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Q&A 0260 – C.E. and B.C.E.

Posted: June 11, 2006

With certain dates I have come across some interesting abbreviations. What exactly are C.E. and B.C.E.? In an effort not to offend those who are uncomfortable with the claims of… Read More

The Da Vinci Code Power Point Presentation

Posted: June 10, 2006

Click here to download The Da Vinci Code Power Point presentation by Jeff Chacon.  

Fraudulent discoveries

Posted: June 10, 2006

Fraudulent discoveries: http://www.tentmaker.org/WAR/

Q&A 0259 – America and the Ancient Roman Empire

Posted: June 9, 2006

I have heard that western culture, especially America, is paralleling the ancient Roman Empire in many ways, and is on the way to destruction. Do you have any comment on… Read More

Da Vinci Code & Bart Ehrman’s Books

Posted: June 7, 2006

Douglas: Yesterday I was discussing apologetics with Jordan Brown, a brother from Indy who recently graduated from Purdue. During his undergraduate coursework, he took several semesters of Greek and developed… Read More

Q&A 0258 – Who was Caesar?

Posted: June 7, 2006

Who was Caesar? And why was a salad named after him? The original Caesar was Julius Caesar–the great Roman soldier, statesman, dictator, and author of the first century BC. His nephew, Octavian,… Read More

Apologetics: Abortion and Pain

Posted: June 7, 2006

(Used by permission. Does God Exist? March/April 2006, 28) The latest issue in the abortion debate has been on whether babies feel pain when they are aborted. In the August… Read More

Gay Marriage is Eclipse of God – Vatican

Posted: June 7, 2006


Q&A 0257 – Why did Jesus come to earth?

Posted: June 5, 2006

Why did Jesus come to earth? Did he just come to improve our society? Excellent question! Why did he come? What was his mission on this earth? He came to… Read More

Q&A 0256 – Satan’s Bible Study

Posted: June 3, 2006

How did Satan learn the scriptures? We say "even Satan knew the Bible" since he tempted Jesus by misusing the scriptures. How did he learn them to begin with? –… Read More

Q&A 0255 – Was Satan formerly an angel?

Posted: June 2, 2006

Was Satan formerly an angel? I have heard people mention this in passing numerous times, but I can’t find a scripture that directly supports this. If he wasn’t an angel,… Read More

Apologetics: Peter Kreeft

Posted: May 31, 2006

Kreeft is Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, and has done much to advance the cause of apologetics. Sample his wares at www.peterkreeft.com. This article is copyrighted and is for… Read More

Q&A 0254 – What was the size of Jesus’ family?

Posted: May 30, 2006

I am wondering what the size of Jesus’ family was. I know he had brothers. Did he have sisters? According to the New Testament, Jesus came from a family of… Read More

Q&A 0253 – The Qur’an and Jesus

Posted: May 28, 2006

What do Muslims think about Jesus? Does the Koran ever refer to him? The Qur’an (or Koran), which actually mentions Jesus Christ far more than it does Mohammed, teaches the… Read More

Q&A 0252 – What language did Jesus and the apostles speak?

Posted: May 26, 2006

What language did Jesus and the apostles speak? I hear that the New Testament was written in Greek. Was this their native language? Actually, the question should be not “what… Read More

Apologetics: C. S. Lewis

Posted: May 24, 2006

Lewis was, in my view, the greatest apologist for the faith in the 20th century. Learn about this fascinating man’author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, and many other books… Read More

Q&A 0251 – When was Jesus born?

Posted: May 24, 2006

Was Jesus born in the year 0? I guess the BC-AD thing means he was, but I have never read the actual date in the Bible. Also, I am wondering… Read More

Q&A 0250 – The Red Heifer

Posted: May 22, 2006

What did the sacrifice of the Red Heifer in Numbers 19 really mean? Is there some deeper meaning that is eluding me?There are a number of popular and not so… Read More

German Bible Goes Politically Correct

Posted: May 21, 2006


Da Vinci Code

Posted: May 21, 2006

The following link will lead you to even more discussion of the controversial bestseller and now motion picture release: http://www.bible.org/page.asp?page_id=4014

Q&A 0249 – Kingdom of God vs. Kingdom of Heaven

Posted: May 20, 2006

In Matthew 11:11-12 a reference to the kingdom of heaven is made. Several other NT passages refer to the kingdom of God. Is there a distinction between the two? — Joshua Christensen… Read More

Q&A 0248 – Mark 16

Posted: May 18, 2006

I have understood that the passing on of the gifts of the Holy Spirit came through the apostles, but I am hoping you can shed light on the laying on… Read More

Apologetics: Josh McDowell on Evidences

Posted: May 17, 2006

McDowell is one of the best known apologists of modern times. Benefit from his thoughts by clicking on to www.josh.org. This article is copyrighted and is for private use and… Read More

Alexander Campbell on War

Posted: May 17, 2006

To read his views, download AlexanderCampbellonWar.pdf (59 KB).

Q&A 0247 – What does “Jesus Christ” actually mean?

