Christians

Posted: August 2, 2006

Pliny the Younger was governor of Bithynia 111-113 AD. We have a complete set of his correspondence with Trajan (emperor 98-117 AD) on a variety of administrative and political matters…. Read More

Q&A 0286 – Pagan elements in story of Star of Bethlehem

Posted: August 2, 2006

Could it be that Matthew’s virgin birth account contains pagan elements? God despises sorcery, divination, and witchcraft (Deuteronomy 18:9, 14; Isaiah 2:6, etc). Those who followed the "star" were "from… Read More

Q&A 0285 – Codex U

Posted: July 31, 2006

I was just reading your article, "The Record," and I would like to know what books Codex U — which is said to be housed in Venice — includes? –… Read More

Q&A 0284 – 120 years?

Posted: July 29, 2006

In Genesis 6 God says his spirit will not contend with man for more than 120 years. Why then did Noah live to be 950, Sarah 127, Abraham 175? — Vicki… Read More

Archaeology and Christian Baptism, by Bill Grasham

Posted: July 28, 2006

(Restoration Quarterly) Link

Church History: Baptismal theology in the past 2 centuries

Posted: July 28, 2006

Link to Restoration Quarterly Article:  LINK

Overcoming Jet Lag

Posted: July 28, 2006

Jet lag happens when you are in the time zone of destination but your body is still living in your time zone of origin. For most people, jet lag is… Read More

The Renewal of the Practice of Adult Baptism

Posted: July 28, 2006

The Renewal of the Practice of Adult Baptism by Immersion During the Reformation Era, 1525-1700, by Wes Harrison Link to Restoration Quarterly Article: http://www.acu.edu/sponsored/restoration_quarterly/archives/2000s/vol_43_no_2_contents/harrison.html

Q&A 0283 – Death and the old earth theory

Posted: July 27, 2006

I understand (and have read) your view of the old earth theory. I was wondering how would you line up the old earth theory with Romans 5:12. It seems that… Read More

Apologetics: Book recommendations

Posted: July 26, 2006

Francis S. Collins, Language of God, The: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief (ISBN: 0743554310). Collins has served as the director for the National Human Genome Research Institute at the… Read More

Q&A 0282 – Illegal aliens

Posted: July 25, 2006

I am trying to gain a conviction about how I feel about people living illegally in the US.  The Bible says we need to love the aliens and help meet… Read More

The Language of God, by Francis Collins

Posted: July 24, 2006

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0743286391/sr=8-1/qid=1153704507/ref=pd_bbs_1/102-7832208-6381734?redirect=true&ie=UTF8. Excellent evidences book… I highly recommend it.  (For those of you who do not know, Collins presided over the completion of the Human Genome Project at the National Institutes… Read More

Q&A 0281 – Christmas pagan?

Posted: July 23, 2006

Where did Christmas come from? A friend of mine told me it is a pagan holiday, and that Christians should not celebrate it. What do you think about this? The… Read More

Q&A 0280 – Did Jacob see God?

Posted: July 21, 2006

In Genesis 32:22-30 after his wrestling match Jacob says "I saw God face to face and yet my life was spared." Yet 1 John 4:12 says "No one has ever… Read More

Apologetics: Evidences book recommendations

Posted: July 19, 2006

A popular and incisive writer for the cause of Christian apologetics is Lee Strobel. His books include: The Case for a Creator (ISBN 0310241448) The Case for Christ (ISBN: 0310209307)… Read More

Q&A 0279 – The sin of the census

Posted: July 19, 2006

Why was David’s taking a census of Israel a sin in 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21? I looked up "census" in my concordance and found Exodus 30:11-13: "When… Read More

Q&A 0278 – “Disciples” only

Posted: July 17, 2006

My church says that the proper term for a true Christian is "disciple," since this is the word that appears hundreds of times in the New Testament. Why don’t I… Read More

Book Names of the Bible

Posted: July 16, 2006

In weekly LINGUISTICS spot during 2003, we explored the etymologies of names of the books of the Bible. Download the file below to see all 66. Available Downloads: Download File… Read More

