with Douglas Jacoby
22 January 2025
Good afternoon! Warm greetings from North West England to you all. This week’s offerings include:
- A fabulous new book—important and of great contemporary relevance
- Multiple opportunities to learn and grow: a new podcast, two conferences, a biblical tour, and a webinar
- Appreciation from Nepal and the Kathmandu school several of you have been supporting
Who has not been distressed by events in Israel? The history of Palestine is so painfully tangled, maybe you’ve felt overwhelmed trying to understand the issues—or don’t trust the news, and seek an objective perspective. If so, the message of Aziz Abu Sarah offers us both clarity and hope. SAVE THE DATE! Join the webinar next Saturday!
Aziz is a peace activist, journalist, and entrepreneur, National Geographic Explorer, TED talk speaker, New York Times columnist, and analyst appearing on CNN, Fox News, and Al Jazeera. This is an eye-opening webinar, featuring an amazing presenter. Please sign up—and tell your friends.
Saturday 1 February 2025
$20—$10 for website members
Click HERE to register.
Jerry Jones, formerly head of the Bible Department at Harding University, is a sterling scholar of Scripture.
In his latest release, Sexuality Examined, Dr. Jones makes a strong case for the historic Christian stance on sexuality. He evaluates the affirming case revisionists make for same-sex marriage, committed lesbian relationships, gender fluidity, and more. Jones approaches the topic with fairness, scholarship, and thoroughness. The result: a comprehensive, well-structured, and readable work—truly golden!
Following are my three favorite books on the topic—written by faithful men whom I know personally, and for whom I have the highest respect.
- Jones, Jerry. Sexuality Examined: LGBTQ+ Revisionist Teachings in Light of Scriptural Truth. College Press, 2024.
- Shelly, Rubel. Male and Female He Created Them: A Biblical Review of LGBTQ+ Claims. College Press, 2023.
- Highfield, Ron. The Choice: Should the Church Affirm LGBTQ+ Identities and Ways of Living? Los Angeles, CA: Keledei Press, 2024.
- Along these lines, a short article you may appreciate is “What Is a Man? What Is a Woman," by Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason.
For several years a number of our financial supporters have helped with the needs of the Asha school (Kathmandu, Nepal)—and 100+ children. Providing warm clothes is just one of the ways you have helped. They send their thanks, and showtheir thanks through their smiles. They wanted you to see these photos.
If you’d like to donate to the Asha School through our ministry, total outstanding needs come to $5736. This is for school uniforms, one teacher’s annual salary, furniture, toys, outdoor play equipment, learning materials, washroom adaptations, first aid, and wall decor.
Two other locations in Asia we’ve been helping (with teaching materials) are Bangladesh ($287) and Jordan ($263). CLICK to donate. It’s not a bad idea to shoot me an email ( to indicate which center you’re giving to.
This week we’re highlighting a number of excellent learning opportunities—starting with a new podcast.
UNpolished Church is spearheaded by Jon Sherwood (Asheville, NC). These are “honest conversations about the complexity, frustration, and beauty of church life.” (Nicely put!)
I know Jon to be someone who is thoughtful, courageous, and deeply committed to our Lord. Check out his podcast!
The 2025 Teleios Society Conference will take place 20-22 February on the campus of Abilene Christian University. “Stone-Campbell Heritage” refers to the two foremost 19th-century leaders of the Restoration Movement.
I’m very much looking forward to learning—and the fellowship. Click for info.
The Seven Churches of Revelation
Izmir, Turkey, 7-13 June 2025
This amazing event is a tour of the sites of the churches of Revelation 2-3 combined with a world-class biblical conference. Scholars and ministers will share their wisdom at a level accessible to students and church members alike.
Turkey is truly the land of the Bible—second only to Israel, full of New Testament (and Old Testament) sites. This is a golden opportunity to learn while building your faith.
So far 10 persons have joined our competition for a free tour (see last week’s bulletin). To enter, email For tour details, click on the image to the right.
All messages from the recent Image Bearers online conference, Two Kingdoms, are now available. (My lesson was titled "The Dangers of Christian Nationalism.")
For a mountain of thought-provoking material—six talks, with Otoma Edje emceeing—please click here. If you have already registered, log in with your previous information. If not, purchase the conference first.)
Finally, for those who prefer an audio option, Chase Mackintosh (Atlanta) is providing a summary of the weekly newsletter. It's called "The Weekly Word." This digest—just a few minutes in duration—will normally be ready within a few hours of the posting of the Wednesday newsletter—on Thursday at the latest. Click HERE to subscribe.
Thanks for your interest, trust, prayers, and support.