Posted: May 16, 2006

Jesus means salvation. In both Hebrew (Yehoshua) and Greek (Yesous), this same word is also translated Joshua. Christ is from the Greek Christos (anointed one). The first Greek letter of… Read More

Q&A 0246 – Mustard seeds

Posted: May 14, 2006

In Mark 4:31 and Matthew 13:32, Jesus refers to the mustard seed as the smallest of seeds, yet in fact the orchid seed is the smallest seed.  Could it have… Read More

Q&A 0245 – Jesus’ profession

Posted: May 12, 2006

How can we be sure Jesus was a carpenter? Jesus was the eldest son of Joseph, husband of Mary. Joseph was a tekton — a woodworker or master craftsman. (We… Read More

Apologetics: William Paley: A View of the Evidences of Christianity

Posted: May 10, 2006

Paley (1743-1805) was one of the greatest Christian apologists of the 18th century. He is most famous for his analogy of the watch. (If a simple watch could not have… Read More


Posted: May 10, 2006

If you are not familiar with the following resource, click on http://e-sword.net/.

Q&A 0244 – NIV and KJV

Posted: May 10, 2006

I studied the Bible with a friend of mine who reckons that the NIV does not contain the whole word of God, because in some places it is different to… Read More

Intelligent Design, by John Lang

Posted: May 9, 2006

I have had an interest in the topic of “Intelligent Design” (ID) for many years. In the last year, there has been a lot of attention given to the topic… Read More

Q&A 0243 – Biblical Greek and Hebrew

Posted: May 8, 2006

Do you have any book or dictionary recommendations for those of us crazy enough to want to learn Biblical Hebrew and Greek? — Sandi Redus (Austin)The best advice I can… Read More

Q&A 0242 – The Apostle James

Posted: May 6, 2006

I was wondering if you have ever thought about the Apostle James. Jesus spent his most important times with the three — James Peter and John. We know Peter was… Read More

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship, by Jack Reese

Posted: May 5, 2006

Jack Reese of Abilene Christian University wrote the following excellent article. I found it in the Christian Standard, which is the leading publication of the Christian Church. Link

Complete Set of Patristic Writers Online

Posted: May 4, 2006


Q&A 0241 – Eloping

Posted: May 4, 2006

The Bible talks a lot about sexual immorality being a sin. What is your take on an engaged couple studying the Bible, seeing they are living in sin, then eloping… Read More

Q&A 0240 – The problem of suffering

Posted: May 2, 2006

If God is (1) perfectly loving, (2) omnipotent and (3) omniscient, why is evil so prevalent in the world? The free will defense explains “moral evils” such as murder and… Read More

Q&A 0239 – Horoscopes

Posted: April 30, 2006

I would like to ask you about your attitude to horoscopes. Can they ever be useful for knowing a man’s character, and then using this knowledge for better communication, even… Read More

Q&A 0238 – Traffic regulations

Posted: April 28, 2006

The Bible says we are to obey the law of the land — its authorities and their rules (1 Peter 2:13-17, Romans 13:1-7, Titus 3:1). If going against laws instituted… Read More

Q&A 0237 – Interpretation and the Genesis account

Posted: April 26, 2006

I have been reading the book, Is there a God? by John Oakes. I have found this book most interesting, but there is one question that still bothers me referring… Read More

Apologetics: The Real Jesus of History, by Joel Stephen Williams

Posted: April 26, 2006

Material found and used with permission from www.DoesGodExist.org. The Real Jesus of History by Joel Stephen Williams Since many have undertaken to set down an orderly account of the events… Read More

Q&A 0236 – Why don’t children take communion?

Posted: April 24, 2006

This question was prompted by a friend who came to church with me. So, I followed up and read your wonderful article on the Lords Supper. However, a question remains for me. I… Read More

N.T. Wright on The Da Vinci Code

Posted: April 22, 2006

Wright’s response to The Da Vinci code is worth reading. Click here. Many other works by Wright may be found at http://www.ntwrightpage.com/

Q&A 0235 – Chronology in the Gospel accounts

Posted: April 22, 2006

Were two different chronological systems in use here? John 19:13-14a reads, "When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judge’s seat at a place known… Read More

Liftin’ Holy Hands, Shoutin’ and Dancin’ – Anon.

Posted: April 21, 2006

The following is an exploratory study emphasizing select worship practices common in Bible times, yet uncommon in our fellowship. We hope that by expanding our awareness of the heart worship… Read More

Q&A 0234 – Matthew 28 a late addition?