Q&A 0277 – Jesus’ return

Posted: July 15, 2006

I’ve done a study on Jesus return. Jesus’ return is talked about in most of the New Testament books. From what I can tell the brothers and sisters of the… Read More

2006 Biblical Manuscripts Weekend – July 14-15

Posted: July 13, 2006

How much do you know about how the Bible came together, or how it was copied? Are you confident that you can refute the arguments of skeptics who treat the… Read More

When Love is Loyal, by Glenn Giles

Posted: July 13, 2006

Download the audiovisual powerpoint presentation below.Audiovisual presentation

Q&A 0276 – Coming soon in Revelation

Posted: July 13, 2006

At least four times in Revelation, Jesus says "I am coming soon." In the Bible, "soon" usually doesn’t mean two thousand plus years later. Is there a scripture in the… Read More

Apologetics: Bible Difficulties: Come Reason Ministries

Posted: July 12, 2006

The following website is one of many that attempt to give help to those resolving Bible difficulties. See what you think. http://www.comereason.org/bibl_cntr/

Q&A 0275 – Pelagianism

Posted: July 11, 2006

Recently, an article I read accused my church of Pelagianism. From the context, it seems Pelagius believed Adam’s sin was not passed down from generation to generation, except in the… Read More

Linguistic Insight: palingenesia (rebirth)

Posted: July 9, 2006

This is the word appearing in Titus 3:5, where we read, “He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His… Read More

Linguistic Insight: agonidzomai

Posted: July 9, 2006

The word for the week is agonidzomai, the N.T. Greek verb meaning struggle, fight, do one’s best, or compete (in an athletic contest). An “agon” is a contest, struggle, fight,… Read More

Linguistic Insight: physioo

Posted: July 9, 2006

Physioo (or phusioo), accent on the third syllable (of four), means to cause conceit or arrogance. In the passive voice, it means to be conceited or arrogant. This word appears in… Read More

Linguistic Insight: eis and baptism

Posted: July 9, 2006

In this article I am replying to a memo emailed to me… I recently read an article on baptism and its purpose. I fully believe baptism is necessary, but some… Read More

Linguistic Insight: selah

Posted: July 9, 2006

I was reading Psalm 3 and the word selah came up a few times. In the footnote it said, "A word of uncertain meaning, occurring frequently in the Psalms; possibly… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Malakoi and arsenokoites

Posted: July 9, 2006

The following linguistic insight pertains to homosexuality. We will consider two terms, malakos and arsenokoites (plural malakoi and arsenokoitai). Malakos (the singular of malakoi) means “soft, fancy, luxurious,” when speaking… Read More

Linguistic Insight: First day of the week

Posted: July 9, 2006

Let us consider a question emailed to me, the answer to which is illuminated through careful study of the original language. Acts 20:7 in the NIV states that Paul and… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Homologeo

Posted: July 9, 2006

This short linguistic study focuses on the New Testament teaching about confession, and is in the Q&A format. (This has been excerpted from actual correspondence, with permission.)I have searched quite… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Xmas

Posted: July 9, 2006

Many Bible believers erroneously claim that the word Xmas is an attempt by unbelievers "to remove Christ from Christmas." This is simply not a legitimate claim! In the Greek language,… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Maranatha

Posted: July 9, 2006

Let’s consider the sole Bible verse containing Maranatha, in three versions: * NIV 1 Corinthians 16:22 – If anyone does not love the Lord — a curse be on him. Come,… Read More

Linguistic Insight: amen

Posted: July 9, 2006

What does the word “amen” really mean? If you were like me, you learned to say it after “grace,” thanking God for the food before you ate a meal. Can… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Hallelujah

Posted: July 9, 2006

What does the common biblical term Hallelujah

Linguistic Insight: Slippery nomenclature

Posted: July 9, 2006

Slippery Nomenclature, by Craig Springer. Outdoor Life, August 2003. A fish by any other name smells just as — well, never mind. The point is that one man’s largemouth is… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Acts 2:38-41—repentance

