with Douglas Jacoby
15 January 2025
Good morning! It’s been a good January so far, full of interesting work and good fellowship.
This past weekend I was honored to participate in The Two Kingdoms Virtual Conference, hosted by Otoma Edje of Image Bearers. The conference was both interesting and invaluable, with many important topics addressed. My talk: “The Dangers of Christian Nationalism.” (Register for the conference and you can watch all the talks. Watching them for free may be a possibility in about six months, Otoma tells me.)
I continue to recover from surgery, and am making great progress. The daily exercises and walks make a big difference. In about 6 weeks the other knee will be replaced. “We pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well” (3 John 2)—and that something in today’s bulletin will encourage you.
In today’s issue:
- Israel / Palestine Webinar!
- Pediatric Transgender Surgery?
- Moments (6): nine instances of misguided behavior during my years in Sweden.
- How to win a free tour to Turkey (June 2025)
The history of Palestine is so painfully tangled, maybe you’ve felt overwhelmed trying to understand the issues—or don’t trust the news—and seek an objective perspective. If so, the message of Aziz Abu Sarah offers grace and hope.
Aziz is a peace activist, journalist, and entrepreneur, National Geographic Explorer, TED talk speaker, New York Times columnist, tour leader, and analyst appearing on CNN, Fox News, and Al Jazeera. He has even talked with Pope Francis.
You will not only gain clarity through our webinar, but also enjoy learning from this amazing person. Please sign up—and tell your friends about this great opportunity.
Sat 1 February 2025
11:00am—12:15pm ET
$20—$10 for website members
Click HERE to register.
Used by permission of John Clayton of Does God Exist.
One of the inflammatory issues of our day is the question of children who decide they want to change their gender. A team led by Dr. Hilary Cass, a renowned British pediatrician, recently produced a 388-page report based on four years of research into trans care in Britain. The UK's Sunday Times reported that “Trans activists have bullied politicians and doctors into embracing ‘medicalized child abuse’ and cowed dissenters into silence.” That is a challenge to the same groups in America, but some public school counselors should be added to the group of abusers.
The number of British children referred for transgender drug and surgery treatments rose from 250, primarily boys, in 2012 to 5,000, mostly girls, in 2022. The treatments for “gender dysphoria” have lifetime effects, including a loss of bone health and fertility, making the subjects lifelong patients for medical treatment. The Times points out that the problem is likely more severe than anyone realizes because 6 out of 7 gender treatment centers refuse to give data to researchers. Although this report is from Britain, we suspect the situation is worse in the United States.
Attempting to change God's creation and design of the human reproductive system will cause children a great deal of pain and uncertainty. We suggest that transgender surgery is not the way to help disturbed children find their identity and live meaningful lives.
References: cass.independent-review and The Week, 3 May 2024, p.14.
In this short talk I share 9 instances of misguided, shameful, embarrassing, or lamentable behavior on my part during the years we lived in Sweden. To listen, click HERE (then please scroll down).
Our next educational tour of the biblical world is in Turkey, in June. This is an amazing part of the world, and so faith-building!
Click on the image to the left for full details.
If you’d like to be considered for a free tour of the Seven Churches of Revelation—this is a $1790 value—please write in for the instructions. Just send an email to The process is simple.
Our Sunday evening online communion services have been going on for four years. Previous talks are all recorded and freely available—check out Zoomunion at the homepage.
Click the image to the right for the opening reflection in our Sunday communion series.
We begin at 7pm UK time. The session usually runs 35-40 minutes. All are welcome.
Next week we’ll take a look at an excellent book, hot off the press. It is Sexuality Examined, on LGBTQ+. The author is friend and Bible scholar Jerry Jones (St Louis).
Have a great day!