Posted: April 20, 2006

I recently in a book read that there is much criticism among biblical scholars as to the authenticity of the Great Commission passage. It is alleged that Mt 28:18-20 is… Read More

Gender Ideology Harms Children

Posted: April 19, 2006

From the American College of Pediatricians. Read the article by clicking here. For a dissenting view (the other side of the issue) the next link is from Huffington Post’s “Queer… Read More

Q&A 0233 – Polygamy

Posted: April 18, 2006

I was wondering, how is it that polygamy was allowed in the Old Testament and yet is frowned upon in the New Testament? — Marcie Lindow (Tampa) I do not… Read More


Posted: April 17, 2006

The following website will help those unfamiliar with Gnosticism to understand this ancient (and modern) heresy, and to see easily why recent sensationalistic announcements about Gnostic documents barely faze the… Read More

Gospel of Judas

Posted: April 17, 2006

From Paris Murray (Manila, Philippines): For any interested, here’s the full meal deal on the Gospel of Judas thus far. Very fascinating — there’s a lot to learn hear about… Read More

Q&A 0232 – What is the battle of Armageddon?

Posted: April 16, 2006

What exactly is the battle of Armageddon? Is there going to be a literal battle, as Revelation 16 seems to indicate? And how can we prepare for this awful battle… Read More

Q&A 0231 – Should Christians be involved in politics?

Posted: April 14, 2006

What is your opinion on whether is it right for a Christian to be involved in politics? I am wary of politics, perhaps because we lived for ten years in… Read More

Apologetics: Bug-Eating Snapping Plants

Posted: April 12, 2006

Used by permission from John Clayton (Does God Exist?) Most of us have heard of the Venus flytrap. We know it is a plant that eats bugs, and we may… Read More

Q&A 0230 – What about the pagans?

Posted: April 12, 2006

Could you clarify how ancient races outside the Middle East had the opportunity to learn about God? E.g. what about the 40,000+ year-old aboriginal culture of Australia, Pacific islanders or… Read More

Q&A 0229 – Hippocratic Oath

Posted: April 10, 2006

Wasn’t there once a pledge doctors used to have to make about not performing abortions? Yes indeed! Please listen to the words of Hippocrates, the great ancient Greek physician (died… Read More

Q&A 0228 – Dinosaurs

Posted: April 8, 2006

Where are the dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? How would you answer this question and what scriptures convey the truth about the matter? — Athena Gonzalez The fact is nowhere… Read More

Q&A 0227 – Death and Hades

Posted: April 6, 2006

In Revelation 20:13 it says that "death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them." What exactly is meant by the phrase "death and Hades"? I always thought… Read More

Gospel of Judas: the developing story

Posted: April 6, 2006

Lately the media have been making a big deal out of the so-called “Gospel of Judas,” and even National Geographic is getting in on the action. This document, like hundreds… Read More

Apologetics: God Lives Under the Bed (John Clayton)

Posted: April 5, 2006

With thanks to John Clayton (www.DoesGodExist.org), 2006. We, John & Phyllis Clayton, received this as an e-mail from Ann Halford, a friend of ours and of our multiply-handicapped son Tim…. Read More

Q&A 0226 – Anthropomorphisms

Posted: April 4, 2006

Genesis 18:20 reads: “The Lord said, ‘The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they… Read More

Q&A 0225 – Outsiders

Posted: April 2, 2006

In Luke 9, some of the apostles tell Jesus they tried to stop someone who was driving out demons in his name, yet Jesus told them not to stop them,… Read More

Q&A 0224 – Evidences websites

Posted: March 31, 2006

What are some useful websites I can visit on Christian evidences? There are many many useful websites out there. While some are sloppy or claim more than the evidence really… Read More

Apologetics: Hurricane Questions

Posted: March 29, 2006

(By John Clayton, Does God Exist? January/February 2006. Used by permission.) Hurricane QuestionsThe tragedies associated with the hurricanes of 2005 are fresh on Americans’ minds, and we want to express… Read More

War and the Christian, by Glenn Giles

Posted: March 29, 2006

War and the Christian Glenn Giles, March 23, 2006 To read the article (a word document), downloaded by clicking here: article (.doc – 36k).

Q&A 0223 – Literacy in the time of Jesus

Posted: March 29, 2006

Could most people write and read in the first century? Was Jesus teaching the illiterate masses, or were many of them able to read and write? Despite many tightly held… Read More

Q&A 0222 – The Didache

Posted: March 27, 2006

I recently read the Didache, which is described as a handbook for the early Christians. I was curious why it didn’t make the final cut, in terms of being canonized… Read More

Q&A 0221 – The Perfect in 1 Corinthians 13

Posted: March 25, 2006

Is “perfection” in 1 Corinthians 13 referring to the canonization of the New Testament? I have heard that “perfection” is neuter in the Greek, and so cannot refer to Jesus’… Read More

Q&A 0220 – What is a cubit?