Posted: July 9, 2006

At this website we have examined various words related to water and baptism. Today we take a look at Acts 2:38-41, which will set our study of New Testament baptism… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Christos

Posted: July 9, 2006

Christos is the Greek word for "Anointed," which we will recognize from the familiar word "Christ." This perfect passive participle comes from the infinitive chriein, which means "to anoint." In… Read More

Q&A 0274 – Saved through childbirth

Posted: July 9, 2006

1 Timothy 2:15 speaks of women being saved through childbirth. What salvation is this referring to? Contractually speaking, there is only one way to be saved (Acts 2:38), so our… Read More

Q&A 0273 – Mount Gerizim

Posted: July 7, 2006

In John 4:20, what is this place of worship on Gerizim? The Samaritans built their own temple as a rival worship center to the Lord’s temple in Jerusalem. This was… Read More

Linguistic Insight: haima (blood)

Posted: July 6, 2006

The Greek word haima (HI-mah) appears in various forms some 99 times in the Greek New Testament. Many English derivatives will be familiar: hematology (the study of blood), hemorrhage (a… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Basileus

Posted: July 6, 2006

Basileus (pronounced bah-si-LAY-yus) is the New Testament Greek word for king. (Often Latin and Greek words are similar, but not in this case. The Latin is rex, similar to the… Read More

Linguistic Insight: wuh / vav (and)

Posted: July 6, 2006

The short Hebrew wuh (we), which must be prefixed to the word to which it applies, means “and.” But that is not all it means. It can mean many things:… Read More

Linguistic Insight: hypernikomen

Posted: July 6, 2006

This unusual Greek word appears in Romans 8:37. The infinitive form, hypernikan (or hupernikan), could be rendered “to completely conquer, to be more than conquerors.”Many words in Koine Greek (the… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Bara’

Posted: July 6, 2006

Bara’ is the usual Hebrew word for create. It is found in the very first verse of the Bible. Some Bible believers insist on a complete instantaneous creation. But must… Read More

Linguistic Insight: terms for the Lord’s Supper

Posted: July 6, 2006

The following has been excerpted from my 1992 paper on the Lord’s Supper. There are five Greek terms employed in describing this sacred meal. As my paper argues, the early… Read More

Linguistic Insight: nomos

Posted: July 6, 2006

Nomos (NO-mos) is the New Testament Greek word for law, though it occasionally means principle or reason. Nomos occurs nearly 200 times in the New Testament, and 400 times in… Read More

Linguistic Insight: rabbi

Posted: July 6, 2006

Rabbi is found in Matthew 23:7, 8, 25; 26:25, 49; Mark 9:5, 10:51, 11:21. 14:45; John 1:38, 49; 3:2, 26; 4:31, 6:25, 9:2, 11:8, 20:16. This honorific term of address… Read More

Linguistic Insight: logos

Posted: July 6, 2006

This common Greek word appears some 250 times in the New Testament. Logos can mean “word, saying, message, talk, teaching, conversation; account, reason’ matter, thing.” Rema, a similar word, means… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Abbott and Costello learn Hebrew

Posted: July 6, 2006

Today we will have a little fun — and for most of us, learn a few words of Hebrew as well. Before the famous “Who’s on first” dialogue will make… Read More

Linguistic Insight: teleios

Posted: July 6, 2006

Let us consider the Greek word teleios (TEL-lay-oss). The word means "complete, perfect, whole; full-grown, mature (when used of persons). Among the places it appears in the New Testament are… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Asteres planetai

Posted: July 6, 2006

In his tirade against the false teachers, Jude employs the phrase asteres planetai (pronounced as-TER-es pla-NAY-tie), or "wandering stars" (NIV). This is interesting because the planets ("wanderers") of our solar… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Epoptai

Posted: July 6, 2006

Epoptai is the Greek word for eyewitnesses, from epoptes (singular). It is a hapax. Hapax is the Greek word for “once.” That is, epoptai appears only once in the New… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Galatians 5:19-23