Posted: March 23, 2006

What is a cubit? The cubit was a common O.T. measure of length. Although scholars are still discussing its exact length, it seems the common cubit was eighteen inches, or… Read More

Apologetics: Stem Cell Breakthroughs Clarify Issue

Posted: March 22, 2006

(By John Clayton, Does God Exist? January/February 2006. Used by permission.) We have reported consistently in this journal Does God Exist? that the use of embryonic stem cells in stem… Read More

Q&A 0219 – Consumerism and materialism

Posted: March 21, 2006

I am doing a study on the effects of consumerism in our society. Do you have any reading ideas? Indeed I do! I would like to suggest four works in… Read More

Operation World

Posted: March 20, 2006

Excellent resource for international prayer needs:http://www.gmi.org/ow/

Q&A 0218 – Racism

Posted: March 19, 2006

Please advise me on how to study out the subject of prejudice — especially when it may occur in the church. And most importantly, how can I guard my heart… Read More

Q&A 0217—Role of the teacher (criteria)

Posted: March 17, 2006

Douglas, it seems to me that the role of Teacher (didaskalos) isn’t really an office, but a role that some leaders fill (prophets in Acts 13:1, pastors in Ephesians 4:11,… Read More

Apologetics: Exciting new archaeological finds

Posted: March 15, 2006

(By John Clayton, Does God Exist? January/February 2006. Used by permission.) Israeli archaeologist Eilat Mazar believes she has found David’s palace. A seal impression with the name of Jehudi, a… Read More

Q&A 0216 – Good in our natural state?

Posted: March 15, 2006

C.S. Lewis intimated that the only difference between a despot and a factory worker might well be the opportunity to carry out evil. That their hearts, and ours, are all filled… Read More

Q&A 0215 – Sun and Shadow

Posted: March 13, 2006

I was wondering, are the words "sun" in Joshua 10:12-13 and "shadow" in 2 Kings 20:8-11 the same? — Angela (Atlanta) The Hebrew word for sun in Joshua 10 is… Read More

Q&A 0214 – Date of the Exodus

Posted: March 11, 2006

I’ve been doing research on a book on the life of Joseph, and am troubled by trying to pin down the approximate time of the Exodus. I’m thinking from all… Read More

Q&A 0213 – Once Saved, Always Saved

Posted: March 9, 2006

What is your best answer to counter the "Once Saved, Always Saved" argument? The strongest statement I have seen in the Bible to support the idea of eternal security is… Read More

Apologetics: Taking on Dawkins

Posted: March 8, 2006

(By John Clayton, Does God Exist? January/February 2006. Used by permission.) The most vocal academic atheist in the world today is probably Richard Dawkins. He has written several books and… Read More

Measuring What Matters

Posted: March 8, 2006

Read the article from Christianity Today. It is an interesting discussion between the growing gap of what Christians believe and what they practice. Attached is a pdf.

Q&A 0212—What you are about to do, do quickly?

Posted: March 7, 2006

And after Judas took the piece of bread, Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, “What you are about to do, do quickly” (John 13:2, 23-27 NET). Why did Jesus… Read More

Q&A 0211 – Luke 6:38 in the Chinese Bible

Posted: March 5, 2006

I have a question. I read the Chinese Bible. In a morning Quiet Time I came to Luke 6:38, where the word "funnel" is used, whereas "good measure" is used… Read More

Q&A 0210 – The Gospel of Thomas

Posted: March 3, 2006

I understand that Thomas went as far as India, but I am not so sure whether he is the one who wrote The Gospel of Thomas. Should this book be… Read More

Apologetics: A Help in Understanding What God is, by John Clayton

Posted: March 1, 2006

To help the reader comprehend the nature of God, I would like to borrow an analogy from the book Flatland, by Edwin Abbott.1 Abbott was a mathematician and the model… Read More

Q&A 0209 – Islam and Bible purity

Posted: March 1, 2006

I’m a former Muslim, now a disciple of Christ. I recently got into a bit of a theological argument with Muslims, who argued that God does not have a son,… Read More

Building a Basic Bible Study Library, by Joey Harris

Posted: February 28, 2006

Building A Basic Bible Study Library Joey Harris Augusta, Georgia June 22, 2005 The best way to get to understand the Bible is simply to read it and to read… Read More

Church History: 381 AD. Rome’s Official Religion

Posted: February 28, 2006

381 AD. This is the date that Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Earlier in the same (fourth) century, it had become legal, but from this date… Read More

ACU Leadership resource

Posted: February 28, 2006

Click for Abilene Christian University’s ELDERLINK.

Q&A 0208 – Miraculous gifts after the apostles?

Posted: February 27, 2006

I was surprised to read that writers such as Origen, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus reported examples of "miraculous gifts" as late as the second and third centuries. Is this related… Read More

Family Circle: Website – Parent / Youth Understanding

Posted: February 26, 2006

The Center for Parent / Youth Understanding, http://www.cpyu.org.

Family Circle: Book Recommendation – Adolescents

Posted: February 26, 2006

Kevin Huggins, Parenting Adolescents (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1989). Link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0891096973/thefireescapb-20/103-4257296-3363061. One of the best parenting books out there! The thesis is simple: to "change" your teen, change yourself!

Family Circle: Book Recommendation

Posted: February 26, 2006

Highly recommended: What About the Children?, by Lee Boger (Bookshelf, 2005). Lee is a Christian in Kokomo, Indiana. This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only.

Family Circle: Parental Modeling

Posted: February 26, 2006

The following is an excerpted chapter from our book on raising children, Principle-Centered Parenting: Christian Parenting in a Non-Christian World. The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses seat; therefore do… Read More

Family Circle: A Back-to-School Devotional (idea age range: 8-18 years)

Posted: February 26, 2006

In our part of the United States, school resumed on August 8th. In other parts of the country, children will not return until early September. This is a "back-to-school devotional,"… Read More

Family Circle: Website recommendation – Family Fun

Posted: February 26, 2006

This is a good site for families with younger kids. A recent issue discussed crafts, kids’ bedrooms, vacations, and games. Check out the link, www.familyfun.com. This article is copyrighted and… Read More

Family Circle: Quality Family Time

Posted: February 26, 2006

I would like to refer you to the Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet (Family and Consumer Sciences) on Quality Family Time, HYG-5285-95, by Treva Williams. The link is http://www.a-better-child.org/page/875110 This article… Read More

Family Circle: Quality Time Idea

Posted: February 26, 2006

This summer, why not improve family time by getting rid of one of its biggest disrupters and destroyers — television? Far from missing the TV, the Jacobys appreciate the extra… Read More

Family Circle: Book Review – Sex and the Supremacy of Christ

Posted: February 26, 2006

Sexuality is an issue at the heart of the Christian family and God’s plan for a romantic love-relationship between man and woman. In connection with this, John Piper’s book, Sex… Read More

Family Circle: Website – Family Health

Posted: February 26, 2006

For health information for the whole family, from the American Academy of Family Physicians, click on http://familydoctor.org/.

Family Circle: Website – Family Life

Posted: February 26, 2006

This month I am referring readers to helpful family centered websites. The website for this week is http://www.familylife.com/. This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only.

Family Circle: Website – Dobson

Posted: February 26, 2006

While you and I may not agree with everything James Dobson teaches, I believe most of my readers will agree with most of it! His website, the official site of… Read More

Family Circle: Teaching Families to Fight Childhood Obesity

Posted: February 26, 2006

Credit: Healthy Weigh, March 2004, reproduced with permission. According to the American Diabetic Association, childhood obesity is on the rise. Twice as many children are obese today as compared to… Read More

Family Circle: Allowances

Posted: February 26, 2006

Is there any biblical basis for giving a child an "allowance" — a fixed amount of money, typically every week or month? Indeed there is. "Whoever is faithful in a… Read More

Family Circle: Sitting, Listening, Asking

Posted: February 26, 2006

Today’s family lesson is from Luke 2, and was inspired by a sermon I heard this morning. The text of Luke 2:41-52 (NRS) reads: Now every year his parents went… Read More

Family Circle: Working Mothers

Posted: February 26, 2006

“Working mothers.” This common phrase says a lot about our society’s concept of motherhood, doesn’t it? But since when did any mother not work? Motherhood is an enormously difficult –… Read More

Family devotional idea: “Who Am I?”

Posted: February 26, 2006

One of the favorite activities the Jacobys have enjoyed in family devotional time is a guessing game. Although we have several variations on the game, I would like to describe… Read More

The Family Car: Safe Driving Discounts

Posted: February 26, 2006

If you live in a country where you or your teenage children are driving, did you know you can save a bundle off your car insurance? A defensive driving course… Read More

Family Circle: New book by the Jacobys

Posted: February 26, 2006

During the month of April [2005] Vicki and I are writing a book on parenting. This new work will cover principles, not just practicals, and Bible stories, not just personal… Read More

Family Circle: Teenage parenting advice

Posted: February 26, 2006

Q&A 1050 – Teenage parenting adviceI’m a single mother of three teenagers, and have been a faithful and dedicated disciple for 10 years. (My children’s father is not at all involved… Read More

Family Circle: Listening

Posted: February 26, 2006

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. — James 1:19 We want to teach our children… Read More

Family Circle: Love Your Neighbor

Posted: February 26, 2006

Jesus replied: "’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the… Read More

Straight Talk about Kids – Sam Laing

Posted: February 26, 2006

IntroductionSomeone else can take our place in the ministry. No one else can fulfill our responsibilities as a husband, wife or parent.Scriptures like 1 Timothy 3: 4-5 and Titus 1:… Read More

Family Circle: Freeing Our Families

Posted: February 26, 2006

For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, and he failed to restrain them. — 1 Samuel… Read More

Family Circle: Children Learn What They Live

Posted: February 26, 2006

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemnIf a child lives with hostility, he learns to fightIf a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shyIf a… Read More

Train Up a Child: Producing Love in Your Children

Posted: February 26, 2006

‘Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.’ (Proverbs 22:6) LOVE We must teach our children love for… Read More

Family Circle: Recommended reading – Devotionals

Posted: February 26, 2006

Regular family devotionals can make an enormous difference in your family’s spirituality, joy, and relationships. The Bible comes to life, its content becomes fun, practical, and memorable, when parents create… Read More

Family Circle: Recommended reading for marriage and parenting

Posted: February 26, 2006

Today we would like to share with you the "required reading" for the marriage & family element of the Athens Institute of Ministry. Marriage & Parenting: The Minister’s Family Life1…. Read More