Posted: July 6, 2006

19The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions; 21and envy, drunkenness,… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Up-close and personal with the biblical manuscripts

Posted: July 6, 2006

Personal interestI’ve had the privilege of examining a number of ancient biblical manuscripts (MSS) in the past twenty years or so. Some were written in (the original) Hebrew or Greek,… Read More

Linguistic Insight: pistos / pistis

Posted: July 6, 2006

Today we examine two related words, both of which appear extremely often in the New Testament (about twice in every chapter, on average). They are pistis (PIS-tis) and pistos (pis-TOS)…. Read More

Linguistic Insight: soteria

Posted: July 6, 2006

Soteria (so-tay-REE-ah) is the Greek word for "salvation, deliverance, preservation, release." Obviously our salvation is not only an event that took place in the waters of baptism, or "on a… Read More

Linguistic Insight: paroxusmos

Posted: July 6, 2006

Let us condier the Greek word paroxusmos (or paroxysmos), which suggests irritation or provocation. In Hebrews 10, this is not a bad thing. The English derivative is paroxysm, which as a… Read More

Linguistic Insight: mathetria

Posted: July 6, 2006

Mathetria (pron. Mah-THEY-tree-ah) appears only one time in the N.T. This rare word is known as hapax — the Greek word for "once." (The word hapax itself appears 14 times… Read More

Linguistic Insight: katakurieuo

Posted: July 6, 2006

Let’s take a look at the Greek verb meaning “to have power over; to overpower.” The pronunciation: kah-tah-kyoo-ree-EUW-oh. It is especially significant in the context of Christian leadership. The word first appears… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Apolutrosis

Posted: July 6, 2006

Apolutrosis (setting free, release, deliverance) appears 10 times in the N.T. (Luke 21:28; Romans 3:24, 8:23; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Ephesians 1:7, 1:14, 4:30; Colossians 1:14; Hebrews 9:15, 11:35). It is… Read More

Apologetics: Islam at Georgetown and Harvard

Posted: July 5, 2006

(Used by permission. Does God Exist?  March/April 2006, 30) Harvard and Georgetown Universities has been given $20m each "to teach about the Islamic world to the United States." Prince Alwaleed… Read More

Who Is My Brother? (2006 Teachers’ Seminar)

Posted: July 5, 2006

‘WHO IS MY BROTHER?’ 12th Annual International Teachers’ Seminar ‘ November 16-19, Jurys Hotel, Washington, DC Previous locations: London, Jerusalem, Paris, Berlin, Athens, Chicago, Rome WHO IS MY BROTHER? This… Read More

Bible versions – by Toney Mulhollan

Posted: July 5, 2006

In 1588, a Catholic priest, William Weston, a critic of the Puritans and their movement described for his readers a large gathering of them which he observed at Ely, England:… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Deliver

Posted: July 5, 2006

There are a number of verses that contain the words "deliver" or "rescue," such as: * "Lead us not into temptation but DELIVER us from the evil one." (Matthew 6:13)*… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Faith is Being Sure of What We Hope For

Posted: July 5, 2006

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for'(Hebrews 11:1-2). Faith is one… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Teach Them to Obey Everything, by Dan Demshar

Posted: July 5, 2006

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey… Read More

Linguistic Insight: the Choices God Gives Us – by Dan Demshar

Posted: July 5, 2006

When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his… Read More

Linguistic Insight: peace, by Dan Demshar

Posted: July 5, 2006

"Grace and PEACE to you…" (Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:3; 2 Corinthians 1:2). Ephesians 2:8 reveals an astounding truth that Christians have salvation by grace and therefore peace with God. There… Read More

Linguistic Insight: Fight the Good Fight of the Faith

Posted: July 5, 2006

What does it really mean "to fight the good fight?" To understand this idea (1 Timothy 1:18, 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7), we first need to identify the "fight" to which… Read More

Q&A 0272 – Jude and Enoch

Posted: July 5, 2006

How come the book of Enoch is quoted in Jude 14, but is not part of the Bible? — Vincent Grandia The book of Enoch (or 1 Enoch) is quoted… Read More


Posted: July 4, 2006


Q&A 0271 – Apocryphal references in Hebrews 11:35,37

Posted: July 3, 2006

What are those references to in Hebrews 11? Where can we read about someone being sawn in two? Who refused to be released to obtain a better resurrection? I can’t… Read More

Praying With Paul Series, by Robert Payne

Posted: July 2, 2006

Intro: This is a series of seven lessons . Each lesson will usually include time for group discussion and prayer. The main aim is to work through seven of Paul’s… Read More

Q&A 0270 – Lying okay?