Family Circle: Male-Female Communication

Posted: February 26, 2006

CONTRARY to what many women believe, it’s fairly easy to develop a long-term, stable, intimate, and mutually fulfilling relationship with a guy. Of course this guy has to be a… Read More

Family Circle: Kids’ Ideas About Science

Posted: February 26, 2006

Kids’ Ideas About Science From the Boston Globe:The beguiling ideas about science quoted here were gleaned from essays, exams, and class room discussions. Most were from 5th and 6th graders…. Read More

Family Circle: Humor

Posted: February 26, 2006

CAN YOU HEAR ME? An elderly couple were having problems communicating. The husband thought to himself that his wife might be losing her hearing, so while she was knitting in… Read More

Family Circle: Children and Conversion

Posted: February 25, 2006

The following is an excerpt taken from chapter 13 of The Quiver: Christian Parenting in a Non-Christian World. CONVERSIONJesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not… Read More

Family Circle: Children’s Bibles

Posted: February 25, 2006

Children do not read at the same level as adults, and naturally their needs vis-à-vis Bibles are different to ours. Check out the following weblink. http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/cms_sp?sp=58297&p=1008728 This article is copyrighted… Read More

Family Circle: Websites for families with autistic children

Posted: February 25, 2006

Ever since our nephew was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, my wife and I have taken a special interest in special needs children. So many families are affected by having special… Read More

Family Circle: 100 Best Books for Children

Posted: February 25, 2006

Here is a list of one hundred books selected by the National Education Association as great reading for children and young people. To help make these books more useful, we… Read More

Q&A 0207 – Isn’t it wrong to kill people for killing?

Posted: February 25, 2006

This is a complex question though a good one. Many Bible readers point to Genesis 9:6 insisting “See God demands the death penalty here.” Yet while the New Testament recognizes… Read More

Q&A 0206 – Luke 22:15-18

Posted: February 23, 2006

My flat-mate and I were discussing Luke 22:15-18, where Jesus says that he will not "eat it again it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God" or drink again… "until… Read More

Apologetics: A Little Science Quiz by John Clayton

Posted: February 22, 2006

1. If all the blood vessels in your body were laid end to end, how far would they go?(a) 100 yards (b) 10 feet (c) A mile (d) 80 miles… Read More

Q&A 0205 – Baptism

Posted: February 21, 2006

Whilst watching the movie Mary, Mother of Jesus and seeing baptism depicted as sprinkling, I suddenly wondered, Where did baptism come from in the first place? As I understand it,… Read More

Q&A 0204 – Joseph (Mary’s husband)

Posted: February 19, 2006

Is there any biblical indication of what in the world happened to Joseph (Mary’s husband)? Any early church tradition that seems valid? — Geoff I assume you are referring to… Read More

Q&A 0203 – Original Sin

Posted: February 17, 2006

BORN DAMNED? London, 1986 Baseball What would you think of a baseball game (to borrow an American analogy) in which each player already has two strikes against him — before… Read More

Judaism 101

Posted: February 16, 2006


Apologetics: The Mighty Krill, by John Clayton

Posted: February 15, 2006

If you added up the total mass of each of the living animals on our planet, what animal would be the largest in tons? Would your guess be whales, elephants,… Read More

Q&A 0202 – New Testament sources

Posted: February 15, 2006

Does the NT quote from any secular or religious sources? And if so, would this mean that they are somehow inspired? This is a list (possibly incomplete) of pagan sources… Read More

English Versions of the Bible

Posted: February 14, 2006


Q&A 0201 – Old Testament sources

Posted: February 13, 2006

What is and who wrote the book of Jashar (Joshua 10:13, 2 Samuel 1:18)? —  Vicente L. (Washington DC) The book of Jashar is one of the many books cited in… Read More

Q&A 0200 – Authorship of 1 and 2 Timothy

Posted: February 11, 2006

I would like your personal opinion as a Bible scholar about the authorship of 1 and 2 Timothy. I read that many scholars believe the book was written after Paul’s… Read More

Q&A 0199 – Confession of sins

Posted: February 9, 2006

I gather from Romans 10 (and by piecing together instances in Acts) that hearing the message, believing (and audibly confessing) Jesus as Lord, repenting of sins, and being baptized are… Read More

Apologetics: Carbon 14 — Friend or Foe? by John Clayton

Posted: February 8, 2006

One of the tragedies of denominational creationism is that it continues to produce a constant stream of radical creationists who turn science into the enemy and then attack it to… Read More

Q&A 0198 – Martydom of Zechariah

Posted: February 7, 2006

In Matthew 23:35, Jesus mentioned the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, seeming to point to the prophet mentioned in the last book of the Hebrew Bible (Chronicles). But Jesus… Read More

Q&A 0197 – Authorship of Hebrews

Posted: February 5, 2006

Who do you think wrote the book of Hebrews, and why? — Michael Wegge (Los Angeles) No one really knows, Michael. Although the style is Pauline, suggesting that the letter… Read More


Posted: February 3, 2006

AIMING FOR EXCELLENCE: “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failures, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy… Read More

Q&A 0196 – Jesus and the Logos

Posted: February 3, 2006

If Jesus is the Logos, then the Word of God came to earth in the flesh. The Bible is the inspired word of God and speaks his will to us… Read More

How to Deal with Worship interruptions

Posted: February 1, 2006

Wow! I think every evangelist and church leader would benefit from reading this article (from Christianity Today). It’s extremely informative and helpful. http://www.christianitytoday.com/le/2005/004/14.89.html

Q&A 0195 – “The Kenites”

Posted: February 1, 2006

I recently studied with someone who has fallen into the teachings of a man who preaches that Satan impregnated Eve. He also claims Cain was the result of that illicit… Read More

Brothers, We Are Not Professionals

Posted: January 30, 2006

John Piper, Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2002. ISBN 080542620-5. Here is a book to make everyone think, Christian… Read More

Book Recommendation: Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement

Posted: January 30, 2006

Here’s a useful volume on the Stone-Campbell Movement — from which sprang the Churches of Christ, Christian Churches, and Disciples of Christ.  Click here

Q&A 0194 – No moral teachings in John?

Posted: January 30, 2006

In my university Bible class, my professor stated that there were no moral teachings in the book of John–also that the book of John is a reinterpretation of the Gospel,… Read More

Q&A 0193 – Perfect, up-to-date repentance?

Posted: January 28, 2006

I have heard many people imply, “If Jesus were to come back today and you haven’t repented of this sin, we won’t go to heaven.” However, that’s not what I… Read More

Book recommendation: Who Is My Brother?

Posted: January 27, 2006

Please read the excellent book Who Is My Brother?:  Facing a Crisis of Identity and Fellowship, by F. LaGard Smith (Nashville: Cotswold Publishers, 1997), ISBN 0-9660060-0-3. Smith discusses how we… Read More

Q&A 0192 – Another Ten Commandments?

Posted: January 26, 2006

Is it a coincidence that the set of commandments in Exodus 34 happens to number ten, like the better known 10 commandments of Exodus 20? — Steven C. Yacconi Like… Read More

Apologetics: Why I Left Atheism, by John Clayton

Posted: January 25, 2006

Of all the lessons that I present concerning the existence of God and of all the material that I try to make available to people to learn about God’s existence,… Read More

Q&A 0191 – Cremation

Posted: January 24, 2006

What does the bible say about cremation? What is your opinion on it? The Bible does not give any position at all on this subject, and I personally have no… Read More

Q&A 0190 – Scholars and baptism

Posted: January 22, 2006

My father is a denominational minister, and we have disagreed over the meaning of New Testament baptism. In a study Bible, I read the words of a scholar who said… Read More

Q&A 0189 – God and Satan

Posted: January 20, 2006

When I was studying literature at university, I came across writers like Lewis Carroll who, in his book Alice in Wonderland, depicts our life as a chess game between our… Read More

Apologetics: Who Created God?, by John Clayton

Posted: January 18, 2006

It is easy to make an argument for God’s existence from a cosmological standpoint. As the years have gone by, a growing amount of scientific data has accumulated which negates… Read More

Q&A 0188 – Rewards in heaven

Posted: January 18, 2006

I’d like to know if heaven itself is our reward for being Christians, or whether there are other rewards once we are in heaven? — Karen Kuether Certainly heaven is… Read More

Q&A 0187 – The elder

Posted: January 16, 2006

When the Bible describes the qualifications of an elder, we are told he needs to be the “husband of one wife.” Does that mean he can only be married to… Read More

Q&A 0186 – Transubstantiation

Posted: January 14, 2006

Could you shed some light on the Roman Catholic interpretation of the communion? A Catholic friend of mine believes strongly that they eat and drink the actual flesh and blood… Read More

Q&A 0185 – Open communion?

Posted: January 12, 2006

Greetings from Nepal! I am wondering: should we give the bread and wine to the visitors when they are in the meeting? Some people are offended that we allow non-Christians… Read More

Q&A 0184 – The Satanic Verses

Posted: January 10, 2006

Q&A 0184 – The Satanic Verses What are “the Satanic verses”? In a moment of weakness, Muhammad allowed worship to the three daughters of Allah (Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat). He… Read More

Christian Classics

Posted: January 9, 2006

Check out this website: Christian Classics.

Q&A 0183 – Face to face?