Posted: July 1, 2006

I have a question that has been bothering my heart. I have been studying the book of Joshua and I find in the second chapter Rahab lies and that seems… Read More

Q&A 0269 – Saul’s death

Posted: June 29, 2006

The accounts of Saul’s death recorded in 2 Samuel 1:1-16 and in 1 Chronicles 10:1-5 seem to contradict each other. Is there an explanation for these two different accounts of… Read More

Apologetics: Chimps, Males, and Women

Posted: June 28, 2006

(Used by permission. Does God Exist?  March/April 2006, 30) We have all heard that human and chimpanzee DNA matches are 98%-99%. If you compared a male human and a female… Read More

Q&A 0268 – How is the Dead Sea ‘dead’?

Posted: June 27, 2006

Why or how is the Dead Sea "dead"? The salinity of the oceans is around 3.5%.  Yet the Dead Sea has a phenomenally high salt content — around 30%! –… Read More

Q&A 0267 – Fourteen generations (Jesus’ genealogy)?

Posted: June 25, 2006

Matthew 1:17 says there were fourteen generations from Jeconiah to Jesus, but by my count there are only twelve. Matthew does have fourteen generations from Abraham to David and another… Read More

Greek exam

Posted: June 24, 2006

Do you consider yourself proficient in New Testament Greek? If so, why not take an exam? This short diagnostic will reveal easily whether you are as good as you think…. Read More

Survey on Hell

Posted: June 24, 2006


Q&A 0266 – Restorations

Posted: June 23, 2006

I have a question about restorations. I am helping a sister to return to the church, and am uncertain as to whether my friend is still in the darkness. She… Read More

Apologetics: Stem Cell Fraud

Posted: June 21, 2006

(Adapted and used by permission. Does God Exist? March/April 2006, 29) There is a huge cloud forming over the whole cloning and stem cell research area of concern. Dr Hwang… Read More

Q&A 0265 – Is Joseph really Jesus’ father?

Posted: June 21, 2006

Is Joseph really Jesus’ father? Matthew 1:16 says he was the husband of Mary, who was the mother of Jesus. How should we understand this passage? Your question is a… Read More

Q&A 0264 – Big Bang

Posted: June 19, 2006

Isn’t the Big Bang Theory against the Bible? Not at all! In fact, there is much in the Big Bang theory that agrees with the Bible! This theory, formulated in… Read More

Q&A 0263 – Discipleship and immediate challenge

Posted: June 17, 2006

When we study the biblical topic discipleship with people we usually challenge them to respond immediately to the call (Mark 1:16-20). But do the gospels uniformly teach that this immediate… Read More

Q&A 0262 – Television

Posted: June 15, 2006

What does the Bible have to say about TV? I am sometimes concerned by the kinds of things Christians watch on TV. What are your concerns, if any, about TV?… Read More

Apologetics: More Circumcision Data

Posted: June 14, 2006

(Used by permission. Does God Exist? March/April 2006, 28) Biblical critics have always maintained that circumcision was a barbaric biblical procedure with no medical value. A new study by scientists… Read More

Q&A 0261 – Esther

Posted: June 13, 2006

Is it true that the book of Esther is suspect because it does not mention God? Although the word God does not appear in the book of Esther, it is… Read More

Q&A 0260 – C.E. and B.C.E.

Posted: June 11, 2006

With certain dates I have come across some interesting abbreviations. What exactly are C.E. and B.C.E.? In an effort not to offend those who are uncomfortable with the claims of… Read More