Posted: January 8, 2006

Exodus 33:11 says the lord spoke to Moses face to face, yet in 33:20 God says Moses cannot see his face, as no one may see him and live. Isn’t… Read More

Q&A 0182 – Suicide

Posted: January 6, 2006

Did Jesus commit suicide for us? (Why or why not?) Is it really considered suicide to "take a bullet" for someone else? — Vincent Subramaniam (Washington DC) Allowing oneself to… Read More

Apologetics: The Problem of Human Suffering

Posted: January 4, 2006

By John and Phyllis Clayton. Used with permission. And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, "Master,… Read More

Q&A 0181 – Killing and murder

Posted: January 4, 2006

Exodus 20.13 and Deuteronomy 5.17, NRSV, say "You shall not murder," with a footnote mentioning "kill" as a substitute for "murder." Exodus 20.13 and Deuteronomy 5.17, NIV, say "You shall… Read More

Q&A 0180 – Tithing

Posted: January 2, 2006

Is it true that the word "tithe" doesn’t appear even once in the New Testament? I looked but I may have missed it. If it doesn’t, does that mean that… Read More

Q&A 0179 – Soul and spirit

Posted: December 31, 2005

In Hebrews 4:12-13, what is the difference between soul and spirit? Is this human spirit or Holy Spirit? — Julio Carranza What’s the difference between soul and spirit? Hebrews 4:12… Read More

Q&A 0178 – Balaam

Posted: December 29, 2005

I have been studying the book of Jude, and I came across verse 11, which compares the godless men of Jude 4 to Balaam. So, I figured I would find… Read More

Q&A 0177 – Halloween

Posted: December 27, 2005

Para la version de este artículo en español, clique aquí. We do not celebrate Halloween. It used to be my understanding that Satanists view Halloween as a special day. I… Read More

Q&A 0176 – Italicization

Posted: December 25, 2005

A friend of the family asked me a Bible question I couldn’t answer: "Why do so many translations have random words italicized? This is distracting and makes the Bible so… Read More

Q&A 0175 – Gambling

Posted: December 23, 2005

What is the biblical teaching on gambling? (A. Chamber) Well, before I share some thoughts about this topic, let me confess that I myself recently “gambled.” A group of friends… Read More

Q&A 0174 – Tattoos

Posted: December 21, 2005

I would like to ask about tattoos. Leviticus 19:28 seems to argue against them. I realize this passage is in the context of Old Testament law, to which we are… Read More

Q&A 0173 – Smoking

Posted: December 19, 2005

What scriptures would you share with someone who is seriously struggling with smoking cigarettes–someone who knows it’s not good for you but needs to be spiritually convicted? Also, will a… Read More

JOHN 1 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came… Read More

JOHN 1 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

19 This is the testimony given by John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?” 20 He confessed and did not deny… Read More

JOHN 1 – C

Posted: December 18, 2005

29 The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is he… Read More

JOHN 2 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to… Read More

JOHN 2 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

12 After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother, his brothers, and his disciples; and they remained there a few days. 13 The Passover of the Jews was… Read More

JOHN 3 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. 2 He came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are… Read More

JOHN 3 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

22 After this Jesus and his disciples went into the Judean countryside, and he spent some time there with them and baptized. 23 John also was baptizing at Aenon near… Read More

JOHN 4 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 When Jesus knew that the Pharisees heard He was making and baptizing more disciples than John 2 (though Jesus Himself was not baptizing, but His disciples were), 3 He… Read More

JOHN 4 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

43 After two days He left there for Galilee. 44 Jesus Himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country. 45 When they entered Galilee, the Galileans welcomed Him… Read More

JOHN 5 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for a feast of the Jews.  2 Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic… Read More

JOHN 5 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

25 “I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear… Read More

JOHN 6 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias), 2 and a great crowd of people followed… Read More

JOHN 6 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

22 The next day the crowd that had stayed on the opposite shore of the lake realized that only one boat had been there, and that Jesus had not entered… Read More

JOHN 7 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 After this, Jesus traveled in Galilee, since He did not want to travel in Judea because the Jews were trying to kill Him. 2 The Jewish Festival of Tabernacles… Read More

JOHN 7 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

32 The Pharisees heard the crowd muttering these things about Him, so the chief priests and the Pharisees sent temple police to arrest Him. 33 Then Jesus said, “I am… Read More

JOHN 8 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

[53 Then each of them went home, 8:1 while Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came… Read More

JOHN 8 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” 13… Read More

JOHN 8 – C

Posted: December 18, 2005

31 Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; 32 and you will know the truth,… Read More

JOHN 8 – D

Posted: December 18, 2005

46 Which of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? 47 Whoever is from God hears the words of God. The… Read More


Posted: December 18, 2005

1 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”… Read More

JOHN 10 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a… Read More

JOHN 10 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

22 At that time the Feast of Dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was winter, 23 and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the colonnade of Solomon. 24 So… Read More

JOHN 11 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 Now a man was sick, Lazarus, from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. 2 Mary was the one who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and… Read More

JOHN 11 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

28 Having said this, she went back and called her sister Mary, saying in private, “The Teacher is here and is calling for you.” 29 As soon as she heard… Read More

JOHN 11 – C

Posted: December 18, 2005

45 Therefore many of the Jews who came to Mary and saw what He did believed in Him. 46 But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them… Read More

JOHN 12 – A

Posted: December 18, 2005

1 Six days before Passover Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 They gave a dinner for him there, and Martha served,… Read More

JOHN 12 – B

Posted: December 18, 2005

27 “I am troubled now. Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour. 28 Father,… Read More